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Suggestion Ranger Skill Suggestions


Nov 4, 2012
Hi, i recently changed to ranger, And I love ranger but their are some stuff that i would like to be changed/added/removed. I will give my 2 cents and may add more or new skills for suggesting.

-Note these are stuff that i would like. If you dont like a skill i suggest please say why... If have a idea for a skill feel free to say it.


Rangers- They are known as fighters that ambush or fight in the back. They are also known as scouts in a way. in old times hundred of archers can destroy thousands of warriors, But from a distance.

My Suggestions
Scout- Move Faster when not taking damage(Active 20sec cd)​
Why i suggest this- Rangers are a really strategic class, They need to be in a place that people cant get to easily or be behind lines. When i fight i notice i get left behind ALOT i shoot a bow i have to stay still and then i hit them they fly backwards a bit, And then they are 100 blocks away from me.​
Rapid Fire- Shoots Three arrows along with your basic attack(Active 15 sec cd) OR When target is hit with a basic attack target takes damge = to 3 basic attacks(If the 1st would be hard to code)​
Why I suggest this- Barrage is the only ranger skill that does not require a skill shot, This would just be a nice skill to have if you manage to hit a target with your bow.​
Firearrow- This skill is more of a burden then a skill. It turns a target on fire, And mobs/players are immune to my arrows. Sometimes arrows will bounce back, And hit me... I would say remove this skill or bug fix it. Would be happy if this skill was replaced by scout.​
Frostarrow- This skills is fine, But attack speed debuff as well would be nice. Might be op​
Bow Basic damge- +.5 per lvl​
Why i suggest this- when i fight a target at lvl 60 most classes I do .5-2 hearts of dmg​
Track- You do slightly increased damage when your target is the one you tracked​
Why i suggest this- If you are following someone that you want to kill its sounds reasonable that you would do more damage when you tracked him down and ambushed him​
May add more may change may remove.. Feel free to comment and post your suggestions.. Any typos please point out and I will fix.​


Wiki Team
Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
The track thing is cool but wont be implemented due to complexity and exploit possibilities (we would just track whoever we saw to get that dmg boost before attacking lol)

Scout - NO class should have a passive speed boost forever. However, one method of balancing Rangers WOULD be to give them mobility but that doesnt help in Arenas or rated arenas as much as a real damaging skill to replace broke ass firearrow.

Rapid fire - would be cool, if we had a single target shot on a medium-long CD that did increased dmg and used 3-4 arrows and more resources (mana + stam). This would be instead of the SummonWolf ideas we have seen lately however.

BIGGEST THING: Remove Firearrow, replace with a different, similar numbers-wise damaging skill. We already have a chance of shooting/icing/poisoning ourselves when we shoot at a target that our caster teammate set on fire, the fact that we can still do it ourselves is an overwhelming nerf to one of our 3 largest skills. I would like to see a short duration wolf summon (like Batfury, lasts short while and is annoying) or a Rapid Fire-esque idea that does increased dmg for one shot only.


Nov 4, 2012
Scout - NO class should have a passive speed boost forever. However, one method of balancing Rangers WOULD be to give them mobility but that doesnt help in Arenas or rated arenas as much as a real damaging skill to replace broke ass firearrow.

Yeah I would love some mobility on rangers but I guess i went a little to far haha.. I will change that i guess xD


Wiki Team
Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
Its ok, you just dont realize how overpowered a free infinite speed boost, even a tiny one, is. And on a ranger? LOL GG


Legacy Supporter 3
Dec 10, 2012
The idea of scout would be great just make it a skill that gives you speed boost equal to mabey speed potion II for 30 seconds with a 2 min cooldown and damage removes the effect or something similar. Also rangers really need a way to deal damage to heavily armored targets possibly a shot that ignores armor on a 20-30 second cooldown or if it is even possible place a debuff on your target that ignores armor or a certain percentage of their armor (the % could ensure it is balenced between different types of armor).


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 8, 2011
The idea of scout would be great just make it a skill that gives you speed boost equal to mabey speed potion II for 30 seconds with a 2 min cooldown and damage removes the effect or something similar. Also rangers really need a way to deal damage to heavily armored targets possibly a shot that ignores armor on a 20-30 second cooldown or if it is even possible place a debuff on your target that ignores armor or a certain percentage of their armor (the % could ensure it is balenced between different types of armor).
Ever heard of the combat triangle? I don't get why people think rogues need to be able to fight warriors. They are meant to be a hard counter to rogues.


Nov 4, 2012
Ever heard of the combat triangle? I don't get why people think rogues need to be able to fight warriors. They are meant to be a hard counter to rogues.
These days alot of mmos dont take that anymore... I mean take the new wow for example.. as a rouge i one hit a warrior kinda funny i know.. Aion was the same way.. I can only think of runescape that did that and i dont even know if they still do that


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 19, 2012
Ever heard of the combat triangle? I don't get why people think rogues need to be able to fight warriors. They are meant to be a hard counter to rogues.
I'd personally consider a ranger to be among the warrior classes. Just because it isn't melee, doesn't mean it isn't combat oriented. I realize the HC rangers are specs of rogue, but even if you look into real world history, Arrows > Armor. Period. Thus, I have no problem at all with a skill that would allow rangers to pierce armor. It wouldn't make them any more deadly against classes that don't wear armor, but it gives them a fighting change against those metal-clad brutes that seem to walk through their arrows, which is sort of unrealistic.

With their current skillset, I'd say they are much more combat oriented than stealth or utility.


Wiki Team
Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
^ I actually disagree with the whole armor piercing arrows, as far as LORE, a Knight (etc) would not get hit unless in the underarm or neck weak spots. But when they were hit there, they died regardless of armor. Another server, now dead, had Headshot (arrows to the head do increased dmg), and that would be cool if we could figure out how to code it.

But rangers need a new damage skill to replace Firearrow since we can not use it without making the enemy immune to ALL our damage. And without the ability to use firearrow and other arrows, Mystics Rejuvenate ALONE can make us a Non-Factor in a fight (heals more than our non-poison arrows dmg LOL)


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 19, 2012
I guess it depends on the era you're looking at. I'm sure you've heard of bodkin points. They could reliably pierce through chain armor, albeit at closish range (which, lets be honest, is all ranged combat in minecraft). Needle bodkins had even more piercing capability, far surpassing typical broadhead arrows. I realize that not every arrow fired would pierce plate, as that would greatly depend on aim, range, etc, but it seems reasonable for the purposes of a ranger class in a hi-fantasy environment to have a skill capable of armor piercing. Having a cooldown and the works represents that not every arrow does have the capacity to penetrate. It's only a suggestion and an opinion.

I'm still fresh on the server, but from what I've heard, rangers have virtually no burst damage capability and against fully armored foes, they stand little chance. Not saying this is the case for ALL rangers, just common remarks I see. From my understanding, the armored foes are the biggest threat, while rangers can easily dispatch casters and other squishy targets. Giving a penetration effect would add some extra burst where they seem to need it while not making them even more effective against targets they can already destroy with relative ease.

I often get the sense that they generally don't need the burst they don't have to take out a good portion of targets. That said, and with firearrow being broken like that, another damaging replacement would be ideal, but might make them further decimate the unarmored targets in order for it to be effective against armored ones.

All that said, if we're talking about replacing firearrow with a different damaging burst skill, I like the idea of a multi-arrow attack. Again, my only issue is that I wonder how it will fare against armored targets vs how much more pain it would inflict on the unarmored ones.

lol I think we all agree that firearrow needs to go, or at least be fixed somehow.


Oct 31, 2011
As a pyro, I'de like to see a skill that has a arrow limit, but is aimed. Like "Flame Arrow", but "Piercing Arrow". This skill would have armor piercing capabilities, but would have a limit to how many you can shoot. Give it increased damage as well.

I understand that rogue>caster, but when you can die from 3 arrows (Unarmored) as a pyro, and not even get close to dieing as any other warrior, I think that reduced arrow damage, but having an "Arrow Piercing" skill would fix a little unevenness between specs (Caster and Warrior).


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 29, 2012
Headshot thing would be a cool thing to code but it would be a passive and it would do 2x or 2.5x the damage over that would be pretty op.


Apr 28, 2012
If someone sends me the yml of Ranger I can add all of these things, The "scout" skill is called one, I can rename it ofcourse but then I would need the whole hero folder.