Legacy Supporter 6
- Joined
- Oct 30, 2011

''Listen to Fox News and educate yourself'' How is it possible to take someone coming with a statement like that serious.
''So he veto everything'' Last time I checked, it was the opposition of Obama who vetoed stuff in the congress...
''Obama is a communist and a Terrorist'' My 10 year old sister could make up a better statement than that.

''If you're going to school in America, you should have to. If you have a problem with that, go back where you came from''
Funny considering that US is all about diversity in society with many different cultures meshed into one free culture that accepts everyone. I mean seriously, swearing an oath every single morning to your country sounds like something you would do under Bismarck's rule in Prussia back in 1865 or Hitler's rule in Nazi-Germany during the 1930s.

''Hitler must go'' Oh boy, such hypocricy. The TeaParty's politics are on the same level as fascism and these guys compare a democrat who is supposedly a communist and socialist to HITLER who was Fascist? I am not sure what's wrong with those guys, but I'm pretty sure that Fascism and Communism are two complete opposites.
''A muslim terrorist (...) sorrounded by all his muslim terrorist, communist, socialist cronies hell-bent on destroying America.''
Again, another childish statement that makes no sense.
They preach freedom but their actions speak of extreme nationialism (Fascism). The fact that the TeaParty has represantives in the congress is the scariest part.
Discussion topic: What is your opinion on Nationialism?