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Post a video to show off your favorite song(s)!


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
Hey everyone! Who doesn't like sharing favorite songs? Some have music vidoes, some have something else, so I invite you all to share vids of your favorite songs! Be it OMV, AMV, or just in the background of something really cool!

I'll start!

Here's is my favorite song from my favorite band(A Perfect Circle), so arguably it's my favorite song. Go figure! I decided it was my favorite band after I saw them live. It was amazing :p The video below is form some tv show they played on, so the sound quality is really good.

This band is called Machinae Supremacy. They are also one of my favorites, they are from Sweden and they got a record label by sharing their music with p2p filesharing to get popular! Here they are at some convention I've never heard of called Assembly.

This band is...well called The Protomen! It is (no joke) a super serious rock opera about Mega Man. This is the only thing on Youtube I could find of them that wasn't a poorly recorded concert or a still image with the album art as the video. Instead its the album version of one of the songs, and a bunch of footage of the band playing that same song live! What a concept!

Post vids of your favorite songs!


Oct 23, 2011
I really enjoy my Metal music! From Classic, to Thrash, to Black, to Death, Industrial, Doom, Extreme and so forth. I am a guitarist as well in a band known as Fragmenta, Thrash Metal of course, hahaha!

Rammstein are the reason I basically started guitar and headed towards Metal / Industrial Metal.

After a while I turned to house music because my cousin was listening to various techno at the time. Eventually discovered and quite liked various electronic genres such as Minimal House. Could also be the reason I am into Jazz, anyway here is one of the songs I remember and enjoy listening to. Minimal Pop House apparently, Matthew Dear, the man behind 'False'.
Matthew Dear - Pom Pom

I than got into Thrash Metal due to Massacration, well they helped me search for the genre. Asking my friend from primary school (We were year 10 at the time), he was a Maiden fan; anyway, I asked him about a cool Thrash Metal band, and a week before his brother had showed him the album 'Pleasure to Kill' by Kreator. Kreator are the band that single-handedly got me to continue playing guitar and head in a Dark Thrash Metal side of music. It was 'When the Sun Burns Red' that really hit hard, but Betrayer just blew me away when listening to Pleasure to Kill!

From there my music gradually became more defined, I started listening to all kinds of Thrash from pre-Load/Black Album Metallica to Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer, Sodom, Evile, Municipal Waste, etc... But to my surprise my next turn I think was to Doom Metal, which is about the opposite of Thrash, hahaha! Electric Wizard!
Electric Wizard - The Sun Has Turned to Black

It didn't stop there after listening to some Doom I some how managed to head towards some Black Metal. My girlfriend likes Black Metal more than myself, but there are quite some interesting bands/songs out there. Now that I think of it, maybe it was Black Metal before Doom, eh, either way I discovered them quite closely to each other. Freezing Moon, one of the most known Black Metal songs I believe.
Mayhem - Freezing Moon

It wasn't long before a friend talked to me about a Death Metal band known as Cannibal Corpse, at the time I really didn't know much about Death Metal, and nor was my ear just quite prepared to listen to such intense music. He showed me a song that now I understand and still amazes me every time I watch it, Frantic Disembowelment. It was time for a change in style, and this song held what I needed to progress as a guitarist.

But as I was still into Thrash Metal at the time, it was quite a hard transition, naturally I fell straight to the band 'Death' - One of the landmark bands that created Death Metal itself from sprouting off of Thrash Metal. Death was my gate-way to the darker side of Death Metal. This is the song that lead that change.
Death - The Philosopher (Live)

After that I looked back at the music I had discovered, listening back to good old Thrash, twisting it up with some Doom, Black, and Death. Being in a band, each member had their own influences, it was soon to discover that our Lead Singer and Drummer had known about two great bands, one known as Meshuggah, and one known as Strapping Young Lad. Both bands pushed my ear to its limits and showed me how extreme you can get such a genre.
Strapping Young Lad - Possessions

I sat around for a long time listening to Meshuggah, Strapping Young Lad, and Fear Factory, I think the band started drifting towards the genres, taking more of a Fear Factory look of things, almost industrializing Thrash Metal. I stuck with this music for quite some time, until two bands completely shoved me towards Death Metal, in such a way that inspired me to extend my guitar playing to extremes. The first band was Bloodbath, they really helped me move forward, not so much playing as a whole, but musically.
Blooodbath - Eaten

I got into Bloodbath's new album quite a lot as I didn't have any of the others, but Eaten always stood out. The next band is just legendary, no words can show their greatness. They make Technical Death Metal musical, mythical, and moved in a direction that I would never have thought. Nile! Nile, just as Kreator and Rammstein, is one of those bands that pushed my playing and music, Nile was the next step, and still today I listen through Nile albums as if they're my favourite book to read. I always ask for more even after 4 or so albums have past.
Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek (Live)

Just because they're awesome, they get two videos. And yes, a drum machine did NOT do the intro. George Kollias is a Godly drummer - chances are, he just used 2 feet instead of one. I kid you not, watch the guy drum. I swear he has the speed of 2 feet in each foot, meaning when he adds in the second foot he is about 4x the speed. D: It's freaky!

After listening to all this Death Metal I tend to take steps back and appreciate music for what it is, not everything has to be Technical and Insane, my ear just likes it if it is. My girlfriend is a big fan of Hard Rock as well, she really likes Josh Homme. So Kyuss, QOTSA, EODM, and so forth are her favourites. They're really great bands, not as heavy but who says it needs to be heavy. QOTSA live was brilliant!
Queens of the Stone Age - Little Sister

Eagles of Death Metal isn't what I originally expected, but hell, they are damn awesome! If this song doesn't stick in your head, I don't know what will!? Ch.. Ch.. Ch.. Ch.. Cherry ColA!
Eagles of Death Metal - Cherry Cola

I also hit a progressive stage more recently, I had heard Opeth before-hand, but I found Tool really stood out to me, great band! For some odd reason, Sober just sticks in my head, Brilliant song! Great Album!
Tool - Sober

More recently, I have started to take a liking to Brutal Death Metal bands, and guess what, another German band that's helping me extend musically! If you don't like this, it is understandable, but for what-ever reason I think Defeated Sanity's albums are absolutely brilliant! I only wish I could see them live, but sadly here in Australia, people don't tend to want to go to gigs. Enjoy!

You deserve an award if you read through all of that, hahaha! I hope you enjoyed the music I listen to, or even just discover the various things I like. It doesn't stop there, I do enjoy music such as Andrew's Sisters. Yep, you heard me, I think you have Fallout to thank for that, discovering old music that I quite enjoy. I also like Jazz, I sadly don't know all to much Jazz, but it is always a great soothing listen. As a reward, this is the band I am In, this is a song from our newly released album 'Sedition'

The band I'm in:
Fragmenta - River of Fear

Once again, thank-you for those who took the time to read this, or even have a look at each band.

- Blind_Merc


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
I honestly can't stand any of YMCM. Well, Drake is the exception. Other than him, I can't stand any of it.

I don't really listen to rap, but when I do there isn't any auto tune.

Which really means it's all stuff my stepdad would listen to when I was younger. The 90s were a pretty good time for all kinds of music lol