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So Called Tree Creepers

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Legacy Supporter 3
Aug 30, 2011
It was a long and stormy night,
The so called Tree Creepers were standing on the outskirts of Bastion Keep. Umbra’s fearless leader Lumont, challenged Glacial_Reign, a member of the Tree Creeper faction, to an honorable duel. Glacial_Reign was silent, and did not answer. After waiting for what seemed like hours, XxSamdamanxX, the current leader of the Tree Creeper faction, insisted the duel take place. The location was chosen and the duel was set. By then it was sunrise and the storm had cleared up. Lumont, believing the Tree Creepers would respect the duel, left the Lawful Area, proceeded to the arranged location, and awaited Glacial_Reign’s arrival.

Glacial_Reign arrived, and the duel had begun! Glacial_Reign was quick to make the first move, and rushed towards Lumont. The first blow was his. However, Lumont recovered, and took hold of the situation. As Glacial_Reign moved in for another blow, Lumont stepped to the side, and readied his Divine Stun. Glacial_Reign was not prepared for this swift move, and was taken off guard. Lumont could see the fear in his eyes, and let loose a visible smirk. Glacial_Reign, struck by Lumont's Divine Stun, was left powerless. Lumont struck him grievously, and delivered several powerful blows, one after another. The effects of Lumont's Divine Stun had ended, which left Glacial_Reign relieved. However, he was in grave danger, and was nearing death. This caused Glacial_Reign to panic, and desperately grasped for his health potions. Glacial_Reign gulped down every drop of the potion, and tried to regain his composure. But it was far too late; Lumont clearly had gained the upper hand. Even as Glacial_Reign drank his precious health potion, Lumont was delivering a flurry of powerful blows.

Glacial_Reign and Lumont continued to exchange blow after blow. The fight was lasting longer than Lumont had anticipated, but he could see the fear in Glacial_Reign's eyes. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Glacial_Reign screamed for help! Lumont was taken aback. "Help?! He thought." "You dare try to jeopardize our honorable duel!?" But Glacial_Reign did not care. He was afraid. He valued his life dearly, and could not contain his fear. He continued to cry for help. In no less than 5 seconds later, the horizon was filled with an army. The entire Tree Creeper faction appeared to defend their brethren. At this moment, Lumont realized the true face of the Tree Creepers. They cared not of honor, nor of pride. They merely wished to hold on to their precious, pitiful lives.

Lumont felt as though he should not be surprised, but he was. Deep down, he truly believed the Tree Creepers would grant him an honorable duel. This realization spun Lumont into a mad rage. He was determined to win this duel—now, more than ever. He pushed onwards towards Glacial_Reign, and continued to deliver powerful blows. The Tree Creepers intercepted his attacks however, and begun to assault him. Several attacks and powerful blows were dealt, but Lumont was hardly weakened by his duel with Glacial_Reign. Lumont, was still in good health. Even still, Umbra’s fearless leader found it difficult to deal with so many enemies at once. He could tell his life was nearing its end. It was at this moment that Lumont broke through their line of defense, and was ready to charge Glacial_Reign. But it was fruitless. Glacial_Reign was nowhere to be found. In the few seconds that the Tree Creepers began their assault, Glacial had cowered off, and was nowhere to be seen. Lumont lost all hope of defeating his opponent, but was not through yet! Lumont released his rage upon the Tree Creeper army. He swung wildly and swung hard. Several powerful blows were dealt, and they were dealt to many players, but it was all for naught. Nuclear_Couch, the Tree Creeper’s Ninja, was honing in on Lumont. With stealth and precision, Nuclear_Couch assassinated Umbra’s fearless leader, and ended his life. The duel…had ended.

c12095, the previous leader of the Tree Creepers, would have looked down on this. He was a man with much pride and honor, and would have never let such a thing happen. He left the Tree Creepers because of the large amount of disrespect the members were giving him. Any last bit of Tree Creeper pride went out the window in his departure. The guild is now a shadow of its former glory. No matter how high they cherish the Tree Creeper name, they are not the group they used to be. The Tree Creepers, have fallen.

Glacial_Reign, XxSamdamanxX, NuclearCouch, yoIyo, BlackOhso, FuturizeHandgun, w0nd3rb0y


It was a long and stormy night,
The so called Tree Creepers were standing on the outskirts of Bastion Keep. Umbra’s fearless leader Lumont, challenged Glacial_Reign, a member of the Tree Creeper faction, to an honorable duel. Glacial_Reign was silent, and did not answer. After waiting for what seemed like hours, XxSamdamanxX, the current leader of the Tree Creeper faction, insisted the duel take place. The location was chosen and the duel was set. By then it was sunrise and the storm had cleared up. Lumont, believing the Tree Creepers would respect the duel, left the Lawful Area, proceeded to the arranged location, and awaited Glacial_Reign’s arrival.

Glacial_Reign arrived, and the duel had begun! Glacial_Reign was quick to make the first move, and rushed towards Lumont. The first blow was his. However, Lumont recovered, and took hold of the situation. As Glacial_Reign moved in for another blow, Lumont stepped to the side, and readied his Divine Stun. Glacial_Reign was not prepared for this swift move, and was taken off guard. Lumont could see the fear in his eyes, and let lose a visible smirk. Glacial_Reign, struck by Lumont's Divine Stun, was left powerless. Lumont struck him grievously, and delivered several powerful blows, one after another. The effects of Lumont's Divine Stun had ended, which left Glacial_Reign relieved. However, he was in grave danger, and was nearing death. This caused Glacial_Reign to panic, and desperately grasped for his health potions. Glacial_Reign gulped down every drop of the potion, and tried to regain his composure. But it was far too late; Lumont clearly had gained the upper hand. Even as Glacial_Reign drank his precious health potion, Lumont was delivering a flurry of powerful blows.

Glacial_Reign and Lumont continued to exchange blow after blow. The fight was lasting longer than Lumont had anticipated, but he could see the fear in Glacial_Reign's eyes. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Glacial_Reign screamed for help! Lumont was taken aback. "Help?! He thought." "You dare try to jeopardize our honorable duel!?" But Glacial_Reign did not care. He was afraid. He valued his life dearly, and could not contain his fear. He continued to cry for help. In no less than 5 seconds later, the horizon was filled with an army. The entire Tree Creeper faction appeared to defend their brethren. At this moment, Lumont realized the true face of the Tree Creepers. They cared not of honor, nor of pride. They merely wished to hold on to their precious, pitiful lives.

Lumont felt as though he should not be surprised, but he was. Deep down, he truly believed the Tree Creepers would grant him an honorable duel. This realization spun Lumont into a mad rage. He was determined to win this duel—now, more than ever. He pushed onwards towards Glacial_Reign, and continued to deliver powerful blows. The Tree Creepers intercepted his attacks however, and begun to assault him. Several attacks and powerful blows were dealt, but Lumont was hardly weakened by his duel with Glacial_Reign. Lumont, was still in good health. Even still, Umbra’s fearless leader found it difficult to deal with so many enemies at once. He could tell his life was nearing its end. It was at this moment that Lumont broke through their line of defense, and was ready to charge Glacial_Reign. But it was fruitless. Glacial_Reign was nowhere to be found. In the few seconds that the Tree Creepers began their assault, Glacial had run off, and was nowhere to be seen. Lumont lost all hope of defeating his opponent, but was not through yet! Lumont released his rage upon the Tree Creeper army. He swung wildly and swung hard. Several powerful blows were dealt, and they were dealt to many players, but it was all for naught. Nuclear_Couch, the Tree Creeper’s Ninja, was honing in on Lumont. With stealth and precision, Nuclear_Couch assassinated Umbra’s fearless leader, and ended his life. The duel…had ended.

c12095, the previous leader of the Tree Creepers, would have looked down on this. He was a man with much pride and honor, and would have never let such a thing happen. He left the Tree Creepers because of the large amount of disrespect the members were giving him. Any last bit of Tree Creeper pride went out the window in his departure. The guild is now a shadow of its former glory. No matter how high they cherish the Tree Creeper name, they are not the group they used to be. The Tree Creepers, have fallen.

Glacial_Reign, XxSamdamanxX, NuclearCouch, yoIyo, BlackOhso, FuturizeHandgun, w0nd3rb0y

The Tree Creepers went inactive long ago, but I wouldn't say they ever fell. We're still champions, and it's up to the rest of the server, to actually prevent it from happening again. We'll gladly carry our old name, even without the old members, just like c12095 did.
Also you forgot to put a tl;dr- got cheated in a 1v1, announce that the other group has fallen.


Legacy Supporter 3
Aug 30, 2011
The Tree Creepers went inactive long ago, but I wouldn't say they ever fell. We're still champions, and it's up to the rest of the server, to actually prevent it from happening again. We'll gladly carry our old name, even without the old members, just like c12095 did.
Also you forgot to put a tl;dr- got cheated in a 1v1, announce that the other group has fallen.

"The Tree Creepers, have fallen." is figurative not literal. The true meaning of the name Tree Creeper has died.


Holy Shit!
Nov 6, 2011
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Kwong. Kwong liked pvp. Pvp liked Kwong. Kwong then became friends with pvp. After that, he was good at pvp. The end.


Staff member
Community Manager
Dec 14, 2011
OMG, I'm gonna cry. This is the best peice I have ever raid in my life. Even included me. :cool:.


Pulitzer prize awarded to Lumont



Legacy Supporter 5
May 4, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
The Umbronian's seem to have forgotten their history. Let's remind them. Long ago, there was a small town that went by the name Umbra. It was discovered by a great wizard! macura. He called upon the help of a Honorable Samurai, le w0nd3r. le w0nd3r and macura traveled to the small town of Umbra, and waited for its citizen to "attempt" to defend themselves. It was a sad and pathetic show of poor skill from the Umbro's, and all were executed by the 2 man TC team. So Umbra went into panic mode. How would they ever defeat the TC?? Traps!!! We shall compare our skill with a number of traps, while they hide behind an Iron door, crying out for mercy. After the shear destruction of Umbra, the rest of the TC decided they wanted the taste of blood. So, all rose to the occasion. Dreary, HJ, Pap, c12, macura, pernix, shizz, jbird, w0nd3r, burk, kwong, and many others frequented the Umbra territory, killing the townies at every opportunity. However, the great heros of TC were called away for even more greatness, and left Bastion for more glory. Then name of that fearless group remains, however, not the same power. The Umbros finally grew a pair, and began to fight, and thought that they had become as strong as the TC, yet fail to remember the days of true greatness. Though, they may think they have beaten us, they are from for the powerhouse TC was. One day, the heroes may return to cut the throats of the Umbros once again. Only time will tell. Fear not, for we are TC. TC OR DIE!!!


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 23, 2012
The Tree Creepers went inactive long ago, but I wouldn't say they ever fell. We're still champions, and it's up to the rest of the server, to actually prevent it from happening again. We'll gladly carry our old name, even without the old members, just like c12095 did.
Also you forgot to put a tl;dr- got cheated in a 1v1, announce that the other group has fallen.
Tc still owns the server


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 28, 2012
The Umbronian's seem to have forgotten their history. Let's remind them. Long ago, there was a small town that went by the name Umbra. It was discovered by a great wizard! macura. He called upon the help of a Honorable Samurai, le w0nd3r. le w0nd3r and macura traveled to the small town of Umbra, and waited for its citizen to "attempt" to defend themselves. It was a sad and pathetic show of poor skill from the Umbro's, and all were executed by the 2 man TC team. So Umbra went into panic mode. How would they ever defeat the TC?? Traps!!! We shall compare our skill with a number of traps, while they hide behind an Iron door, crying out for mercy. After the shear destruction of Umbra, the rest of the TC decided they wanted the taste of blood. So, all rose to the occasion. Dreary, HJ, Pap, c12, macura, pernix, shizz, jbird, w0nd3r, burk, kwong, and many others frequented the Umbra territory, killing the townies at every opportunity. However, the great heros of TC were called away for even more greatness, and left Bastion for more glory. Then name of that fearless group remains, however, not the same power. The Umbros finally grew a pair, and began to fight, and thought that they had become as strong as the TC, yet fail to remember the days of true greatness. Though, they may think they have beaten us, they are from for the powerhouse TC was. One day, the heroes may return to cut the throats of the Umbros once again. Only time will tell. Fear not, for we are TC. TC OR DIE!!!

and then the great wizard macura decided to get good and join the umbros.


It was a long and stormy night,
The so called Tree Creepers were standing on the outskirts of Bastion Keep. Umbra’s fearless leader Lumont, challenged Glacial_Reign, a member of the Tree Creeper faction, to an honorable duel. Glacial_Reign was silent, and did not answer. After waiting for what seemed like hours, XxSamdamanxX, the current leader of the Tree Creeper faction, insisted the duel take place. The location was chosen and the duel was set. By then it was sunrise and the storm had cleared up. Lumont, believing the Tree Creepers would respect the duel, left the Lawful Area, proceeded to the arranged location, and awaited Glacial_Reign’s arrival.

Glacial_Reign arrived, and the duel had begun! Glacial_Reign was quick to make the first move, and rushed towards Lumont. The first blow was his. However, Lumont recovered, and took hold of the situation. As Glacial_Reign moved in for another blow, Lumont stepped to the side, and readied his Divine Stun. Glacial_Reign was not prepared for this swift move, and was taken off guard. Lumont could see the fear in his eyes, and let loose a visible smirk. Glacial_Reign, struck by Lumont's Divine Stun, was left powerless. Lumont struck him grievously, and delivered several powerful blows, one after another. The effects of Lumont's Divine Stun had ended, which left Glacial_Reign relieved. However, he was in grave danger, and was nearing death. This caused Glacial_Reign to panic, and desperately grasped for his health potions. Glacial_Reign gulped down every drop of the potion, and tried to regain his composure. But it was far too late; Lumont clearly had gained the upper hand. Even as Glacial_Reign drank his precious health potion, Lumont was delivering a flurry of powerful blows.

Glacial_Reign and Lumont continued to exchange blow after blow. The fight was lasting longer than Lumont had anticipated, but he could see the fear in Glacial_Reign's eyes. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Glacial_Reign screamed for help! Lumont was taken aback. "Help?! He thought." "You dare try to jeopardize our honorable duel!?" But Glacial_Reign did not care. He was afraid. He valued his life dearly, and could not contain his fear. He continued to cry for help. In no less than 5 seconds later, the horizon was filled with an army. The entire Tree Creeper faction appeared to defend their brethren. At this moment, Lumont realized the true face of the Tree Creepers. They cared not of honor, nor of pride. They merely wished to hold on to their precious, pitiful lives.

Lumont felt as though he should not be surprised, but he was. Deep down, he truly believed the Tree Creepers would grant him an honorable duel. This realization spun Lumont into a mad rage. He was determined to win this duel—now, more than ever. He pushed onwards towards Glacial_Reign, and continued to deliver powerful blows. The Tree Creepers intercepted his attacks however, and begun to assault him. Several attacks and powerful blows were dealt, but Lumont was hardly weakened by his duel with Glacial_Reign. Lumont, was still in good health. Even still, Umbra’s fearless leader found it difficult to deal with so many enemies at once. He could tell his life was nearing its end. It was at this moment that Lumont broke through their line of defense, and was ready to charge Glacial_Reign. But it was fruitless. Glacial_Reign was nowhere to be found. In the few seconds that the Tree Creepers began their assault, Glacial had run off, and was nowhere to be seen. Lumont lost all hope of defeating his opponent, but was not through yet! Lumont released his rage upon the Tree Creeper army. He swung wildly and swung hard. Several powerful blows were dealt, and they were dealt to many players, but it was all for naught. Nuclear_Couch, the Tree Creeper’s Ninja, was honing in on Lumont. With stealth and precision, Nuclear_Couch assassinated Umbra’s fearless leader, and ended his life. The duel…had ended.

c12095, the previous leader of the Tree Creepers, would have looked down on this. He was a man with much pride and honor, and would have never let such a thing happen. He left the Tree Creepers because of the large amount of disrespect the members were giving him. Any last bit of Tree Creeper pride went out the window in his departure. The guild is now a shadow of its former glory. No matter how high they cherish the Tree Creeper name, they are not the group they used to be. The Tree Creepers, have fallen.

Glacial_Reign, XxSamdamanxX, NuclearCouch, yoIyo, BlackOhso, FuturizeHandgun, w0nd3rb0y

I need not say more than 18v1. newerth + umbra. underground. noob.


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
The Umbronian's seem to have forgotten their history. Let's remind them. Long ago, there was a small town that went by the name Umbra. It was discovered by a great wizard! macura. He called upon the help of a Honorable Samurai, le w0nd3r. le w0nd3r and macura traveled to the small town of Umbra, and waited for its citizen to "attempt" to defend themselves. It was a sad and pathetic show of poor skill from the Umbro's, and all were executed by the 2 man TC team. So Umbra went into panic mode. How would they ever defeat the TC?? Traps!!! We shall compare our skill with a number of traps, while they hide behind an Iron door, crying out for mercy. After the shear destruction of Umbra, the rest of the TC decided they wanted the taste of blood. So, all rose to the occasion. Dreary, HJ, Pap, c12, macura, pernix, shizz, jbird, w0nd3r, burk, kwong, and many others frequented the Umbra territory, killing the townies at every opportunity. However, the great heros of TC were called away for even more greatness, and left Bastion for more glory. Then name of that fearless group remains, however, not the same power. The Umbros finally grew a pair, and began to fight, and thought that they had become as strong as the TC, yet fail to remember the days of true greatness. Though, they may think they have beaten us, they are from for the powerhouse TC was. One day, the heroes may return to cut the throats of the Umbros once again. Only time will tell. Fear not, for we are TC. TC OR DIE!!!
I think you mean Mancura and Wonderbread. *nod*


is alex claiming that he won an 1v18? if so, your delusion might be worse than i thought

no it means /skill port spawn and laugh at how bad you guys are. I can't believe I got passed you guys on that port. lol.
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