Ice Arrows are definitely insane. I think the "Power Triangle" could be repaired by giving more Rogues skills like "One", giving them more gap-closing abilities on ranged persons. I also feel like the Ranger Armour/Dps is disproportional to, say, a Wizard.
"caster" vs Wizard, go.
Most of the argument's I've read refer to the burst-ier caster classes, and not to necromancer or beguiler which is half of the caster path, fyi guys.
Besides, Beguiler's are a melee-caster, so all this jazz about running away and whatnot is crap. We're also the 2nd lowest HP class in the game, as a "melee" hybrid. that's absurd. We only do 5 damage with a diamond hoe, and fireball. Plus we can dispel, but mortalwound, and bladegrasp, and other physical effects are not dispellable. It's pretty balanced from what I've glimpsed at in PVE.
I'd also like to add that aiming an insanely fast fireball in melee range can be quite futile if your target is spamming movement like a deranged lunatic.
One of my reasons for suggesting samurais get a temp (personal) speed buff like the Bards can do for their party was because of this. If Heroes shifts to far towards potion-reliance it would unbalance Crafter. Everybody would be an alchemist to either make potions themselves, or to make a quick buck on the market for potions.
Since PVP is constant in Herocraft, there will never be a surplus of potions. I'd rather see potions be like delicious soda, nice to have but you can go without, instead of super-crack where you NEED it.
I agree with this, because speed II potions are absolutely insane. I had no idea the speed and duration of them was that nuts. I'd wager a 15 or 30 second boost, on a 5 minute cooldown is PLENTY.
Also, Insta-Health II and Harm splash pots should all share that cd with speed 2's. (If they don't already) so it's more of a tactical advantage, and only a small one, at that. I feel that the health pots should only heal about 20-25 damage, and the harm potions should only do about 10-15 damage (if it's aoe, less)