- Joined
- Jan 17, 2012
Mayor: Laviathan
SecondInCommand: Thegreybeast
Location: X: -278 | Z: -2781
Here at Raubtier we are a neutral town. With an organized community, we have a council with trusted members. We are all trying to get specialized both in crafter and in fighter classes. We have free above ground plots, and treat each other with respect. A policy is that if someone attacks you on purpose you have the right to kill them or damage them back (depends on how much they damage you). We now have regions and a chat (message a council member for the name and password of chat)
(Rules are prone to change check them and the forums every couple days!)
1. Do not steal from other citizens or allies
2. We are NEUTRAL, do not attack unless provoked
3. Try to work on the town projects if you aren't doing anything (Walls/Filling/Clearing)
4. Follow ALL server rules.
5. We will not tolerate if you break these rules.
6. Make sure all entrances to town are closed.
1st time: You will be warned etc.
2nd time: You may be killed to teach a lesson
3rd time: You may be kicked out of town
* These terms may vary depending on the circumstances
* We also joke around a lot so if we are having a 'fun day' where we hit each other, it will not be considered a broken rule
Forgotten Empire
8514/10000 Coins
Want to join RaubTier? Fill out this application!
1. Your IGN
2. Your real life name
3. Your class and what spec do you want to be?
4. Will you help with town projects?
5. Will you donate gold if needed?
6. We like to have fun, do you?
7. Do you have skype? We use it a lot and would appreciate if you could get it!
8. Are you mature and respect your fellow players?
9. Have you read the rules?
10. What time zone are you in?
11. Are you going to be active?
12. List all Previous towns?
13. If previous towns listed, list why you left/got kicked?
Have you filled out the application? If so, message one of the council members and tell them to check your application. They will tell you if you are accepted or if you need to work on improving your application

Town Tax Payment Info