j2gay stop stalking me!
I don't even see why people are complaining about how this is a nerf on builders. Combat logging has always been illegal/discouraged ever since zeal through dragon guard. Since when in this new map did this rule reverse to it being encouraged?
We aren't re-introducing NPCs at this time, at least not in the ways described in this thread
. The system works as intended. If you can't keep someone in combat for more than X seconds - they can log freely.
Here's what I want to do ultimately (our own game/client/whatever)
If you are not in a "safe" zone (main spawn/graveyard) logging out will take 20-30 seconds. Even if you "disconnect"/crash - your character will be kept on the server (alive/kicking) for 30 seconds until it times out.
This is how most MMO's handle it. This is the road we want to take and will take when possible. "Combat" won't even be a measure in it, your character will stay in game for 20-30s no matter what...
We could make a command /logout - that will take 15-20s to use and once completed your character will instantly log off.
We'll see, but it isnt illegal to avoid pvp.
Why are we still talking about this?