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Suggestion PvP Elo/Top: The Killer of a Playerbase

May 30, 2017
PvP Top: The Killer of a Playerbase
With the current state of the game, there is a monthly reward d for the top five PvPers on the server which is largely determined by "/pvp top." As is, it is an incentive to PvP with other players. That said, there is absolutely no level bias in this counter. So, most of these individuals who end up at the top do so via taking advantage of their class's given abilities that they have earned after a relentless amount of grinding for several dozen hours. Furthermore, these people typically have previous experience with the complex Heroes Plugin. There is a dozen of things that a more experienced player will know about that a less experienced player won't, which gives a strict advantage over this less experienced player. Simple commands such as, "/hero whois {playername}" is an essential prep tool that allows you to assert the enemies level and class. As well, the more experienced player will have a much better idea of what his/her enemies class does and the skills that they have at a given level.

Most of these players also have another advantage over the "non-experienced" player in the form of items. Several classes rely on items to simply stand toe to toe with other classes (example: Enderpearls with several of the Support Mage Classes) that may or may not require these items. That said, a non-experience player will not know he/she needs these items, nor will they have them in the first place. Besides that, the non-experienced player will likely not have enchanted gear due to wanting to go solo without the knowledge that being in a town is almost paramount to any form of success. Furthermore, the non-experienced player will likely not have any information prior to their choice of class on which of these classes require these items.

Let's also consider another advantage that an experienced player will have over a non-experienced player, gear. They will likely have some form of armor, and in some cases, the gear will be top tier making the chances for a non-geared player killing them slim.

Quickly glancing back at the fact that these players are going to be high/max level classes we can see that they will also have the extra HP, and damage over a "non-experienced" player.

What I'm trying to get at is that the new player is at an overwhelmingly large disadvantage with little information on how to prevent their death. Why is this a bad thing? What kind of masochistic player is going to enjoy dying several times over with no chance of killing his opponent? Not many players, I'll tell you that much. With the current system in place, it is promoting this behavior which scares off these sane potential players.

Furthermore, the current death chest system promotes nakedly running into wherever you died to retrieve your chest as to prevent a loss of items. In other words, it promotes an absolutely tiring and sluggish PvP that requires in some cases hours until one of the given parties gives up. This is not fun nor exciting pvp, but instead simply a game of grab the chest and run to the nearest safe zone... die.. go back and repeat... over... and... over... and.... over. While yes, you can block up someone's chest, but that doesn't stop anyone. They'll begin tearing through the land leaving scars in the land around essential points such as the castles.

Onto the suggestion regarding new players.... I've said this before, but I still believe that we should give new players some form of PvP protection for a given amount of time. Either it be based on time or level. Also, due to some people being masochists let their be a way to turn it off (possibiliy a one time or a toggle... you can figure out the details).

@Kainzo @Kenneth_Chow

tl;dr: PvP Top rewards promotes killing new players who are at a disadvantage vs these people at "/pvp top" which in turn causes less new players to stick.
Last edited:


Max Legacy Supporter
Feb 5, 2012
The sad thing is you don't even need to kill noobs to get high up on the leaderboards, but it's simply the easier way to get there.

Didn't read entire post, mainly cus the white-bolded text hurts my eyes on the dark theme.


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 22, 2012
it promotes an absolutely tiring and sluggish PvP that requires in some cases hours until one of the given parties gives up.
Uh, no. From experience, people give up after 3-4 tries, unless they bring friends which usually means an additional two, but also more items if successful. I would like to add that I agree with almost everything else.


PvP Top: The Killer of a Playerbase
With the current state of the game, there is a monthly reward d for the top five PvPers on the server which is largely determined by "/pvp top." As is, it is an incentive to PvP with other players. That said, there is absolutely no level bias in this counter. So, most of these individuals who end up at the top do so via taking advantage of their class's given abilities that they have earned after a relentless amount of grinding for several dozen hours. Furthermore, these people typically have previous experience with the complex Heroes Plugin. There is a dozen of things that a more experienced player will know about that a less experienced player won't, which gives a strict advantage over this less experienced player. Simple commands such as, "/hero whois {playername}" is an essential prep tool that allows you to assert the enemies level and class. As well, the more experienced player will have a much better idea of what his/her enemies class does and the skills that they have at a given level.

Most of these players also have another advantage over the "non-experienced" player in the form of items. Several classes rely on items to simply stand toe to toe with other classes (example: Enderpearls with several of the Support Mage Classes) that may or may not require these items. That said, a non-experience player will not know he/she needs these items, nor will they have them in the first place. Besides that, the non-experienced player will likely not have enchanted gear due to wanting to go solo without the knowledge that being in a town is almost paramount to any form of success. Furthermore, the non-experienced player will likely not have any information prior to their choice of class on which of these classes require these items.

Let's also consider another advantage that an experienced player will have over a non-experienced player, gear. They will likely have some form of armor, and in some cases, the gear will be top tier making the chances for a non-geared player killing them slim.

Quickly glancing back at the fact that these players are going to be high/max level classes we can see that they will also have the extra HP, and damage over a "non-experienced" player.

What I'm trying to get at is that the new player is at an overwhelmingly large disadvantage with little information on how to prevent their death. Why is this a bad thing? What kind of masochistic player is going to enjoy dying several times over with no chance of killing his opponent? Not many players, I'll tell you that much. With the current system in place, it is promoting this behavior which scares off these sane potential players.

Furthermore, the current death chest system promotes nakedly running into wherever you died to retrieve your chest as to prevent a loss of items. In other words, it promotes an absolutely tiring and sluggish PvP that requires in some cases hours until one of the given parties gives up. This is not fun nor exciting pvp, but instead simply a game of grab the chest and run to the nearest safe zone... die.. go back and repeat... over... and... over... and.... over. While yes, you can block up someone's chest, but that doesn't stop anyone. They'll begin tearing through the land leaving scars in the land around essential points such as the castles.

Onto the suggestion regarding new players.... I've said this before, but I still believe that we should give new players some form of PvP protection for a given amount of time. Either it be based on time or level. Also, due to some people being masochists let their be a way to turn it off (possibiliy a one time or a toggle... you can figure out the details).

@Kainzo @Kenneth_Chow

tl;dr: PvP Top rewards promotes killing new players who are at a disadvantage vs these people at "/pvp top" which in turn causes less new players to stick.

gang gang i'll farm noobs for free keys all day xd xd get rekt


Legacy Supporter 2
Aug 13, 2011
I'd like to offer some advice that may address some of your complaints, and may be of further use to new players.

1. Make friends. Makes acquiring resources for leveling and gear much easier.
2. Join a town. This is a straightforward way of achieving objective #1.
3. Read the wiki and get to know your class, and whether or not you will have to use high-end reagents. If you don't have access to the necessary manpower and resources to acquire Enderpearls, then it might be wise to hold off on being a Support Mage.
4. Familiarize yourself with the server commands. It's not hard to do.

Also, speaking of "masochistic," that white font is horrid lol.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
I'd like to offer some advice that may address some of your complaints, and may be of further use to new players.

1. Make friends. Makes acquiring resources for leveling and gear much easier.
2. Join a town. This is a straightforward way of achieving objective #1.
3. Read the wiki and get to know your class
4. Familiarize yourself with the server commands. It's not hard to do.

Also, speaking of "masochistic," that white font is horrid lol.

Read the wiki? In 2017? You think the wiki is up to date? You're sorely mistaken. Adding white font since it seems to be everyone's favourite.


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
*irish wins 4 times, 8 keys total*
*cat wins once, 20 keys*