Yes, that is the server I got on banned for x-raying, I still regret it to this day...
And no I was never banned on safehaven, I actually was a moderator on there.
The conversation was actually about kitpvp servers, (With instant soup.) and I was playing on a kitpvp server were I was getting horrible lag spikes nearly every minute and I'd always lag behind 1-2 seconds, it was just unplayable for me, and that was because it's hosted US and I'm from EU, but it was the only proper kitpvp server I knew. (Good map and no unfair kits.)
And that server has an auto-ban system that bans you for 30 minutes if it notices ''suspicious behavior''.
And as I was lagging really hard I would just appear to the system to be moving from one to another place really quickly than standing still and and than moving really quickly again.
I hope this explains enough, if not feel free to ask a few more question that could clear up the situation
Sincerely, Sneakydevilll.