Me (Lach87) and Setitbaby were unexpectedly banned for as far as i can tell no reason at all. Serratt told Setitbaby that he was x-raying, greifing, and had multiple accounts. I find this extremely hard to beleive since i was with Setit on the server most of the time. You may think we were greifing cause we found a house/castle with good stuff in it. and maybe you thought he was x raying because we just happened to look for chests in obvious spots. 1st off, house is going in to a wilderness house thats unprotected greifing? I even read somewhere that it says that chests that are not covered and do not have LWC's you are free to take whatever is in them. And those chests that were in the cobble placed staircases? how is that not an obvious spot for secret chests, i mean its cobble so you can tell that someone placed it so its obvious that someone would put something there. and the multiple accounts, i do not have another account and i would love for you to show me the information you have that would lead you to such a conclusion. Setit, on the otherhand, does have an alternate acount and its name is guess_again, not whatever else you think that he was on. If there is anyway possible for someone to some how show us the information that got us banned it would be much appreciated. Any replies from any adminstrators would be nice.