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[RoL] [Hamlet] Atlantis -Currently Recruiting-


Nov 26, 2012
What is your IGN? ajaj895
Age? 15
Timezone? Central Standard Time
Previous towns and or bans from any server? One previous town, I was kicked from the town for switching classes
Class and Profession levels? lost soul 4 crafter 4
What do you excel at? Helping and building (Im not the best or the worst fighter)
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc) parkour
What do you expect from Atlantis? A place to live and be protected
What should Atlantis expect from you? A good citizen, helpful, active and obeying
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? Well, I am very trustworthy, And will become a paladin (eventually)
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis? Yes
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them) no
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft? yes, I will


Legacy Supporter 6
May 24, 2012
What is your IGN? ajaj895
Age? 15
Timezone? Central Standard Time
Previous towns and or bans from any server? One previous town, I was kicked from the town for switching classes
Class and Profession levels? lost soul 4 crafter 4
What do you excel at? Helping and building (Im not the best or the worst fighter)
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc) parkour
What do you expect from Atlantis? A place to live and be protected
What should Atlantis expect from you? A good citizen, helpful, active and obeying
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? Well, I am very trustworthy, And will become a paladin (eventually)
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis? Yes
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them) no
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft? yes, I will
Not a lot of activity going on in Atlantis ATM. Better for you to find another town me thinks


Oct 14, 2012
What is your IGN? devonw18
Age? 16
Timezone? eastern
Previous towns and or bans from any server? maybe a server but i've changed it was for greifing a greifed house
Class and Profession levels?lost soul and crafter levels lik 15 range
What do you excel at? mining
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc)building
What do you expect from Atlantis?a safe place where ic an contribute to a scociety
What should Atlantis expect from you? willingness to be proffessions that are most benifiecail to the town
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? not much except/ i can follow orders well
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis?yes
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them)
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft?yes


Jun 3, 2014
--Redacted-- I just found a town in-game. If you want to delete this, please do so.
Last edited:


May 11, 2014
What is your IGN? cbop1012
Age? 13
Timezone? MTZ
Previous towns and or bans from any server? none
Class and Profession levels? lost soul level 16 crafter level 20 I am planning to be an alchemist and a blood mage
What do you excel at? Building
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc) Pvp but I would love to get better at it
What do you expect from Atlantis? A nice town to enjoy and conquer this great server with.
What should Atlantis expect from you? A good personality and willingness to work and have fun.
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? I'm active am leveling up daily. I can do whatever the guild needs weather its gathering resources, clearing space or pvping.
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis? Yes
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them) No
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft? Of course.