How can you compare one, with jump!?!?! I mean warriors use stam spam jump for three times you can't run, in a fight if you misuse your skills as a warrior you will lose because your stam will drop and you will be practically standing still and all open. Ninja's don't need a buff, 1. huge dps, 2. lots of instant damage skills. Wond3rboy you have posted so many suggestions about buffing ninja's it is getting old they aren't getting buffed ._.Lol so jump is also broken, you can't spam one btw, no range change, and I also PvP so what are you insinuating? That you play a warrior class that kills most classes considering it has jump. But when buffing ninja comes up so they could beat warriors it already OP. Gg
P.S. isn't this about Samurais?