Well I can tell you exactly why. A certain someone named @
SonOfAGunner had perms to his lwc which had everything he owned. She then turned around and stole it all. So fun el your anger at her
(sorry Maddie looked like your never leaving dragon guard again)
No one listens to my side.
Okay, so it was NOT FAR INTO THE MAP AT ALL and suddenly he was like "Oh, Btw you have perms on my lwc
" And I was like, "Uhh, awesome?"
The town that I was with didn't like him, we were just starting out, and I was just like w/e fuck it. In my defense, he didn't have much. He had some gold, a golden apple, some dia, and like tons of like saplings and crap like mellons and stuffzz. It wasn't far into the map, so it wasn't like he had trillions of valuable things.
I was in skype with xxMASSCHAOSx and a few other friends, and they're like "Oh, you should take his stuff and give it to us. You don't do shit anyways." So I felt shitty and peer pressure took over, and I did it.
Besides, he was rude to people that I cared for. But w/e. It's done with. He over reacted a bit, and I offered to give it ALL back cause I felt so guilty, and he refused, then turned irrational and went to personal insults towards me. This I had trusted him enough to tell him, and he threw them in my face and went too personal. I do regret that he quit because of me, however imo he over reacted. That's all I have to say on the matter.
EDIT: Trust was lost both ways. I started it, I tried to fix it, and he ended it. That's that. We trusted each other too quickly.