Hey there
I remember Light's Hope mostly when i think of you, how we grew the place with Darroes and Farroes, for me thats where it all started, just me and
Darroes in the small town of Light's hope, 10, 11 citizens or so

I got recruited by Darroes himself and he got me into the town where i got settled,
i remember my first two houses, I wish i had some screenshots right now :/
I myself started recruiting some people with Darroes, I gave some of my coins for the town to upgrade so did many others and it kept moving, you came in the wave of recruitment if i remember correctly.
We ended up a capital, i remember how big the city was, it was still being filled in when the map switch occured...
I didnt quite enjoy zeal as much because it had more then its fair share of drama,
even though we had quite a big success when it came to making towns.
It was still enjoyable in some aspects.
The alliance with ARC was fun as it helped us meet new people like
Acherous zachimon and others

from the time of Sanctum to the end of Zeal it was quite a journey for us, i am also on the downside of MC atm but i enjoyed it and it gave me some memories i can enjoy

Best Game Evar!!!
You've always been some1 i can call a friend in here

Goodbye Random :'-)