Here is my new design that is more compact.
This is the using the old design but they are moved around and changed a bit to be more compact.
What this machine does is, it takes one of three inputs from a player.
Then it cycles the random generator, you can change this so that you can play against a friend instead of the random generator.
taking the input from the player and the second input from the generator/2nd player.
It uses a matrix which takes the inputs and plots a point in the 3x3 grid which a decoder on the top decodes if it is a Tie, Win, or a Lose.
that travels down the bus which lights up a torch which tells you if you have won, lose or tied with the computer.
There is nothing complicated with this design.

Ill add a save to the world later when I moved it to a new map away from my other works.
This is completely my own design.