- Joined
- Jan 13, 2012
i miss woodengold..... i remember how RA started how on bashcraft we set our roots how i met kenn.... i remember how kenn killed me and couple other RA guys... i remember how you joined but for some reason i didnt have doubts of your loyalty. i remember how when wood and his guys came and we nearly fought bout you. i remember how after bashcraft went down i went on 1 last time bout 3 months later and i met wood. wood told me to join herocraft. ironically he was taken in by lorien and i was taken in by LF. not the best thing to happen if i wish to stick with him. i only talked to him once while my time on the server. i still cant find him supposedly he left HC
but i still remember him. but now RA is bigger and stronger. i met many new people on here and made many new friends. a lesson everyone must learn and most forget. no matter how far you go, no matter how big you get you can't forget the foundation you built on. and the ppl you met and helped you get there.
AH woodengold I remember how I meet him it was when i had killed him and left the sign saying nightwatchers( nighterwatcher was a group of killers on bashcraft ) and i think woodengold still goes on Bashcraft because before i was banned from bashcraft i remember seeing him. Also i remember when i met you khoi. It was when i killed you and after i killed we traded and after that we became friends. Oh good times.
Edit: I think woodengold may be on his friends server. Which i don't know the ip of