Legacy Supporter 8
- Joined
- Jan 20, 2011
DISCLAIMER: This will hint at or even flat out use players from Herocraft. I use profanity in personality development. I also include myself as a main character (Deal with it
) but I am not the only one. With this out of the way, enjoy! I will have a discussion thread up soon! (Please do not post here!)
I'm using notepad to write this, there will be mistakes all over in some cases (I do make up words from time to time too, but this is done on purpose) Please be fair with this in mind.
Chapter One, Man in Black
The sun rose the same as it did any other morning, highlighting the puddles of rain from the downpour yesterday night. A small log cabin barely caught the glimpse of light squeezing through the leaves of a dense forest. Rays shot through the cabin window to brighten the face of a young boy. This boy looked as if he was around the age of sixteen as he laid in bed lazily dressed in a brown cloak with nothing else but a pair of baize pants and an empty sheath.
The sudden sunlight startled the boy out of his sleep and off of his bed where he almost took his sword in the throat. The blade looked a shiney silver, but almost as if the color was fake. "Would you at least try to take care of us?" questioned an ominous voice. The sound seemed to originate from the discolored blade lying on the cabin floor.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry," replied the boy in annoyance, "I may be a 'Victor', but I never agreed to take a talking blade from that old koot." Victor, a lonesome boy who lives on his own in the wilderness. He stumbled to his feet to kneel over the sword and place it in its rightful place at his side. "Just so we are clear, I'm going to town for food, just stay quiet."
The blade reacted with silence to Victor's request. Ignoring the shirtlessness, Victor figured the summer heat would feel better if he didn't wear one. The cabin door creaked open showing its poor craft with many holes. "Ouch, fuck a splinter!" cussed Victor in pain, "I really should fix this damn door." Disregarding his cabin craftsmanship, Victor slammed the door against the hinges.
The forest had a dense portion around the cabin, but nearer to the city, it became lighter and lighter. Overhead highways could be heard from below; cars rushing to work. "Man, I sure wish I lived up in those complexes," dreamed Victor as he walked up a staircase to one of the many roads. He continued along a walkway made of concrete until he hit a suburb. The trip brought him to a corner store just a little under an hour from when he left home.
"Welcome to Aphymart!" cheered an unenthusiastic worker. "Yeah, uh thanks," spoke Victor, hardly paying any attention to the man greeting him. He made his way through the isles looking for melon flavored bread. "What, twelve coins for a stack of melon bread!? That's up two coins from last week! Well lets see. Fuck, I can only play two games at the arcade now!" The furious boy walked to the counter to pay, but was interrupted by the woman's beauty behind the counter.
"Is that all sir?" asked the cashier. "Well I was also wondering how much your number would cost me?" questioned Victor in a smooth voice. "That'll be twelve C," continued the lady, completely ignoring Victor's advance.
"So then your number is free?" pushed Victor, who obviously couldn't take a hint. He smiled and whipped out his worn wallet to pull twelve gold coins, each with the face of Kain, a man revered as a god in the Multiverse.
"You don't even have a phone do you?" the lady closely examined Victor's pocket. "Woah, hey how did you-" Victor started to question the woman before he was cut off by his sword.
"Victor, behind you, that man in the black is stealing a magazine! Hurry stop him!" demanded the sword. "Woah hey, what did I say earlier?" asked Victor. "Oh cool! Are you a samurai?" The lady finally showed interest when the sword came into the picture. "Victor he's making a run for it!" shouted the katana. Victor took no more time to think, his crazy sword had a knack for wanting to save the day. "Here hold onto my wallet until I get back!" He forced the wallet down on the counter and ran off.
The chase made its way through the busy walkways leading into the heart of the city. They both pushed and squeezed through big crowds of people as they both ran. "Just fucking stop, eh, pardon me, excuse me, sorry about this!" shouted Victor after almost pushing a small boy and his father over. "Victor we are gaining on him, cut across the street and catch him when he takes the stairs farther up ahead. There should be a fast route to his location from that side," suggested his sword. "Uh, are you crazy? I'd rather not die for a damn magazine!" Victor contested. "I'm sure that girl would think you are brave if you did," the sword knew Victor well with its persuasive words.
Victor smirked cynically as he activated a samurai ability known as windwalking. With ease he matched the cars' speed and made it to the other side, but alas, Victor crashed head first into a crowd of people on the other side. To his luck, the tumble forced him to roll into the lower walkways where rail-trains run from one point to another. "Keep moving, he probably plans to lose you in the train!" guided the katana once more.
The man in black turned to see Victor was gone and slowed his pace while following the crowd into the rail-train station. The stairs both led to the same side of the station because the train would stop perpendicular to the road above. The man simply waited, releasing a sigh of relief as the train rolled in. He lifted his foot up to get on before being tackled by a cloaked, shirtless boy.
"Hand over the magazine!" policed the vigilante. Although, the boy was just Victor. "Fine, you caught me, now get off," surrendered the man. "What would a man dressed as nicely as you need to steal a magazine for?" Victor interrogated in confusion. By this point, the portion of the crowd not eager to get somewhere, was watching the crime bust. "How about I tell you over a cup of coffee?" offered the man. Victor just nodded and helped the man to his feet.
Just down the way the two were running was a coffee shop. The seats were cozy red bench styled chairs connected together just high enough for an adult to reach the floor with their feet. "You know I come here a lot," The man tried to create small talk, but Victor wasn't very interested, "Don't try to be my friend, aren't you like thirty? People might get the wrong idea." "Hey now, I'm only twenty three!" retaliated the man in defense. "Fine fine, but just tell me what you were doing." Victor gave a stern glare, he was certain this man was a pervert, the only explanation is that he was embarrassed!
"Well be quiet, but look." The man leaned in showed an envelope stashed in the middle of the racing magazine. "Damn, I thought it was some perverted fetish of yours," admitted Victor leaning back in his seat, "But still, you should return it and what could a love note really be worth if you got fined for petty theft? I don't think small time crooks get chicks."
The man gave a friendly glance back to Victor before laughing, "Well you see, I was afraid the scanner would pick up the ring inside. My fiance wanted me to refit it, but while I was out of town she needed to leave on business too so we arranged this little 'heist'. I really didn't plan to get caught."
"You are lying!" exclaimed the sword. "Woah now, Shh!" hushed Victor. "Hmm that's an interesting sword you have; you hardly see combat users anymore ever since the wars stopped two hundred years ago." The man began to ponder. "Yeah well it wasn't really my choice, my grandfather lost a leg and an arm to a slime and so I was sorta forced to learn the family trade," admitted Victor, "Oh, but the sword, it just has a voice box in the.. uh... hilt."
"That's an enchanted blade isn't it," The man began to pry. "Hey, not so loud!" hushed Victor in alarm. "That's really rare to come by with the banning of enchants," winked the man making a hint at his earlier criminal act.
"Hey, I said it isn't enchanted, ok?" Victor began to feel frustrated, could a sword be considered enchanted with a soul?
"Oh, it's you!" a voice could be heard approaching the table, "I see you found the thief." Victor gazed up to see a waitress outfit and the face of the girl from the corner store.
"Uh, hello again; wait I thought you worked at the store..." Victor was caught in a confused thought before snapping back to hear her speak, "Its normal for a girl to work two jobs! I don't have school until the end of Summer, so why not make extra money?" spoke the lady in defense. She held a mean look on her pale face that matched her blond hair.
"I didn't mean t-" Victor was cut off by the girl, "So, tell me more about being a samurai, I don't get to meet combat hardened guys who aren't in their forties and in the military!" Her face lit up as if her scowl had never existed.
"Wait wait wait, you ignored my advances, but you want me to acknowledge yours? Ok, being a Samurai is shit, I get a small inheritance check at the start of each month that I use on food and the arcade while I sleep in a shit shack in the middle of no where," explained Victor in sheer annoyance.
"That explains the smell and no shirt," snickered the man. "These abs get chicks man!" Victor tried to defend himself focusing on his muscles gained from training. "Yeah, but the smell sure cancels it out," the man burst out into a controlled laughter at this point.
"Shouldn't you take our order?" asked Victor as he turned to the lady again. "Oh, but wait," she reached into her pocket and brought out a worn wallet, "I have your bread in the back if you want that too."
"Oh, I forgot about leaving that there, my cloak pockets are too wavy, stuff never stays in them," explained Victor almost dumbfounded.
"Well I must be going," the man sat up and headed for the door. He still had the magazine he stole from earlier. "I'll go grab the bread," the lady rushed off.
"Hey wait," Victor tried to halt the man as he stuck his wallet into his pants pocket avoiding his cloak, "You still have th-" Men stood with automatic rifles aimed at the man in black. Victor froze for a moment, the sword was right wasn't he? Before Victor could fully register the situation bullets started to fly across the coffee shop.
Though once the shooting stopped it was apparent that no one was hurt and the man still stood in the door way unscathed. "W-who are you?" stuttered Victor in amazement as well as fear.
"They call me Left," answered the man. The armed men from before all laid on the floor, wounded, but very much alive; soon after Left ran off into the startled, crowded walkways.
"What was that all about, who was he?" asked the lady from before as she walked closer with a loaf of melon bread tied up in a bag. "I don't quite know," replied Victor without removing his gaze from the wrecked doorway.

I'm using notepad to write this, there will be mistakes all over in some cases (I do make up words from time to time too, but this is done on purpose) Please be fair with this in mind.
Chapter One, Man in Black
The sun rose the same as it did any other morning, highlighting the puddles of rain from the downpour yesterday night. A small log cabin barely caught the glimpse of light squeezing through the leaves of a dense forest. Rays shot through the cabin window to brighten the face of a young boy. This boy looked as if he was around the age of sixteen as he laid in bed lazily dressed in a brown cloak with nothing else but a pair of baize pants and an empty sheath.
The sudden sunlight startled the boy out of his sleep and off of his bed where he almost took his sword in the throat. The blade looked a shiney silver, but almost as if the color was fake. "Would you at least try to take care of us?" questioned an ominous voice. The sound seemed to originate from the discolored blade lying on the cabin floor.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry," replied the boy in annoyance, "I may be a 'Victor', but I never agreed to take a talking blade from that old koot." Victor, a lonesome boy who lives on his own in the wilderness. He stumbled to his feet to kneel over the sword and place it in its rightful place at his side. "Just so we are clear, I'm going to town for food, just stay quiet."
The blade reacted with silence to Victor's request. Ignoring the shirtlessness, Victor figured the summer heat would feel better if he didn't wear one. The cabin door creaked open showing its poor craft with many holes. "Ouch, fuck a splinter!" cussed Victor in pain, "I really should fix this damn door." Disregarding his cabin craftsmanship, Victor slammed the door against the hinges.
The forest had a dense portion around the cabin, but nearer to the city, it became lighter and lighter. Overhead highways could be heard from below; cars rushing to work. "Man, I sure wish I lived up in those complexes," dreamed Victor as he walked up a staircase to one of the many roads. He continued along a walkway made of concrete until he hit a suburb. The trip brought him to a corner store just a little under an hour from when he left home.
"Welcome to Aphymart!" cheered an unenthusiastic worker. "Yeah, uh thanks," spoke Victor, hardly paying any attention to the man greeting him. He made his way through the isles looking for melon flavored bread. "What, twelve coins for a stack of melon bread!? That's up two coins from last week! Well lets see. Fuck, I can only play two games at the arcade now!" The furious boy walked to the counter to pay, but was interrupted by the woman's beauty behind the counter.
"Is that all sir?" asked the cashier. "Well I was also wondering how much your number would cost me?" questioned Victor in a smooth voice. "That'll be twelve C," continued the lady, completely ignoring Victor's advance.
"So then your number is free?" pushed Victor, who obviously couldn't take a hint. He smiled and whipped out his worn wallet to pull twelve gold coins, each with the face of Kain, a man revered as a god in the Multiverse.
"You don't even have a phone do you?" the lady closely examined Victor's pocket. "Woah, hey how did you-" Victor started to question the woman before he was cut off by his sword.
"Victor, behind you, that man in the black is stealing a magazine! Hurry stop him!" demanded the sword. "Woah hey, what did I say earlier?" asked Victor. "Oh cool! Are you a samurai?" The lady finally showed interest when the sword came into the picture. "Victor he's making a run for it!" shouted the katana. Victor took no more time to think, his crazy sword had a knack for wanting to save the day. "Here hold onto my wallet until I get back!" He forced the wallet down on the counter and ran off.
The chase made its way through the busy walkways leading into the heart of the city. They both pushed and squeezed through big crowds of people as they both ran. "Just fucking stop, eh, pardon me, excuse me, sorry about this!" shouted Victor after almost pushing a small boy and his father over. "Victor we are gaining on him, cut across the street and catch him when he takes the stairs farther up ahead. There should be a fast route to his location from that side," suggested his sword. "Uh, are you crazy? I'd rather not die for a damn magazine!" Victor contested. "I'm sure that girl would think you are brave if you did," the sword knew Victor well with its persuasive words.
Victor smirked cynically as he activated a samurai ability known as windwalking. With ease he matched the cars' speed and made it to the other side, but alas, Victor crashed head first into a crowd of people on the other side. To his luck, the tumble forced him to roll into the lower walkways where rail-trains run from one point to another. "Keep moving, he probably plans to lose you in the train!" guided the katana once more.
The man in black turned to see Victor was gone and slowed his pace while following the crowd into the rail-train station. The stairs both led to the same side of the station because the train would stop perpendicular to the road above. The man simply waited, releasing a sigh of relief as the train rolled in. He lifted his foot up to get on before being tackled by a cloaked, shirtless boy.
"Hand over the magazine!" policed the vigilante. Although, the boy was just Victor. "Fine, you caught me, now get off," surrendered the man. "What would a man dressed as nicely as you need to steal a magazine for?" Victor interrogated in confusion. By this point, the portion of the crowd not eager to get somewhere, was watching the crime bust. "How about I tell you over a cup of coffee?" offered the man. Victor just nodded and helped the man to his feet.
Just down the way the two were running was a coffee shop. The seats were cozy red bench styled chairs connected together just high enough for an adult to reach the floor with their feet. "You know I come here a lot," The man tried to create small talk, but Victor wasn't very interested, "Don't try to be my friend, aren't you like thirty? People might get the wrong idea." "Hey now, I'm only twenty three!" retaliated the man in defense. "Fine fine, but just tell me what you were doing." Victor gave a stern glare, he was certain this man was a pervert, the only explanation is that he was embarrassed!
"Well be quiet, but look." The man leaned in showed an envelope stashed in the middle of the racing magazine. "Damn, I thought it was some perverted fetish of yours," admitted Victor leaning back in his seat, "But still, you should return it and what could a love note really be worth if you got fined for petty theft? I don't think small time crooks get chicks."
The man gave a friendly glance back to Victor before laughing, "Well you see, I was afraid the scanner would pick up the ring inside. My fiance wanted me to refit it, but while I was out of town she needed to leave on business too so we arranged this little 'heist'. I really didn't plan to get caught."
"You are lying!" exclaimed the sword. "Woah now, Shh!" hushed Victor. "Hmm that's an interesting sword you have; you hardly see combat users anymore ever since the wars stopped two hundred years ago." The man began to ponder. "Yeah well it wasn't really my choice, my grandfather lost a leg and an arm to a slime and so I was sorta forced to learn the family trade," admitted Victor, "Oh, but the sword, it just has a voice box in the.. uh... hilt."
"That's an enchanted blade isn't it," The man began to pry. "Hey, not so loud!" hushed Victor in alarm. "That's really rare to come by with the banning of enchants," winked the man making a hint at his earlier criminal act.
"Hey, I said it isn't enchanted, ok?" Victor began to feel frustrated, could a sword be considered enchanted with a soul?
"Oh, it's you!" a voice could be heard approaching the table, "I see you found the thief." Victor gazed up to see a waitress outfit and the face of the girl from the corner store.
"Uh, hello again; wait I thought you worked at the store..." Victor was caught in a confused thought before snapping back to hear her speak, "Its normal for a girl to work two jobs! I don't have school until the end of Summer, so why not make extra money?" spoke the lady in defense. She held a mean look on her pale face that matched her blond hair.
"I didn't mean t-" Victor was cut off by the girl, "So, tell me more about being a samurai, I don't get to meet combat hardened guys who aren't in their forties and in the military!" Her face lit up as if her scowl had never existed.
"Wait wait wait, you ignored my advances, but you want me to acknowledge yours? Ok, being a Samurai is shit, I get a small inheritance check at the start of each month that I use on food and the arcade while I sleep in a shit shack in the middle of no where," explained Victor in sheer annoyance.
"That explains the smell and no shirt," snickered the man. "These abs get chicks man!" Victor tried to defend himself focusing on his muscles gained from training. "Yeah, but the smell sure cancels it out," the man burst out into a controlled laughter at this point.
"Shouldn't you take our order?" asked Victor as he turned to the lady again. "Oh, but wait," she reached into her pocket and brought out a worn wallet, "I have your bread in the back if you want that too."
"Oh, I forgot about leaving that there, my cloak pockets are too wavy, stuff never stays in them," explained Victor almost dumbfounded.
"Well I must be going," the man sat up and headed for the door. He still had the magazine he stole from earlier. "I'll go grab the bread," the lady rushed off.
"Hey wait," Victor tried to halt the man as he stuck his wallet into his pants pocket avoiding his cloak, "You still have th-" Men stood with automatic rifles aimed at the man in black. Victor froze for a moment, the sword was right wasn't he? Before Victor could fully register the situation bullets started to fly across the coffee shop.
Though once the shooting stopped it was apparent that no one was hurt and the man still stood in the door way unscathed. "W-who are you?" stuttered Victor in amazement as well as fear.
"They call me Left," answered the man. The armed men from before all laid on the floor, wounded, but very much alive; soon after Left ran off into the startled, crowded walkways.
"What was that all about, who was he?" asked the lady from before as she walked closer with a loaf of melon bread tied up in a bag. "I don't quite know," replied Victor without removing his gaze from the wrecked doorway.