So, I started just roaming around and ran into a few "places". While I found a few before this, here is the first room I entered:¤t=2012-01-16_132037.png¤t=2012-01-16_132053.png
So, onto the other secret rooms. (The ones I didn't enter when I found because the entrance looked like death!)
This one was filled with Mobs. I almost died but I won in the end and got .. No reward. <.<¤t=2012-01-16_114402.png
Next was actually fun to find. After a fall to what I thought would be my death... I ended up in here¤t=2012-01-16_115857.png
After some exploring in that room, I found the way to this little room¤t=2012-01-16_121715.png
From there, I died in that room. But, I wanted to know what was in there! So, I went back down there prepared and made it too¤t=2012-01-16_120648.png
In that room, I explored as much as I could and found my way into this final room:¤t=2012-01-16_121154.png¤t=2012-01-16_121149.png
From there, I didn't find anything. Maybe someone already found these places and took the loot or something. Either way, it was still fun to find them. Good luck! (If you attempt to find them).
There is another area I've been poking around. I can't quite figure it out.¤t=2012-01-16_132037.png¤t=2012-01-16_132053.png
So, onto the other secret rooms. (The ones I didn't enter when I found because the entrance looked like death!)
This one was filled with Mobs. I almost died but I won in the end and got .. No reward. <.<¤t=2012-01-16_114402.png
Next was actually fun to find. After a fall to what I thought would be my death... I ended up in here¤t=2012-01-16_115857.png
After some exploring in that room, I found the way to this little room¤t=2012-01-16_121715.png
From there, I died in that room. But, I wanted to know what was in there! So, I went back down there prepared and made it too¤t=2012-01-16_120648.png
In that room, I explored as much as I could and found my way into this final room:¤t=2012-01-16_121154.png¤t=2012-01-16_121149.png
From there, I didn't find anything. Maybe someone already found these places and took the loot or something. Either way, it was still fun to find them. Good luck! (If you attempt to find them).
There is another area I've been poking around. I can't quite figure it out.