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Potions are OP


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
please don't take quotes out of context... my full quote was

"I think the bigger picture here, is that the potions are not OP. If you read the minecraft wiki there are some that would pretty much ruin pvp and come down to who can hold them,

as long as Kainzo and sleaker and folks restrict the potions to ones that don't throw off the balance too much I don't see a problem with everybody being able to have them.

Having said that, it'd be like an arms race

so and so brings potions to every fight so now I have to so I'm on the same playing field.

TLDR Potions are ok if I'm the only one able to use them on the server :) , otherwise I hope they are nerfed some"

meaning.... potions in general are not OP, so long as they are reviewed before hand and modified to where they don't ruin the pvp experience. You should work for a political campain, spinning soundbytes


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
Potions can be nerfed.
They can remove the brew stand or potion bottles from the game, and players chests, inventories.
They can limit the bottles/splash potions so they cannot be held or used, much like wheat, or enderpearls.

Potions severely unhinge the class skills.

Why be a paladin with layhands with 15 min cooldown, when I can spam health potions instantly?
Why bother fighting as a party or group, when I can use armor/weapon enchants with splash potions and solo fight?

Why bother with bleed/bite/pulse, when i can use poison potions with zero cool down and use as much as i like?

Potions are causing combat to become pointless.
Look at kills this map compared to previous, there are player with 300+ its barely been a month on new map.

As Sleaker stated:
it's not completely impossible, and we have modified how much HP the instant potions heal, they are still getting worked on though. Also Fire Res blocks all fire damage because heroes tells it to. Now this is probably a balance issue in the long run (since it makes fireball useless on damaging classes), but in the end the MC Potions/Enchants really have absolutely no balance associated with them and really make running SMP focused on PvP horrible.

HeroCraft = Hardcore PVP

what the HELL is Hardcore about spamming liquid filled glass bottles you bought/made?


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011

if you wanna win, you should do all the research on your class, and all the other classes and know the best ways to fight each class, instead of just throwing bottles on the ground


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
my suggestion would be to take the alchemest stand out of the game, and put in recipies for the cauldron

that way they could control the mats, so even if something is SUPPPPPERRR powerful the mats would make it expensive to the point that it isn't spammed, you could say that the nether is hard enough that they are rare

and I'll show you a fraps of a 6v1 fight


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 15, 2011
I really like to potions to be honest. I understand where a lot of you are coming from in saying they are overpowered. In reality though, they are available to anyone. I became an alchemist soley for the creation of potions. I provide my brews for a reasonable cost to others, and at no charge to my townmates.

My best suggestion for their adjustment would be a cooldown on potions. Even 30 seconds between them would make potions more strategic and less spam spam spam.


Feb 4, 2012
A cooldown effect is a great suggestion. Another would be to have a "Bind Mouths" spell that would keep anyone within a certain distance from drinking a potion. This would encourage any class with access to such a spell to be in the group.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Healing potions have been tweaked to do much less per potion - need testing on this.

It is impossible to add a cooldown to potions at this time.


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
Healing potions have been tweaked to do much less per potion - need testing on this.

It is impossible to add a cooldown to potions at this time.

I LOVE HEROCRAFT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( and Kanizo but I fear I will get shocked/bolted and or slapped)

Someone test this NOW.

Can anything be done about spamming throwing the bottles?


Just read the other post


These things will take time as you stated.


I am itching to get home and toss a health potion at Lastivity



Oct 9, 2011
It would be very interesting if potions were strictly restricted to a class and allowing very basic skills so that throwing potions around would be its means of survival. It may not work, but the concept is what matters. Who knows, Kainzo may be able allow certain potions to different classes to balance out the powers and prevent others from coming into a fight with potions JUST so they could have some chance of winning.:)


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 27, 2011
Tweak posion and health ones and your fine... (harming II does 10 damage... thats nothing)
taking out potions will make alchemist utterly useless other than chainmail which you cane enough to last you a life time in about 5 sec...


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
Potions can be nerfed.
They can remove the brew stand or potion bottles from the game, and players chests, inventories.
They can limit the bottles/splash potions so they cannot be held or used, much like wheat, or enderpearls.
That is not nerfing that is removing

As Sleaker stated:
My info also came from a convo with Kainzo quite a while ago. But I stand corrected.