- Joined
- Mar 28, 2011
IGN- Howbadisbad
age/location- 17 USA, East Coast
why you wish to join/ should be accepted- Khoibui was very helpful in rpviding me with information what I said that I was new to he server and would liek if someone could give me some information.
what relationships do you currently have with other groups- None
what are your goals- To acheive max level and build some creative stuff along the way. Also to make some cash, because you can't have too much cash.
do you have or wish to talk on skype-I have skype and can use it.
class- Rogue
additional info- I enjoy mmorpgs and Minecraft so I thought it would be a good idea to join a server that incorporates both. I am fairly active when I am not being bugged down by college work so you should be able to see more than enough of me