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- Joined
- Oct 10, 2011
This is the Topic for all your questions about Photoshop & Gimp. Feel free to post them here.
Note: This is a FAQ with basic knowledge, not a tutorial for advance Techniques (I'm not going to explain difficult ways to do something or effects which you'll need in further edits). I wrote it a while ago for another forum. However I'll revise it in the next few days.
1. What is Gimp
GIMP is an image editing program similar to Adobe Photoshop (GIMP is free software, though).
1. What is Photoshop?
Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems.
2. Where can I get Gimp?
GIMP comes with most Linux distributions, but it is also available for Windows. Mac users should visit the MacGIMP project for information on obtaining the GIMP. The source code distribution is available at gimp.org.
2. Where can I get Photoshop?
Either you download a Trail Version, which will only last 30 Days or you buy the Full Version (CS5 Extended $999).
3. How do I start a new Project?
'File' > 'New'
Choose your desired Canvas/Image Size and click Ok.
3. How do I start a new Project?
'File' > 'New'
Choose your desired Canvas/Image Size and click Ok.
4. How do I open an existing Picture for further edit?
'File' > 'Open'
Go to the direction, where the Image is saved, click on it and click Ok.
4. How do I open an existing Picture for further edit?
'File' > 'Open'
Go to th direction, where the Image is saved, click on it and click Ok.
5. How do I add a new layer to my picture?
In your layer pallet you find this little Symbol.
5. How do I add a new layer to my picture?
In your layet pallet you find this little Symbol.
6. How can I add text to a picture and how do I change the Font?
Use the text tool.
You can change the Font below the box with the tools.
6. How can I add text to a picture and how do I change the Font?
Use the text tool.
You can change the Font below the status bar, where you find all the options for the other tools.
7. I only have a few Fonts to choose. Where do I get new Fonts and how can I use them?
There are many Internet Sites, from which you can download thousands of Fonts.
Some of the best are: Dafont, Urbanfonts, Fontcubes.
Download the font, which you like and (if they are compressed, extract them first) install the Font (*.ttf, *.otf, *.pfd, etc. You can find a full list of fontextensions here.) The Font will be added to your local Font folder and then the font is ready to use (Attention: Often you have to restart your Programm to use it).
8. I'm not Administrator on my Computer and can't install any Fonts!
Don't worry. There's the perfect programm for you. See Attachment.
Download it, Extract the exe file (I'm sorry I haven't found a version for mac! You still can run it with an Windows Emulator), Copy your Fonts in the same Folder like the Registerfont.exe, they mustn't be in an underfolder! Creat a shortcut of Registerfont.exe and right click on it. You see the Direction, where your original Registerfont.exe is saved. Click there and press space, now you add for every font, which you want to add
(or which extension your font has). Then you can drag it into your autostart folder so that it starts everytime you log in.
9. How can I select something in Gimp?
Use the 'Free Select Tool'. Click once on a point at the edge of your object then encircle the object and when you are at the beginning of the Selection, click left on the beginning point. Now you have a Selection, which you can edit, copy, delete, etc.
9. How can I select something in Photoshop?
I highly recommend using the 'Pen Tool', although it also works with the 'Lasson-', 'Polygonal-' and 'Magnetica Lasso Tool'. That are the correct settings for the 'Pen Tool'
You have to encircle your object, while you press the left mouse button, everytime you are at a point where the direction of the edge of your object changes. When you are at the beginning of you Selection, click on the point at the beginning and then right click in the selection. Then you choose 'Make Selection' and you can edit, copy, delete, etc. it.
10. How can I remove the Background of my Picture, so that I only see my Render?
There are several ways to do it.
1. This method is not very common. Erase the whole Background with the Eraser Tool. I don't recommend that.
2. Select your Render (Free Select Tool) and Copy it to a new Layer. Select the 'Free Select Tool' in the Tool pallet and select your Object, after you fully selected it, 'CTRL + C' or 'APPLE + C' (the layer with the object has to be selected), then creat a new layer (fill option 'Transparent') and paste ('CTRL + V' or 'APPLE + V') it onto the new layer (again your new layer has to be selected). Press the anchor (IMG) to anchor it on the floating layer. Then you can make your original layer invisible
and you see your Selected object on your transparent layer.
3. Use a Layer Mask (Attention: Advanced Technic). Duplicate your Backgroundlayer and blend the original layer out. Right click on the Copy of your BG-Layer and click on 'Add Layer Mask'. Now you have a few opportunitys, but I'll explain the two most common.
1. Choose the Paintbrush tool and select a little paintbrush (In the options below the Toolbox), now make the black and now you paint everything with the black color (Black = Transparent), but the object you want. After you've finished that, you see your object in a transparent layer.
2. It only works on Pictures with much contrast. Click on Channels dialog (next to the layer dialog tab (above the layer pallet)) and search the one with the most contrast (the most difference between black and white (You object should be either black or white, but the back ground should have the other color)). Then open the Contrast (Color > Brightness-Contrast) and play with the settings (the Color Balance might help, if it is too dificult (Color > Color Balance)), you also can paint some places in the Picture black or white, the end result should be: Your object total black or white and the BG the other Color. Then creat a layer mask and unless your object is on the layer, invert the layer mask. Now your object should be visible.
10. How can I remove the Background of my Picture, so that I only see my Render?
There are several ways to do it.
1. This method is not very common. Erase the whole Background with the Eraser Tool. I don't recommend that.
2. Select your Render ('Pen Tool') and Copy it to a new Layer. Select the 'Pen Tool' in the Tool pallet and select your Object, after you fully selected it, 'CTRL + C' or 'APPLE + C' (the layer with the object has to be selected), then creat a new layer (fill option 'Transparent') and paste ('CTRL + V' or 'APPLE + V') it onto the new layer (again your new layer has to be selected). Then you can make your original layer invisible (click on the Eye)
and you see your Selected object on your transparent layer.
3. Use a Layer Mask (Attention: Advanced Technic). Duplicate your Backgroundlayer and blend the original layer out. Select the Copy of the BG-Layer and press on the layer mask
Now you have a few opportunitys, but I'll explain the two most common.
1. Choose the Paintbrush tool and select a little paintbrush (In the options below the Toolbox), now make the Color black and now you paint everything with the black color (Black = Transparent), but the object you want. After you've finished that, you see your object in a transparent layer.
2. It only works on Pictures with much contrast. Click on Channels dialog (next to the layer dialog tab (above the layer pallet)) and search the one with the most contrast (the most difference between black and white (You object should be either black or white, but the back ground should have the other color)). Then open the Contrast ('Image' > 'Adjustments' > 'Brightness/Contrast') and play with the settings (the Color Balance might help, if it is too dificult ('Image' > 'Adjustments' > 'Color Balance')), you also can paint some places in the Picture black or white, the end result should be: Your object total black or white and the BG the other Color. Now your object should be visible.
11. How can I resize my Image?
'Image' > 'Scale Image' and then adjust the size.
11. How can I resize my Image?
'Image' > 'Image Size' and then adjust the size.
12. How do I add a second Picture to my Signature?
'File' > 'Open as layer'.
Probably you need to scale it, so that it looks good on your Signature, you can do that with the Scale Tool.
Just click on the picture and a dialog will open and you can resize it. Just press Ok and you're done.
12. How do I add a second Picture to my Signature?
'File' > 'Open' The picture will be opened in a new PS Document but you can simply click and drag it to the other document. So you take the 'Move Tool' and click on the picture, which you want in your signature, then you drag this to the other picture (first you need to drag it on the tab for the other picture).
When the other Picture has opened, you can release the left mouse button. Now you might want to resize it. Press 'Ctrl + T' to open Free Transform, keep pressing 'Shift' while you resize it (it will keep the ratio). If you have finished resizing the layer press 'Enter' and you're done.
13. How can I create a border?
Add a new layer and you select it (Rectangle Select Tool). Then go to 'Select' > 'Shrink' and set your desired amount of px (that means how big your border will be), click Ok. Then press 'CTRL' + 'Shift' + 'I' or 'Apple' + 'Shift' + 'I', that inverts your selection, now click with the paint tool (your border color should be choosen) on the Border-Selection.
13. How can I create a border?
Add a new layer and double click it in the layer pallet. Then add a border and adjust the settings, that the border is on the inner side of the layer.
Adjust color and size.
14. How can I reduce the layer-opacity?
Move the Opacity-Slider.
15. How can I change the Layer Mode?
GIMP has twenty-one layer modes. Layer modes are also sometimes called “blending modes”. Selecting a layer mode changes the appearance of the layer or image, based on the layer or layers beneath it. If there is only one layer, the layer mode has no effect. There must therefore be at least two layers in the image to be able to use layer modes.
15. How can I change the Layer Mode?
Photoshop and Elements allow for layer blend modes that change the way layers react with each other.
In Photoshop and Elements the layer blend modes can be changed in the layers palette. In these programs, changing the layer blend mode affects the entire layer, even if you have a selection.
16. I selected an object and now I want remove/add a part from/to the selection!
To add something to a Selection, press and hold 'Shift', while you've selected a Select-Tool and select the part of the picture, you want to add.
To remove a little selection from a bigger selection, press and hold 'Ctrl', while you select the part which you want to remove from the Selection.
16. I selected an object and now I want remove/add a part from/to the selection!
To add something to a Selection, press and hold 'Shift', while you've selected a Select-Tool and select the part of the picture, you want to add.
To remove a little selection from a bigger selection, press and hold 'Alt', while you select the part which you want to remove from the Selection.
17. How can I remove something, without destroying my Image (e.g. a Crosshair or a Name abouve ones head)?
Select the Clone Tool. You must select the portion of the image with which to paint. This is done by pressing the CTRL button, selecting an area, and left-clicking. Then you can hold left mouse button and remove the part, which you don't want in your picture.
17. How can I remove something, without destroying my Image (e.g. a Crosshair or a Name abouve ones head)?
Select the Clone Tool. You must select the portion of the image with which to paint. This is done by pressing the 'Alt' button, selecting an area, and left-clicking. Then you can hold left mouse button and remove the part, which you don't want in your picture.
18. How can I blur parts of the Image?
I recommend selecting the parts of the Image, which you want to blur and copying them to a new transparent layer. Then you blur the layer ('Filter' > 'Blur'), you have different options how to blur the part of the picture/layer.
'Blur' just blurs your layer and you can't change any settings. It doesn't blur much, but it's to make the whole layer softer.
'Gaussian Blur' is the most common Blur, you have the opportunity to change the Blur Radius (if the Radius is bigger, the Blur will be more) and the Blur Method.
'Motion Blur' creates the effect that the object/layer is moving. You can change the Blur Type (Linear, Radial or Zoom) and the Blur Parameters (Length (how big the motion blurring is) and the Angle (in which direction the motion blur will be))
'Selective Gaussian Blur' only blurs part, which have less or exactly a delta value, which you set with the slider.
That are the most important Blur Methods.
19. How can I add light effects?
'Filter' > 'Light and Shadow'
Now you can choose between variouse light and shadow effects. Some are more useful, some aren't. The best way to get used to them, is learning by doing.
19. How can I add light effects?
'Filter' > 'Render' > 'Lightning Effects'
Now you can choose between variouse light and shadow effects. Some are more useful, some aren't. The best way to get used to them, is learning by doing.
20. How can I create an Animated Signature?
'Filter' > 'Animation' There you can find some interesting effects for animations. Actually you don't a have an Animation-winow as in Photoshop, but you see your frames in the layer pallet. To play your animation 'Filter' > 'Animation' > 'Playback'
20. How can I create an Animated Signature?
Photoshop is really good for making Animated Signatures. First you should use the 'Animation Window'. Click on 'Window' and then check that 'Animation' is ticked. The you see a little window at the bottom, where you see your Frames. Now the first Frame is the picture what you see right now. Make a new Frame (same symbol as new layer, but this time it is in the Animation Window. Then edit your photo that way, how you want it to look in the end of your Animation. Select both Frames (Click on both while holding 'Ctrl'), after you selected both, click on the 'Tween'-Button.
Change the settings like you want them. If the Animation contains more Frames, it is more fluently, but it's also a bigger file.
IMPORTANT: When you want to save it, you have to save it 'File' > 'Save for Web & Devices!!
If you want to ask a specific question, feel free to ask me and I'll be glad to answer you
This is the Topic for all your questions about Photoshop & Gimp. Feel free to post them here.
Note: This is a FAQ with basic knowledge, not a tutorial for advance Techniques (I'm not going to explain difficult ways to do something or effects which you'll need in further edits). I wrote it a while ago for another forum. However I'll revise it in the next few days.
1. What is Gimp
GIMP is an image editing program similar to Adobe Photoshop (GIMP is free software, though).
1. What is Photoshop?
Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems.
2. Where can I get Gimp?
GIMP comes with most Linux distributions, but it is also available for Windows. Mac users should visit the MacGIMP project for information on obtaining the GIMP. The source code distribution is available at gimp.org.
2. Where can I get Photoshop?
Either you download a Trail Version, which will only last 30 Days or you buy the Full Version (CS5 Extended $999).
3. How do I start a new Project?
'File' > 'New'
Choose your desired Canvas/Image Size and click Ok.
3. How do I start a new Project?
'File' > 'New'
Choose your desired Canvas/Image Size and click Ok.
4. How do I open an existing Picture for further edit?
'File' > 'Open'
Go to the direction, where the Image is saved, click on it and click Ok.
4. How do I open an existing Picture for further edit?
'File' > 'Open'
Go to th direction, where the Image is saved, click on it and click Ok.
5. How do I add a new layer to my picture?
In your layer pallet you find this little Symbol.

5. How do I add a new layer to my picture?
In your layet pallet you find this little Symbol.

6. How can I add text to a picture and how do I change the Font?
Use the text tool.
You can change the Font below the box with the tools.

6. How can I add text to a picture and how do I change the Font?
Use the text tool.
You can change the Font below the status bar, where you find all the options for the other tools.

7. I only have a few Fonts to choose. Where do I get new Fonts and how can I use them?
There are many Internet Sites, from which you can download thousands of Fonts.
Some of the best are: Dafont, Urbanfonts, Fontcubes.
Download the font, which you like and (if they are compressed, extract them first) install the Font (*.ttf, *.otf, *.pfd, etc. You can find a full list of fontextensions here.) The Font will be added to your local Font folder and then the font is ready to use (Attention: Often you have to restart your Programm to use it).
8. I'm not Administrator on my Computer and can't install any Fonts!
Don't worry. There's the perfect programm for you. See Attachment.
Download it, Extract the exe file (I'm sorry I haven't found a version for mac! You still can run it with an Windows Emulator), Copy your Fonts in the same Folder like the Registerfont.exe, they mustn't be in an underfolder! Creat a shortcut of Registerfont.exe and right click on it. You see the Direction, where your original Registerfont.exe is saved. Click there and press space, now you add for every font, which you want to add
add "Your Font Name.ttf"
9. How can I select something in Gimp?
Use the 'Free Select Tool'. Click once on a point at the edge of your object then encircle the object and when you are at the beginning of the Selection, click left on the beginning point. Now you have a Selection, which you can edit, copy, delete, etc.
9. How can I select something in Photoshop?
I highly recommend using the 'Pen Tool', although it also works with the 'Lasson-', 'Polygonal-' and 'Magnetica Lasso Tool'. That are the correct settings for the 'Pen Tool'

You have to encircle your object, while you press the left mouse button, everytime you are at a point where the direction of the edge of your object changes. When you are at the beginning of you Selection, click on the point at the beginning and then right click in the selection. Then you choose 'Make Selection' and you can edit, copy, delete, etc. it.
10. How can I remove the Background of my Picture, so that I only see my Render?
There are several ways to do it.
1. This method is not very common. Erase the whole Background with the Eraser Tool. I don't recommend that.
2. Select your Render (Free Select Tool) and Copy it to a new Layer. Select the 'Free Select Tool' in the Tool pallet and select your Object, after you fully selected it, 'CTRL + C' or 'APPLE + C' (the layer with the object has to be selected), then creat a new layer (fill option 'Transparent') and paste ('CTRL + V' or 'APPLE + V') it onto the new layer (again your new layer has to be selected). Press the anchor (IMG) to anchor it on the floating layer. Then you can make your original layer invisible

and you see your Selected object on your transparent layer.
3. Use a Layer Mask (Attention: Advanced Technic). Duplicate your Backgroundlayer and blend the original layer out. Right click on the Copy of your BG-Layer and click on 'Add Layer Mask'. Now you have a few opportunitys, but I'll explain the two most common.
1. Choose the Paintbrush tool and select a little paintbrush (In the options below the Toolbox), now make the black and now you paint everything with the black color (Black = Transparent), but the object you want. After you've finished that, you see your object in a transparent layer.
2. It only works on Pictures with much contrast. Click on Channels dialog (next to the layer dialog tab (above the layer pallet)) and search the one with the most contrast (the most difference between black and white (You object should be either black or white, but the back ground should have the other color)). Then open the Contrast (Color > Brightness-Contrast) and play with the settings (the Color Balance might help, if it is too dificult (Color > Color Balance)), you also can paint some places in the Picture black or white, the end result should be: Your object total black or white and the BG the other Color. Then creat a layer mask and unless your object is on the layer, invert the layer mask. Now your object should be visible.
10. How can I remove the Background of my Picture, so that I only see my Render?
There are several ways to do it.
1. This method is not very common. Erase the whole Background with the Eraser Tool. I don't recommend that.
2. Select your Render ('Pen Tool') and Copy it to a new Layer. Select the 'Pen Tool' in the Tool pallet and select your Object, after you fully selected it, 'CTRL + C' or 'APPLE + C' (the layer with the object has to be selected), then creat a new layer (fill option 'Transparent') and paste ('CTRL + V' or 'APPLE + V') it onto the new layer (again your new layer has to be selected). Then you can make your original layer invisible (click on the Eye)

and you see your Selected object on your transparent layer.
3. Use a Layer Mask (Attention: Advanced Technic). Duplicate your Backgroundlayer and blend the original layer out. Select the Copy of the BG-Layer and press on the layer mask

Now you have a few opportunitys, but I'll explain the two most common.
1. Choose the Paintbrush tool and select a little paintbrush (In the options below the Toolbox), now make the Color black and now you paint everything with the black color (Black = Transparent), but the object you want. After you've finished that, you see your object in a transparent layer.
2. It only works on Pictures with much contrast. Click on Channels dialog (next to the layer dialog tab (above the layer pallet)) and search the one with the most contrast (the most difference between black and white (You object should be either black or white, but the back ground should have the other color)). Then open the Contrast ('Image' > 'Adjustments' > 'Brightness/Contrast') and play with the settings (the Color Balance might help, if it is too dificult ('Image' > 'Adjustments' > 'Color Balance')), you also can paint some places in the Picture black or white, the end result should be: Your object total black or white and the BG the other Color. Now your object should be visible.
11. How can I resize my Image?
'Image' > 'Scale Image' and then adjust the size.
11. How can I resize my Image?
'Image' > 'Image Size' and then adjust the size.
12. How do I add a second Picture to my Signature?
'File' > 'Open as layer'.
Probably you need to scale it, so that it looks good on your Signature, you can do that with the Scale Tool.

Just click on the picture and a dialog will open and you can resize it. Just press Ok and you're done.
12. How do I add a second Picture to my Signature?
'File' > 'Open' The picture will be opened in a new PS Document but you can simply click and drag it to the other document. So you take the 'Move Tool' and click on the picture, which you want in your signature, then you drag this to the other picture (first you need to drag it on the tab for the other picture).

When the other Picture has opened, you can release the left mouse button. Now you might want to resize it. Press 'Ctrl + T' to open Free Transform, keep pressing 'Shift' while you resize it (it will keep the ratio). If you have finished resizing the layer press 'Enter' and you're done.
13. How can I create a border?
Add a new layer and you select it (Rectangle Select Tool). Then go to 'Select' > 'Shrink' and set your desired amount of px (that means how big your border will be), click Ok. Then press 'CTRL' + 'Shift' + 'I' or 'Apple' + 'Shift' + 'I', that inverts your selection, now click with the paint tool (your border color should be choosen) on the Border-Selection.
13. How can I create a border?
Add a new layer and double click it in the layer pallet. Then add a border and adjust the settings, that the border is on the inner side of the layer.
Adjust color and size.
14. How can I reduce the layer-opacity?
Move the Opacity-Slider.


15. How can I change the Layer Mode?
GIMP has twenty-one layer modes. Layer modes are also sometimes called “blending modes”. Selecting a layer mode changes the appearance of the layer or image, based on the layer or layers beneath it. If there is only one layer, the layer mode has no effect. There must therefore be at least two layers in the image to be able to use layer modes.
15. How can I change the Layer Mode?
Photoshop and Elements allow for layer blend modes that change the way layers react with each other.
In Photoshop and Elements the layer blend modes can be changed in the layers palette. In these programs, changing the layer blend mode affects the entire layer, even if you have a selection.

16. I selected an object and now I want remove/add a part from/to the selection!
To add something to a Selection, press and hold 'Shift', while you've selected a Select-Tool and select the part of the picture, you want to add.
To remove a little selection from a bigger selection, press and hold 'Ctrl', while you select the part which you want to remove from the Selection.
16. I selected an object and now I want remove/add a part from/to the selection!
To add something to a Selection, press and hold 'Shift', while you've selected a Select-Tool and select the part of the picture, you want to add.
To remove a little selection from a bigger selection, press and hold 'Alt', while you select the part which you want to remove from the Selection.
17. How can I remove something, without destroying my Image (e.g. a Crosshair or a Name abouve ones head)?
Select the Clone Tool. You must select the portion of the image with which to paint. This is done by pressing the CTRL button, selecting an area, and left-clicking. Then you can hold left mouse button and remove the part, which you don't want in your picture.
17. How can I remove something, without destroying my Image (e.g. a Crosshair or a Name abouve ones head)?
Select the Clone Tool. You must select the portion of the image with which to paint. This is done by pressing the 'Alt' button, selecting an area, and left-clicking. Then you can hold left mouse button and remove the part, which you don't want in your picture.
18. How can I blur parts of the Image?
I recommend selecting the parts of the Image, which you want to blur and copying them to a new transparent layer. Then you blur the layer ('Filter' > 'Blur'), you have different options how to blur the part of the picture/layer.
'Blur' just blurs your layer and you can't change any settings. It doesn't blur much, but it's to make the whole layer softer.
'Gaussian Blur' is the most common Blur, you have the opportunity to change the Blur Radius (if the Radius is bigger, the Blur will be more) and the Blur Method.
'Motion Blur' creates the effect that the object/layer is moving. You can change the Blur Type (Linear, Radial or Zoom) and the Blur Parameters (Length (how big the motion blurring is) and the Angle (in which direction the motion blur will be))
'Selective Gaussian Blur' only blurs part, which have less or exactly a delta value, which you set with the slider.
That are the most important Blur Methods.
19. How can I add light effects?
'Filter' > 'Light and Shadow'
Now you can choose between variouse light and shadow effects. Some are more useful, some aren't. The best way to get used to them, is learning by doing.
19. How can I add light effects?
'Filter' > 'Render' > 'Lightning Effects'
Now you can choose between variouse light and shadow effects. Some are more useful, some aren't. The best way to get used to them, is learning by doing.
20. How can I create an Animated Signature?
'Filter' > 'Animation' There you can find some interesting effects for animations. Actually you don't a have an Animation-winow as in Photoshop, but you see your frames in the layer pallet. To play your animation 'Filter' > 'Animation' > 'Playback'
20. How can I create an Animated Signature?
Photoshop is really good for making Animated Signatures. First you should use the 'Animation Window'. Click on 'Window' and then check that 'Animation' is ticked. The you see a little window at the bottom, where you see your Frames. Now the first Frame is the picture what you see right now. Make a new Frame (same symbol as new layer, but this time it is in the Animation Window. Then edit your photo that way, how you want it to look in the end of your Animation. Select both Frames (Click on both while holding 'Ctrl'), after you selected both, click on the 'Tween'-Button.

Change the settings like you want them. If the Animation contains more Frames, it is more fluently, but it's also a bigger file.
IMPORTANT: When you want to save it, you have to save it 'File' > 'Save for Web & Devices!!
If you want to ask a specific question, feel free to ask me and I'll be glad to answer you