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Suggestion Remove global restrictions on Atlas


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 4, 2013
Spokane, WA

Atlas has been archived as a legacy server but is still active to a few of us. I would like to request that you remove the global restrictions that were once believed to help with balance and lag. These include but are not limited to (you know the complete list):

Monsters spawn at night and in the dark
Naturally spawning monsters give regular XP
Named monsters randomly spawn outside
Zombie villagers spawn
Villagers spawn and can be bred
Eggs thrown turn into baby chicks
Underground overworld strongholds spawn
Anything else that enables more of the vanilla aspects that had been restricted or removed

The worst that will happen is that you'll have a resurgence of players on a legacy server and someone might spend some money for an XP boost or Tier increase. ;)




The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven

Atlas has been archived as a legacy server but is still active to a few of us. I would like to request that you remove the global restrictions that were once believed to help with balance and lag. These include but are not limited to (you know the complete list):

Monsters spawn at night and in the dark
Naturally spawning monsters give regular XP
Named monsters randomly spawn outside
Zombie villagers spawn
Villagers spawn and can be bred
Eggs thrown turn into baby chicks
Underground overworld strongholds spawn
Anything else that enables more of the vanilla aspects that had been restricted or removed

The worst that will happen is that you'll have a resurgence of players on a legacy server and someone might spend some money for an XP boost or Tier increase. ;)


Long time no see yavool...


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I'm a tad rusty and it would take me some time to understand where/when these restrictions came into play...

A good thing is... We're redoing Herocraft :D


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 4, 2013
Spokane, WA
Hi @Kainzo , thanks for the reply.

What I love most about the legacy server and why I haven't switched over to the newer one is that the legacy server isn't "seasonal," and the work I do isn't going to be wiped. I can't dedicate enough time in my life to build furiously before the server gets wiped and restarted (which has been incredibly frustrating to me ever since Bastion). The legacy server definitely has a lot of nerfs and limitations (the above list are just a few), most if not all in the name of lag; but even with them, I would prefer to play on it over something that will eventually be wiped.

If you do create a new Herocraft server, please keep the list in mind (move back towards vanilla Minecraft with a Herocraft flair, actual spawning monsters that give actual xp, an actual marketplace where booths can be rented at a reasonable price, and removing the limitations on things that are staples in the Minecraft experience), as well as please consider not ever wiping the server in the name of seasonal dynamics.




The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Hi @Kainzo , thanks for the reply.

What I love most about the legacy server and why I haven't switched over to the newer one is that the legacy server isn't "seasonal," and the work I do isn't going to be wiped. I can't dedicate enough time in my life to build furiously before the server gets wiped and restarted (which has been incredibly frustrating to me ever since Bastion). The legacy server definitely has a lot of nerfs and limitations (the above list are just a few), most if not all in the name of lag; but even with them, I would prefer to play on it over something that will eventually be wiped.

If you do create a new Herocraft server, please keep the list in mind (move back towards vanilla Minecraft with a Herocraft flair, actual spawning monsters that give actual xp, an actual marketplace where booths can be rented at a reasonable price, and removing the limitations on things that are staples in the Minecraft experience), as well as please consider not ever wiping the server in the name of seasonal dynamics.


I like all of those, but unfortunately we will probably have a system that moves the primary map over and resets levels, etc. This is still up for debate before implementation though.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 4, 2013
Spokane, WA
Hi @Kainzo, you are talking about moving over the newer server, (the Reborn one), though, not the old Herocraft server that is currently still running, right? *crosses fingers* I chose to stay on the old server that was never going to be wiped (as I recall the conversation), so from a personal perspective, please feel free to redo the Reborn one to your heart's content. ;) lol



The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Hi @Kainzo, you are talking about moving over the newer server, (the Reborn one), though, not the old Herocraft server that is currently still running, right? *crosses fingers* I chose to stay on the old server that was never going to be wiped (as I recall the conversation), so from a personal perspective, please feel free to redo the Reborn one to your heart's content. ;) lol

We're talking about completely rebasing Herocraft (not reborn) and making it a staged release of features with built in resets (but not destroying buildings, etc) there's a lot of talk about it but im not sure how we're going to handle wipes or if you can go back and build (maybe for a cost to ttransfer from XYZ)


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Hi @Kainzo, you are talking about moving over the newer server, (the Reborn one), though, not the old Herocraft server that is currently still running, right? *crosses fingers* I chose to stay on the old server that was never going to be wiped (as I recall the conversation), so from a personal perspective, please feel free to redo the Reborn one to your heart's content. ;) lol

That server, in its current setup, can stay, it will probably just have the port and resources re-allocated.