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Role-playing session one


Mar 16, 2011
Hello all, and i will start a role playing session. feel free to join any-time in the lobby.

Rules: 1. Stay in character
2. Discussion about characters should be made in the lobby.
3. Do not troll.
4. Anyone can join in/out but they have to be introduced in a sensible way.
I Shall Begin:
Setting: A bar outside of Zine city.
Resident: Me as the local Barman

Ah..Tis a quiet evening so far, Haven't seen a creeper so far and I.., "Door Opens".


Feb 22, 2011
The wooden floor cracks, as the large man steps in. His boots covered in dirt, clay and other minerals suggest hes been mining. The wet running off his leather coat must mean the rain hasn't let up yet. A pale feller he is, but you wouldn't be able to tell that with looking at his face, which is covered in soot. His dark overgrown beard is where the truth lies..beneath it glows of skin that hasn't seen the sun in many months.

He looks up with a grin and opens his chapped lips, "What do ya got?"


Mar 16, 2011
The Bartender looked at his Clothes and said
"Look mate, I dont run a charity here so you can go back to wherever ye belong cause i know that ye cant afford it anyway"
The room grew quiet as if the bartender had offended the God-Creator.


Feb 22, 2011
The miner reaches for something beneath his coat, a ray of light hits something, it shines through the whole room with fright. As he begins to pull it from the scabbard, painted with diamond figures as if telling an entire story, crowned with gold to the very tip. The wooden door was lashed against the wall, a young girls flung herself to the ground.

While weeping, and gasping for her breath she manages to mutter something, "skoltim"

The bartender looks at her and begins to approach her, "What was that...just take a second dear and catch your breath."

She looked up with death trembling in her eyes, fear in her voice with a scream, "No!"
Jan 13, 2011
The strangers took a lengthy breath through clenched teeth, a slight hissing being the only audible sound in the bar. Even the rowdy bandits who were seated in a darker corner of the bar had quieted down to see the man's reaction. He moved towards the bar, his tattered leather boots scraping along the wooden floor with every laboured step. He finally reached the bar and slowly lowered himself down on the stool, eyes ever fixed on the barman who was only now starting to worry.

"Now I'm goin' to pretend that I didn' hear that," the man said in a rough voice, "I'm in a fairly good mood tonight. Got reason to celebrate in fact. So I'm just going to let you start over. and this time, think before you speak."

FFS, beat me to it.


Mar 16, 2011
beingben said:
The miner reaches for something beneath his coat, a ray of light hits something, it shines through the whole room with fright. As he begins to pull it from the scabbard, painted with diamond figures as if telling an entire story, crowned with gold to the very tip. The wooden door was lashed against the wall, a young girls flung herself to the ground.

While weeping, and gasping for her breath she manages to mutter something, "skoltim"

The bartender looks at her and begins to approach her, "What was that...just take a second dear and catch your breath."

She looked up with death trembling in her eyes, fear in her voice with a scream, "No!"

The Bartender quickly the realizes that this was something un-common.
He then Threathened the stranger to release the young girl free from his "Herecy" .


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 13, 2011
A black robed figure pushed a door open from outside, the rain dripping from him. His hood pulled far over his head cast deep shadows hiding his face from view. He looked at the scene, the crazed miner advancing on a girl with sword in hand and the barman working his way to them with menace in his gaze.

He decides the best path to be to the bar avoiding the potential fight. As he enters the room, the gold trimmings of his robe glisten from the pale fireplace light.


Mar 16, 2011
The Barman then soon after he releases the young barmaid from the miner offered a bargain to the dirt covered man.

The bargain is that to the miners' surprise is that they had to Drink a foul concotion of a mixture between eggs,sheep bladder, and brewed hops until they drop.


Mar 16, 2011
Both the miner and the barman then drank until one of them drops but they are relentless drinkers. The miner replied to the barmans' drunk foul sentence with a slap on the face with a piece of bread.

Then they.....