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Revamp #2 & Patch 4.92


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
It's been a few weeks since we've posted an announcement, perfect time to let you guys know that we're now on Herocraft RPG patch 4.92 and we have the revamp #2 changes in!

Make sure to check out Herobook!
(Update - we've moved datacenters! We're now based out of Las Vegas!)

  • We've reached over 50,000 registered users on our forums! Woo!
  • Promoted TheYeti as moderator for RPG
  • Added mob-health overhead to monsters.
  • Fixed block-placement issues, resolved farming/mining exp issues
  • Fixed an issue with signs/chests being removed randomly.
  • Windwalk now has a more appropriate color for the effect.
  • Withering now deals it damage at a much slower rate.
  • Random effects now will appear more randomly (Stuns/Backstabs etc)
  • Greatly restructured the http://hc.to/store page
  • Refactor several firework effects for easier readability in code.
  • Herobook is now in live-testing and available via the '/herobook' - cmd.
  • All offensive skills cannot be hotkey'd to a player name.

Below are the more-in depth notes for the class revamp #2. Delfofthebla for the write-up
  • Altered range, cast times, and number of warmups for caster-abilities for improved balance and targeting.
  • Remove the /skill <skillname> <target> ability for manual targetting.
  • Scan will no longer self target.
  • Ninja
    • Moved a few skills around to make leveling / fighting at low levels a smoother experience.
    • Fixed Envenom proccing on itself. It now only procs on sword attacks.
    • Blackjack no sends messages to the global chat. (It is now silent, similar to Sneak and Fade).
  • Runeblade
    • Altered all Rune tooltips to be more descriptive.
    • Runes no longer work on targets that cannot be damaged (such as party members or players within NO-PVP zones).
    • Removed weapon dependencies on all rune abilities so that players can still use item-binds if they desire.
    • Runes now play sounds when activated! :O~
    • Rune Application internal cooldown is now unique to the specific target, rather than unique to the Runeblade player himself.
    • Re-added the Scan ability.
    • Duskblade damage reduced to 100 (from 120).
    • Duskblade health multiplier changed to 0.9 from 0.75.
      (Overall healing value remains the same as before.)
    • Runeword range has been increased to 10 blocks (from 8).
    • Runeword now has a 0.75 second warmup.
    • Fixed text color for Runeword expire text.
    • Increased ToxicRune duration to 9 seconds (from 6).
    • Decreased ToxicRune Tick Damage to 20 (from 30).
      (Overall damage is unchanged, but is more spread out now.)
    • IceRune cooldown reduced to 8 seconds (from 10).
    • The mana costs and regeneration values for Runeblade have been overhauled to be closer to the other classes
      • Reduced maximum mana pool size by 0.2 per level.
      • Reduced mana regeneration to 10 (from 14).
      • Lower mana cost of ToxicRune to 15 (from 20).
      • Lower mana cost of FireRune to 20 (from 25).
      • Lower mana cost of IceRune to 15 (from 30).
      • Lower mana cost of VoidRune to 25 (from 30).
  • Bard
    • Fixed Envenom proccing on itself. It now only procs on sword attacks.
  • Ranger
    • Pet-Wolf hp increased to 450.
  • Mystic
    • Root now actually roots the target in place.
    • Remove Root, grant Entangle.
    • Added skill: Might at level 40.
    • Reduced melee damage increase of Might to 20% (from 25%).
    • Reduced mana cost of Bolt to 24 (from 40).
    • Reduced healing of Soothe to 130 (from 150).
    • Increased manacost of Soothe to 7 (from 5).
    • Increased cooldown of Soothe to 4 seconds (from 1).
    • Decreased warmup of Chlorobon to 2.5 seconds (from 3).
    • Decreased healing of Chlorobon to 200 (from 250).
  • Cleric
    • Decreased damage of Anthema to 145 (from 152).
    • Decreased warmup time of Athema to 3 seconds (from 4).
    • Increased range of Athema to 10 (from 9).
    • Increased mana cost of GroupHeal to 30 (from 25).
    • Increased healing of GroupHeal to 240 (from 210).
    • Increased Warmup of GroupHeal to 1.5 seconds (from 1).
    • Decreased Warmup of FullHeal to 4 seconds (from 5).
  • Bloodmage
    • Remove Paper reagent from Infusion.
    • The BloodMage class has recieved a large overhaul of all damage/cost/heal numbers. This was done to attempt to make it more "BloodMage" like.
      • Increased mana cost of DrainSoul to 10 (from 5).
      • Decreased base damage of DrainSoul to 95 (from 110).
      • Increased health return of DrainSoul to 110% (from 77%).
      • Added a 0.5 second delay to DrainSoul.
      • Reduced radius of BloodBond to 12 (from 20).
      • Increased mana cost of BloodBond to 8 (from 5).
      • Increased HealthCost of BloodBond to 25 (from 10).
      • Increased Healing Percent of BloodBond to 50% (from 25%).
      • Increased tick damage of BoilBlood to 33 (from 25).
      • Reduced final damage of BoilBlood to 125 (from 150).
        (Overall damage of BoilBlood is unchanged).
      • Increased mana cost of BoilBlood to 30 (from 5).
      • Decreased health cost of BoilBlood to 90 (from 110).
      • Reduced cooldown of BoilBlood to 16 seconds (from 20).
      • Increased mana cost of SoulLeech to 25 (from 10).
      • Increased Tick Damage of SoulLeech to 55 (from 45).
      • Reduced duration of Constrict to 5 seconds (from 7).
      • Reduced cooldown of Constrict to 16 seconds (from 20).
      • Increased Health Cost of Silence to 60 (from 50).
      • Reduced cooldown of Silence to 13 seconds (from 15).
      • Increased mana cost of StealEssence to 20 (from 3).
      • Reduced health cost of StealEssence to 50 (from 75).
      • Increased warmup of Infusion to 1.5 seconds (from 1).
      • Increased cooldown of Infusion to 6 seconds (from 3).
      • Added a health cost of 45 to Infusion.
      • Reduced healing of Infusion to 90 (from 150).
      • Infusion is now usable in combat.
      • Increased warmup of BloodGift to 2 seconds (from 1.5).
      • Increased mana cost of BloodGift to 35 (from 25).
      • Reduced healing of BloodGift to 160 (from 250).
      • Reduced health cost of BloodGift to 85 (from 100).
      • Reduced warmup of BloodGift to 1.5 seconds (from 2).
      • Reduced mana gain from Transfuse to 25 (from 30).
      • Reduced health cost of Transfuse to 90 (from 100).
      • Increased mana cost of Awaken to 50 (from 5).
      • Increased health cost of Awaken to 150 (from 110).
  • Disiciple
    • Increased mana cost of ForcePush to 15 (from 10).
    • Increased mana cost of ForcePull to 15 (from 10).
    • Reduced damage of IronFist to 82 (from 102).
    • Reduced silence duration of FlyingKick to 2 seconds (from 4).
    • Reduced range of Chakra to 6 blocks (from 10).
    • Reduced debuffs removed by Chakra to 2 (from ALL).
    • Rework QuiveringPalm.
      • New Ability Description: Strike your target with a Quivering Palm dealing 50 damage and weakenining the target, causing them to take 20% increased melee damage for 2 seconds.
  • Paladin
    • Increased cooldown on ShieldReflect to 12 seconds.
    • Increased stamina cost on ShieldReflect to 5 (from 3).
    • While using ShieldReflect, you no longer reflect attacks if you do not have a door in your hand.
    • You can no longer spam Reckoning until you hit a target. (It will put the ability on cooldown even if you do not hit a target.)
  • Dreadknight
    • Moved a few skills around to make leveling / fighting at low levels a smoother experience.
    • Increased Mana gain per level to 0.6 (from 0.5).
    • Increased Mana regeneration per tick to 7 (from 5).
    • Reduced tick damage on Decay to 60 (from 68).
    • Shadowstep no longer works on Party members.
    • Increased range of Shadowstep to 8 blocks (from 5).
    • Increased stamina cost of Shadowstep to 5 (from 3).
    • Increased range of Harrow to 4 blocks (from 3.25).
  • Samurai
    • Removed Strike ability.
    • Increased stamina cost of AsuraSlash to 6 (from 4).
    • Increased mana cost of AsuraSlash to 35 (from 10).
    • Increased damage of Disgrace to 66 per tick (from 50). Total damage is now 198.
    • Decrease stamina cost of MortalWound to 6 (from 8).
  • Dragoon
    • LunarLance now works on monsters.
    • Increased cooldown on LunarLance to 11 seconds (from 8).
    • Increased mana cost on LunarLance to 20 (from 5).
    • Decreased stamina cost of Impale to 6 (from 8).
    • Increased knockback power of Tremor to 2.8 (from 2.5).
    • Decreased stamina cost of Tremor to 8 (from 10).
    • Decreased stamina cost of Impale to 6 (from 8).
  • Wizard
    • Remove Root, grant Entangle.
    • Entangle now actually roots the target in place.
    • ArcaneBlast now requires 5 Gunpowder to cast.
  • Beguiler
    • Moved a few skills around to make leveling / fighting at low levels a smoother experience.
    • PlagueBomb damage reduced to 210 (from 235).
    • You can no longer spam MassPiggify until you hit a target. (It will put the ability on cooldown even if you do not hit a target.)
  • Pyromancer
    • Increased maximum mana pool by 0.1 per level.
    • Increased mana regeneration to 9 (from 7).
    • Increased velocity of ChaosOrb to 0.4 (from 0.3).
    • Increased range of Inferno to 8 blocks (from 6).
    • Decreased duration of Inferno fire-tick to 10 seconds (from 12).
    • You can no longer spam Inferno until you hit a target. (It will put the ability on cooldown even if you do not hit a target.)
  • Necromancer
    • Hellgate should now have a much better success rate.
    • Reduced tick damage on Decay to 60 (from 68).
    • Increase mana gain on Dark Ritual to 30 (from 15).
    • Increase mana transfer of Battery to 35 (from 20).
    • You can no longer spam Despair until you hit a target. (It will put the ability on cooldown even if you do not hit a target.)
    • Added a 0.5 second warmup to Poison.
    • Added a 1 second warmup to Plague.
    • Added a 1 second warmup to Blight.
    • Reduced tick damage on Blight to 53 (from 60).
    • Corrected warmup on Harmshield to be 0.5 seconds.
    • Removed the warmup from Web.
    • Removed the warmup from DarkRitual.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 27, 2011
2x Decreased stamina cost of Impale to 6 (from 8)Decreased stamina cost of Impale to 6 (from 8). nice :D


Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 10, 2012
United States
  • You can no longer spam Reckoning until you hit a target. (It will put the ability on cooldown even if you do not hit a target.)
  • Increased cooldown on ShieldReflect to 12 seconds.
  • Increased stamina cost on ShieldReflect to 5 (from 3).
BRB I am seriously going to cry.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
  • Mystic
    • Root now actually roots the target in place.
    • Added skill: Might at level 40.

Awwwwww yeah!



  • Necromancer
    • Hellgate should now have a much better success rate.
    • Reduced tick damage on Decay to 60 (from 68).
    • Increase mana gain on Dark Ritual to 30 (from 15).
    • Increase mana transfer of Battery to 35 (from 20).
    • You can no longer spam Despair until you hit a target. (It will put the ability on cooldown even if you do not hit a target.)
    • Added a 0.5 second warmup to Poison.
    • Added a 1 second warmup to Plague.
    • Added a 1 second warmup to Blight.
    • Reduced tick damage on Blight to 53 (from 60).
    • Corrected warmup on Harmshield to be 0.5 seconds.
    • Removed the warmup from Web.
    • Removed the warmup from DarkRitual.
Hmm... So what's up with the single targeted nerfs?


Nov 3, 2012
  • Necromancer
    • Hellgate should now have a much better success rate.
    • Reduced tick damage on Decay to 60 (from 68).
    • Increase mana gain on Dark Ritual to 30 (from 15).
    • Increase mana transfer of Battery to 35 (from 20).
    • You can no longer spam Despair until you hit a target. (It will put the ability on cooldown even if you do not hit a target.)
    • Added a 0.5 second warmup to Poison.
    • Added a 1 second warmup to Plague.
    • Added a 1 second warmup to Blight.
    • Reduced tick damage on Blight to 53 (from 60).
    • Corrected warmup on Harmshield to be 0.5 seconds.
    • Removed the warmup from Web.
    • Removed the warmup from DarkRitual.

Hmm... So what's up with the single targeted nerfs?



Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 22, 2011
Beaverton, OR
So to summarize the bloodmages basically we have:

  • Drainsoul: More mana, does less damage, does more healing, takes longer to use. No longer worthwhile in combat
  • BloodBond: Less Range, More Mana Cost, More Health Cost, More Healing - No longer worthwhile
  • BoilBlood: More tick dmg, reduced final damage, More Mana cost, Less HP Cost, Less CD - Now worthwhile in combat
  • SoulLeech: More Mana Cost, More tick dmg - Still not viable in combat due to warmup.
  • Constrict: Shorter duration, shorter cooldown. - Makes it effectively cost more, no real change
  • Silence: More HP Cost, Less Cooldown - More likely to kill yourself from spamming it now
  • StealEssence: Increased Mana cost, decreased HP Cost - No real change
  • Infusion: Higher warmup, higher cd, hp cost added, reduced healing, no reagent, useable in combat - Congrats, this skill is now utterly and completely worthless.
  • BloodGift: Warmup both increased and decreased? (so no change), increased mana cost, Reduced Healing, Reduced HP Cost - This is starting to feel like it was just a change for the sake of change, mostly nerf
  • Transfuse: Reduced mana gain, reduced hp cost - Nerf
  • Awaken: Increased mana cost, increased hp cost - Nerf
So yea, I hear good things about being a Disciple.


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
So to summarize the bloodmages basically we have:

  • Drainsoul: More mana, does less damage, does more healing, takes longer to use. No longer worthwhile in combat
  • BloodBond: Less Range, More Mana Cost, More Health Cost, More Healing - No longer worthwhile
  • BoilBlood: More tick dmg, reduced final damage, More Mana cost, Less HP Cost, Less CD - Now worthwhile in combat
  • SoulLeech: More Mana Cost, More tick dmg - Still not viable in combat due to warmup.
  • Constrict: Shorter duration, shorter cooldown. - Makes it effectively cost more, no real change
  • Silence: More HP Cost, Less Cooldown - More likely to kill yourself from spamming it now
  • StealEssence: Increased Mana cost, decreased HP Cost - No real change
  • Infusion: Higher warmup, higher cd, hp cost added, reduced healing, no reagent, useable in combat - Congrats, this skill is now utterly and completely worthless.
  • BloodGift: Warmup both increased and decreased? (so no change), increased mana cost, Reduced Healing, Reduced HP Cost - This is starting to feel like it was just a change for the sake of change, mostly nerf
  • Transfuse: Reduced mana gain, reduced hp cost - Nerf
  • Awaken: Increased mana cost, increased hp cost - Nerf
So yea, I hear good things about being a Disciple.
Whoops, derped on the BloodGift warmup thing, guess I forgot that I reduced it before increasing it again later.

But yeah, I did a very large amount of playtesting with it in the final hours of the update. Not nearly as much as I would have liked, but enough to get into the mode with it. I know that it seems like nerfs across the board (and technically, a lot of them are) but it felt a lot stronger than the current live version. He's more than just a healbot now--he has to deal damage to actually get his healing done, and he spreads a large amount of that healing to the rest of his party. He's also now on a rollercoaster of both health and mana.

He deals a lot more damage, and is now much more reliant on DrainSoul. Rather than spamming heals to keep yourself up, you spam drainsoul. Your warmup heals are now meant more for other players, not yourself. SoulLeech / DrainSoul combined with BloodBond can pretty much heal you to full on their own, while also dealing a good amount of damage. Honestly, I suggest playing around with it a bit--it isn't as bad as it seems.

But with that all said, I didn't get to do as much testing as I wanted to. It's likely we'll see more changes in the future.


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 13, 2012
  • You can no longer spam Reckoning until you hit a target. (It will put the ability on cooldown even if you do not hit a target.)
  • Increased cooldown on ShieldReflect to 12 seconds.
  • Increased stamina cost on ShieldReflect to 5 (from 3).
BRB I am seriously going to cry.

Paladin so needed a nerf tbh. What that shieldreflect is off cd? ok better use it again. Also now you have to land your Reckoning >:D


Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 10, 2012
United States
Paladin so needed a nerf tbh. What that shieldreflect is off cd? ok better use it again. Also now you have to land your Reckoning >:D

Sure raise the CD but now paladins will have serious stamina issues like they already did without shield reflect. You're literally taking there best skill and just flip every paladin off with it.


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 7, 2012
  • Necromancer
    • Hellgate should now have a much better success rate.
    • Reduced tick damage on Decay to 60 (from 68).
    • Increase mana gain on Dark Ritual to 30 (from 15).
    • Increase mana transfer of Battery to 35 (from 20).
    • You can no longer spam Despair until you hit a target. (It will put the ability on cooldown even if you do not hit a target.)
    • Added a 0.5 second warmup to Poison.
    • Added a 1 second warmup to Plague.
    • Added a 1 second warmup to Blight.
    • Reduced tick damage on Blight to 53 (from 60).
    • Corrected warmup on Harmshield to be 0.5 seconds.
    • Removed the warmup from Web.
    • Removed the warmup from DarkRitual.

Hmm... So what's up with the single targeted nerfs?
don't worry necro still does realy well with this change :p