Randy Acer
- Joined
- Aug 16, 2011
- In-game name: racer6489 ( lower case r )
- Location & Age:South Carolina, 33
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): Never. Not even so much as a warning.
- Referral(s):None, sorry.
- Reason you should be accepted: I'm just your average guy looking to enjoy Minecraft on a populated server with friendly, mature people. I'm sick of joining random servers full of children who don't respect anything.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: Browsing Server intro vids on Youtube. I have never heard of such a plug-in, and would like to check it out on an already mature server.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?:Not yet, I would like to see the server first before doing so. I'm very loyal about supporting those whom deserve it though. It will only take me a few seconds to vote.
- Additional Info: I have been playing MMO's for many years now. I played World of Warcraft since beta, but have recently moved on, but I have a lot of experience dealing with other players online. As you can see, I'm older than most applicants, I've been a gamer my whole life and my wife accepts that . I host my own Minecraft Server, but only for myself and 1 or 2 personal friends. It gets lonely. The Multiplayer server I used to spend most of my time and built a few large projects on is no longer alive, so I'm homeless right now. Looking for a new place to call Home.
- I posted a few screenshots of my builds to the following URL http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v491/Racer6489/Minecraft/
Thanks for considering,