alright! don't act so excited that I won't be there!YES YES YES!
I'm going to take that the YES YES YES! is for my AWESOME team! (So far.) ;} ;D <3YES YES YES!
I'll join ;D I'm a 55 cleric, and I just want to take part for the fun of it.FAILURE TEAM!<3 ~Lovelies~:1. SonOfAGunner2. @Kahzo3. @Diffuse4. @whiteninja1970{REST YET TO BE DETERMINED}
I'll join!!! I'm a 50 Dragoon ready to have fun and make fun of the other teams <3FAILURE TEAM!<3 ~Lovelies~:1. SonOfAGunner2. @Kahzo3. @Diffuse4. @whiteninja1970{REST YET TO BE DETERMINED}
Dash, Me and you should make a team55 wizard looking to join a team.Someone make a team called "The Assassins" to balance against the "Knights Templar."
The thing is, people just dont wanna lead a team... they just wanna be there
I will for sure team up, if i can have the money to go back to 55 bard.......