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Quest Team

Apr 23, 2013
I'm semi new to the server but I'm a creative writing major. Is there any way I can help, and how?
Apr 23, 2013
Where can I go to see what lore is already in place? Being as I'm relatively new, idk where the server's roots stem from (aside from the "back in my day..." posts. As far as quests go, I think it would be easy to slap some npc's in the buildings around bastion to give out quests. Like the baker's building have someone asking you to fetch him cocoa beans or something. You could even have a head on a stick explaining how the bounty system works to avenge his death against a player or npc with really bad karma.
Apr 23, 2013
I guess no one knows lol. Well I'd like to come up with some quest ideas. I rly liked the bounty one I had, I think I'll elaborate on it some more. Should I pm it to you Danda?


May 8, 2013
Long ago when the world was without form, there fell a Voice on the deep...

Such was the power of this voice that it cracked the mantle into two pieces, sky and earth. For sixteen eons was the world barren, until one day without any apparent provocation there formed life.. a lowly sprout in The Middle of Nowhere.

On seeing this the Voice was pleased, and sought to spread life to the world. The Voice gave this tree the ability to reproduce itself, and so the trees did spread across the earth. Over the ages, these trees changed and adapted to fit their respective local environments, and eventually it was unclear that they had originated from a single Mother Tree.

The trees grew too tall....

In a desperate fight for sunlight, the trees fought eachother. Entire species waged war against eachother... vines and bramble, thicket and thorn. What was once green became grey, and what was good was lost.

The Voice saw this and was very displeased...

As punishment the Voice created creatures to eat the leaves of the trees, to chop them down, to consume and tame the trees. Eventually the trees no longer choked the life out of the earth, and for a time balance was restored...

The Mother Tree saw what the voice did to her kin, and felt betrayed. So she schemed against the living creatures and poisoned them, turning them against each other. She perverted their dead, causing them to attack the living. She twisted the earth and hid the secrets that gave men their wisdom deep in the dark.

Though she sought out to destroy the race of men, she was intrigued by their resilience and aptitude. Knowing that she could not rid the earth of these creatures alone, she opened the gates of hell in order to weaken these earthly creatures, and was successful.

The Voice saw this and was quite angry, but as the Voice drew breath to bring ruin to the Mother Tree, there was silence. A single root through earth and chasm, through fire and stone, through void and deep, latched onto the throat of the Voice, and there was silence....

But in a last gasp the Voice did utter to the world of men the secret of the Mother Tree.

14 seeds were there,
ere one was so fair.
That it towered high,
into the bright sky.
It choked out its kin,
and committed sin.
13 seeds are now,
and one magic plow.
13 sisters sleep,
this secret I keep.

You can use it to get some lore started for HeroCraft if you want; I wrote it up myself in about a half hour, so its not copyrighted or anything.

Usually you first write lore, THEN you have a 'reason' to quest. You can't really have anything other than transient reasons (get 12 skeleton bones for some bread) to quest unless you have lore. Every MMORPG needs lore.

I could apply for a Lore Master's position, but to be honest it doesn't really matter. If my ideas can be helpful or even if they aren't, I hope you enjoyed my post. If you want more just ask.


Legacy Supporter 8
Mar 25, 2011
I have never seen a quest in HC so I'm assuming this is a dead thread?
There were quests at the beginning of the map. A few months ago NPCs were removed for reasons unknown to me and they have not returned.

Gyrwyx, we have tons of lore, don't necessarily need to 'get started'. Check out the link two posts above you that Danda posted.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
There were quests at the beginning of the map. A few months ago NPCs were removed for reasons unknown to me and they have not returned.

Gyrwyx, we have tons of lore, don't necessarily need to 'get started'. Check out the link two posts above you that Danda posted.
NPC's were removed due to a large amount of lag associated with them. Most of it has since been resolved. In the update they had they broke all denizen quest formats - so we'll have to redo them all by hand.


Apr 22, 2012
This sounds like a brilliant idea, ive always wanted to do something like this and now is my chance.


May 15, 2013
I'm new to the server, but I'd still love to help. So I'll try to come up with some ideas, I can't promise though that they'll all be 100% plausible, but I'll try to keep them at least manageable. In short, I'll try my best to be helpful!
May 23, 2013
Well, if you still need help, I'm writing my own novel, so I think I could help you guys out making quest stories. :p
Dec 10, 2012
I used to play on an RPG server that I left because donaters where the only people who could make chest shops, earn the best money, more bonuses, etc, so I left. But the server did have a great quest system, there was an RPG world where there where a bunch of portals to different biomes, the biomes would have varying difficulty depending on the biome, but perhaps to reach some biomes you had to do some tricky parkour, or beat an army of zombies, or the like. So, the portal would take you to a village in that particular biome, and there were a bunch of npc's there who would give quests of varying difficulty, one would say tell you to go to a cave full of spider spawners, and tell you to return after you have killed say 20 spiders, (tweak regarding reward) another would tell you to go through a massive dungeon with epic mazes and armies of monsters, and after you had completed the quest you would get a reward. There were also NPC's who were hidden in this particular biome, (say you had to jump through a waterfall of lava and go through a maze) before finding an NPC who would give you a harder than the average quest with a larger reward. Of course these quests would have a reward (I mean who wants to do go through a massive dungeon then get nothing for it) but the rewards would be worth doing but not OP (I'll leave that for you to decide).

But that is my idea, not a simple storyline, but an entire world built solely for RPG


Legacy Supporter 8
Mar 25, 2011
There is a system in the works somewhat similar to that. I don't know much info about it besides the fact that it will have quests, quest hubs and custom terrain and buildings.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
I have an sp world where I have been designing some dungeons with loot at the end. Possibly these can be implemented in.

Anyways, I was thinking of quests and rewards, and figured there could be random quests scattered throughout the world that can influence your karma depending on your actions. One quest I thought up would start with the player finding an npc (a beggar, or hermit, or something along those lines) who would ask you for some coins, or to run a simple errand. You could choose to do it, or you can ignore the man. If you accept and give the man what he asked for, he will transform into a Zo (maybe change skin into something grander, or trigger a beacon below him that shines, not sure if these are possible) and reward you with a small reward and boost your karma. If you deny the man, he will transform into a Zo (again, not sure if possible) and teleport you to a nether or prison themed dungeon which you must escape. Upon escaping you receive a small reward (such as xp) and your karma drops.
This wouldn't be a massive quest, just something small and scattered about the world.

Another quest I devised was something similar to Elder Scrolls daedra quests. It would start by wandering into the basement of a house occupied by a man (an agent of Dagith). Once entered, the basement will seal itself off behind you (piston door, not sure how it could be triggered though). The man will order you to sacrifice a testificate to Dagith, which will appear from behind a piston door (again, not sure how this'll be triggered) and will be caged up. You can sacrifice the testificate, and gain a reward from the agent of Dagith and lose karma, or you can sacrifice yourself (/kill) and respawn upstairs with all your items still, and gain a reward and karma.


Jul 20, 2013
I was thinking something special that makes the hero choosing his own decisions. A little like skyrim based. How about letting the hero choose which paths to go on. Either letting that hero to be a good person. Helping gods and citizen Npc. Or an evil hero doing some killing on Npc's. I realize that killing the npc would make others can't be able to kill them as well so you can reset the world by having it on a different realm. The story lines can be connected by portals on their choosing based on where they want to go for their hero.

Maybe add some cool bosses like the giant zombie or having a lich lord summoning zombies in a moment. Or like skyrim: Killing an end dragon. :p. I feel like the rewards should only be for the quest world because if you use it in worlds like bastion. It would make you stronger than others.

One question on this: If your a ranger and completed a dungeon. What if you received a tool or armor that you cant use?


Jul 20, 2013
Oh oops :p. Anyways the karma thing sounds pretty nice. But is there a way we can turn karma EARNED from the quest world to coins or currency?


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
No, karma is a system that is implemented on herocraft. Depending on the actions you take, your karma raises or lowers and it is reflected by titles you may receive and by the color of your name. And coins and/or items can be a reward for quests, but that is not my decision to make as I'm not a part of the quest team, I was just making suggestions.