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[RoL] [Hamlet] Atlantis -Currently Recruiting-


Feb 23, 2013
What is your IGN?:Gerbious
Previous towns and or bans from any server?:None
Class and Profession levels?:Lost soul level 8/craft level 11
What do you excel at?:Gathering resources and surviving and mining.
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc):Building design.
What do you expect from Atlantis?:A friendly community that works together and fights together.
What should Atlantis expect from you?:A friendly helpful person ready to help anyway i can.
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider?I am good at gathering resources and scouting.
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis?:Yes I plan on being helpful and active!:D
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them):none.
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft?:Yes.


Jun 11, 2012
What is your IGN? grimcen
Age? 20
Timezone? Eastern
Previous towns and or bans from any server? i was in a town before the wipe on oct 4th, But i forget the name, i stopped playing when
i heard they were going to wipe and began again afterwards. Never been banned from anything.

Class and Profession levels? so far im level 19 farmer and 13 lost soul
What do you excel at? i like building, But love competitive pvp. I'm fairly good at both.
What is your weakest skill? sense of direction is terrble but i use the HC mod now so thats no longer an issue hah.
What do you expect from Atlantis? I'm actually looking for a place for my brother and i along with two friends to play (husband and wife),
And have a safe place to hide our stuff and quit being raided by higher level people all the time.

What should Atlantis expect from you? Solid member who is willing to help with whatever is asked of me.
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? I'm a team player as well as a leader, i've been a leader of a few guilds
on other games such as Star wars galaxies, Swtor, Rift. Iv'e also have been playing MC since 1.2.5 and started playing online shortly after.

Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis? Yes
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them) no i just found your thread on the forums and like the name and theme.
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft? Always!


Sep 10, 2012
What is your IGN? onyxwaffle
Age? 18
Timezone? EST
Previous towns and or bans from any server? I used to play on this server. I can't remember what town i was in though. I have been banned from team9000's server due to some miscommunications, but that was years ago too. I am however a former staff member of the Gazamo server A'thery's ascended.
Class and Profession levels? I am a lost soul lvl 1 and a crafter lvl 1
What do you excel at? I am a great designer, I like to work on small details in big projects. I am decent at redstone wiring as well.
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc) Fighting. I'm a lover, not a fighter.
What do you expect from Atlantis? I expect atlantis to be my home. When I one day leave this server I want to remember all of the great time i've spent in atlantis. I hope it is hospitable and it will keep my imagination satisfied.
What should Atlantis expect from you? Atlantis should expect a lot of new detailed designs and renovations.
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? although I am just a newb coming back from over a years break, I know my way around the building spectrum. If atlantis is looking for a great builder/designer and a decent redstoner then they've found one.
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis? I will try to be as active as i can. I have a personal life that is in a pretty sticky spot right now, and my work life pretty much sucks too, but I will try to spend the remaining parts of my day right here :p
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them) Nah, I was just browsing the towns
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft? Of course :p


Apr 29, 2013
What is your IGN? klop552
Previous towns and or bans from any server? none
Class and Profession levels? 3 and one i have just restarted
What do you excel at? at the moment ? dying
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc) fighting atm
What do you expect from Atlantis? respect and an active commuity
What should Atlantis expect from you? repect humor and helpfulness
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? i am not an idiot who brakes rules hacks etc and i have strong values.
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis? yes
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them)reec0n
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft? yes


Sep 28, 2011
@wailingrl That name is so familiar.... Oh yes I remember now believe I was stalking you on the creative server waiting for map reset.
Apr 25, 2013
What is your IGN? Poppypower09
Age? 14
Timezone? EST
Previous towns and or bans from any server? Not Really
Class and Profession levels? 19 LS and 10 Crafter
What do you excel at? Building
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc) I could still use a bit of pvp training.
What do you expect from Atlantis? A place that I can call home and be a part of an awesome community.
What should Atlantis expect from you? A helpful, active member who is always ready to help.
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? I can help whenever it is needed and can be an active member. I am a hard worker.
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis? Yes
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them) Nope
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft? Yes
What is your IGN? Bobby848
Age? 19
Timezone? EST
Previous towns and or bans from any server? One back in Bastion but i do not remember which one.
Class and Profession levels? I'm planning on Berserker or Pyromancer.
What do you excel at? Fighting/training, mining, adventuring, (stealing if needed).
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc) I'm okay at building, and i'm bad at parkour.
What do you expect from Atlantis? A friendly community that might help me with my weaknesses.
What should Atlantis expect from you? Someone who would treat them the same way they would treat themselves.
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? I am a friendly and social person. I will help those who need it.
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis? Yes, I go on weekends for 1 hour each day and about 20 minutes on weekdays.
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them) None.
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft? Yup.
Oct 30, 2013
What is your IGN?: ninjabladeJr
Age? 18
Timezone? Mountain Time
Previous towns and or bans from any server? No previous towns was banned once because one of the mods thought I was greifing his home when in fact my nether portal connected to theirs, happened 2 days ago and I have posted a repeal, but truthfully no longer care If the mods there are willing to ban even after I tried to explain what happened then I'm fine finding a new, fun, server such as this one.
Class and Profession levels? 6 lost soul and 8 crafter but now that it is the weekend (for me at lest, I love collage) that is likely to go up.
What do you excel at? Well, I am good at building redstone devices and doing tasks that most people don't have the patience for. I mostly like crafting traps but also know how to make BUD switches and all forms of and/or switch.
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc): I can not make potions or design the best looking buildings because; A) I rarely use potions. B) I usually live in hidden bases.
What do you expect from Atlantis? Just a place to live safely and people to help me out when my craft can't do something. Not for free of course.
What should Atlantis expect from you? I tend to try and be as helpful as possible and like to make gifts for people that treat me well. The gifts tend to be things that the person is likely to want but not have and being helpful includes gathering resources or creating devices for people or the town.
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? Truthfully, as I am new, I am probably not the best of choices but I always try to be as considerate as possible, and I also tend to be very active.
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis? Yes, as I believe I have said :).
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them): No, as I have only been on this server for a short while
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft?: Yes I will, and I am curious how the mining permits work. I understand why you have them but would like to know how you decide to give them out.

As a side note, my plan for when I am higher level is to become a ranger and an engineer, but you probably could have guessed the engineer part.
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Nov 2, 2013
What is your ign;awsomelegoninja age :13timezone northwest lass proffesiolevel crafter 9 lost soul 11no previous towns or bandits excel at building my weakest skill is probably really big builds with lotta of designs I expect from Atlantis a nice comunityatlantis should expect a miner and a builder what Atlantis should consider me for is making somereally good builds and being helpful I will be active for like every weekend for like all day on weekends I was not referred to someone do I agree to the rules yea


Nov 7, 2013
What is your IGN? irmegan
Age? 15
Timezone? Eastern Standard (East Coast of USA)
Previous towns and or bans from any server? Been banned before because of misunderstandings with mods and admins on other servers.
Class and Profession levels? Lost Soul level 2 Crafter level 11
What do you excel at? Resource gathering and pvp
What is your weakest skill?(Building design/Fighting/Temper/etc/etc) I don't really know, I guess building design?
What do you expect from Atlantis? A good town with friendly citizens and citizens that contribute to the town.
What should Atlantis expect from you? A friendly person who is willing to contribute resources to the town if able to and is also mature.
What makes you an amazing recruit for Atlantis to consider? I am friendly, mature, and i am a good pvper and miner.
Will you be an active and helpful citizen of Atlantis? I will be active when i can be and will definitely try to help as much as i can.
Were you referred by someone? (If yes name them) Was told to apply by Reec0n :D
Do you agree to follow our rules and the rules of HeroCraft? Definitely.