I think players shouldn't ever drop coins on death, if you want that, make it part of like a wager for arenas or something. I think with keepinventory on as a gamerule that does a lot more than is neccessary. I think EXP loss should be tied only to PVE deaths, sure, but also, I think the economy needed more gold sinks, so losing money on death could be a thing, but it needs to have a cap, I personally held over 250,000 coins for my kingdom when I played, if I died and lost half of that.. yeah no good. For normal players it's fine, but you need a more advanced thought/math process behind that, something that caps out at some reasonable average of player wealth. Deathchest was more or less a PVP mechanic where if you killed someone you could guard it and get their stuff eventually when it pops (could've had a lot on it, but it could be just cobble as well), but also caused it's own set of problems (Example; people placing 4 layer thick obsidian around ur deathchest, or dropping a personal region on it, dying in a region where it can't be accessed intentionally, etc. -- things that require extra moderation to prevent abuse and aren't inherent rules of the system itself, thus requiring a better system (IMO)), I could see it being removed entirely in favor of a different mechanic -- such as only dropping your inventory and not your equipment or action bars, but then this would limit you to your action bar, armor,& offhand, which isn't bad, but doesn't account for backpacks, using custom items for skills, etc. (things with no value taking up those 'precious' slots). That said, this would give Macromod users an even better advantage since they would bind command inputs directly instead of wasting their 1 through 0 keys on skill slots. I do love the idea for building competitions.