so my idea is this:
merchants have sell signs, why not give smiths the ability to make repair signs? they put a chest nearby (like chestshop, 1 block) that have the supplies needed to repair, and on the sign, they have the following format, or something similiar.
merchants have sell signs, why not give smiths the ability to make repair signs? they put a chest nearby (like chestshop, 1 block) that have the supplies needed to repair, and on the sign, they have the following format, or something similiar.
[type of repair, ie diamond, iron]
[price per material used, ie chestplates take 5 materials, so 5x the price.]
[smith's level, disenchant chance]
also, if possible, could enchanter have something similiar? like, they put EXP in a chest next to a sign, and on the sign it has a chestshop sign? like the following format:
[enchant/enchant level]
[amount of available exp in chest (for the enchanters quicklook reference)]