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Pokemon X and Y


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Okay so can I say words about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon in here a bit?

I've been playing Gates to Infinity and I was kind of worried once I heard about the changes they made to the mechanics- they removed hunger and the IQ system, plus they removed a lot of older Pokemon, leaving all of Gen 5 and a few others. Sounds like they're catering to the younger end again, huh? But I'm still enjoying the heck out of it. I'll keep folks posted once I get to the postgame if anybody cares, but it's still a seriously good game where you can die if you're not careful and a little bit lucky. The new mechanics they've added keep things interesting and the characters are still varied and endearing. I doubt the story will get quite as dark as the Explorers games but only time will tell.

Additionallyx3 can we appreciate how smooth the ring on Mewthree's head is? Just look at for a couple of seconds. It's great.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Okay so can I say words about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon in here a bit?

I've been playing Gates to Infinity and I was kind of worried once I heard about the changes they made to the mechanics- they removed hunger and the IQ system, plus they removed a lot of older Pokemon, leaving all of Gen 5 and a few others. Sounds like they're catering to the younger end again, huh? But I'm still enjoying the heck out of it. I'll keep folks posted once I get to the postgame if anybody cares, but it's still a seriously good game where you can die if you're not careful and a little bit lucky. The new mechanics they've added keep things interesting and the characters are still varied and endearing. I doubt the story will get quite as dark as the Explorers games but only time will tell.

Additionallyx3 can we appreciate how smooth the ring on Mewthree's head is? Just look at for a couple of seconds. It's great.
*Appreciates the smoothness of Mewthree's ring*

Never in my life did I think I would ever write/type that.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
And more!
Watched another Discussion video from Marriland/Sephazon/Others, so here ya go, 30 minutes as compared to the last one.

And the included links not including Marriland's post about "Mewthree"/"Newtwo"/etc, as it has already been convered here.
Bulbagarden's Archaic said:
Yesterday, when we asked why some people don't want to see a new type, one person asked us "What types could they add?" Well, consider the following....

One thing that I think has to be considered in any new type debate is how they're going to balance the type. I'm not talking in terms of balancing what's super effective or not however. I'm talking about the numbers of Pokémon which would belong to that type. When Gen II was released, Magnemite & Magneton were given the Steel type, when they were previously pure Electric. Part of that of course was just because it made a hell of a lot of sense, their bodies being metal. But it would also have been done because it was important that they had sufficient numbers of Pokémon with the new types. So here's the problem. We have significantly more Pokémon today than we did in the Gen II era. Steel and Dark types were only a very small proportion of the number of Pokémon available back in Gen II, but even if a new type or new types are introduced in similar proportions, the actual number of Pokémon they'd need with that type would be a lot higher. Doing that, while still adding new Pokémon from the existing types, would be very limiting, to the point where you might not be able to have many Pokémon at all from the existing types. So, if they were to introduce a new type or new types, they would need to add them to a bunch of previously single-typed Pokémon. Depending on the circumstances involved, they may even need to outright change the type of some existing Pokémon.

That sounds like it might make a new type next to impossible. And indeed, it will be very difficult to add new types with those sort of constraints. However, that's not necessarily an argument against new types being added. In fact, the argument could be made that it'd be better for them to add new types now. After all, the issue of numbers isn't going to go away. Unless they're willing to take fairly drastic measures like having all new Pokémon be of the same type, or retyping dual types, it's only going to get harder and harder for them to introduce new types as each generation of game passes.

So, having said all this, I'm going to go out on a massive limb here. Taking a look at the Pokémon we already have, there are existing themes already present amongst some single typed Pokémon evolution lines. If indeed they do make new types, then I can see the potential for them to create two new types in Generation VI, based on those recurring themes which don't yet have a formal type. These types are Love, and Sound. If I'm on the money with this speculation, then I believe Sylveon and Xerneas would both be Love type, while Yveltal would be Sound type.

Here's how I see things, and why I think it's possible.

1. A significant amount of moves already exist for both of these themes. These moves are primarily a part of the move rich Normal type (167 total moves currently). Generation II set the precedent for this, with Bite being moved to Dark from Normal.
Possible Moves include (but are not necessarily limited to)...
Love type: After You, Attract, Bestow, Captivate, Charm, Covet, Entrainment, Helping Hand, Lovely Kiss, Return, Sweet Kiss
Sound type: Most of the moves listed here - http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Category:Sound_moves

2. There are a number of single type Pokémon that exist currently which would make thematic sense as either a Love or Sound type, meaning that they would not be forced to make too many of the new Pokémon into these types to maintain proper type distribution. Some Normal types would stand to be outright re-typed. This makes sense in particular with some part-Normal Dual types, such as the Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss line, Chatot and Meloetta.
Some of the (currently single-typed) Pokémon which would be suitable for this include (but are not necessarily limited to)...
Love type: Happiny/Chansey/Blissey, Gardevoir, Skitty/Delcarry, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Feebas/Milotic, Gorebyss, Luvdisc, Pachirisu, Buneary/Lopunny, Audino, Petilil/Lilligant, Minccino/Cinccino, Alomomola
Sound type: Igglybuff/Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff, Whismur/Loudred/Exploud, Chingling/Chimecho, Kricketot/Kricketune, Audino, Maractus, Minccino/Cinccino
(As a side note, it's interesting how the only Gen I & II Pokémon on this list are those who had Baby Pokémon added later. This would be consistent with these themes not being developed into possible future types before Gen III.)

3. Initial speculation about Xerneas and Yveltal suggested they were inspired by Greco-Roman mythology. I believe this to be correct. Specifically, I believe that Xerneas is inspired by Artemis/Diana, and that Yveltal is inspired by Apollo.
In Greek mythology, Artemis (or Diana, as she was known to the Romans) is described as the twin sister of Apollo. She was considered the goddess of the hunt, wild animals, and the wilderness, and her sacred animal was the Deer. She was also considered the protector of young girls, and the goddess of childbirth and virginity, linking her directly to both the genetic theme of X/Y, and to a possible Love type.
It's a similar story for Apollo. Animals sacred to him included Hawk, Ravens and the mythological Griffon. He was considered the patron god of arts, music, and poetry, giving us a link to a possible Sound type. He was also considered the God of Manly Beauty and of Medicine, giving us a link to the X/Y theme as well.

4. Continuing on the Greco-Roman mythology theme, it must also be noted that Artemis's handmaidens were Nymphs. The Male counterparts of Nymphs were known as Satyr's, and they are well known for their association with music (as well as their debauchery). Though more associated with Pan and Dionysus than with Apollo, there is at least one important tale about Apollo and a Satyr called Marsyas, where they competed with their music.

5. There are a number of abilities which give Pokémon immunity to damage taken from a specific type of attack. Flash Fire, Levitate, Lightning Rod, Sap Sipper, Storm Drain, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb. And then...there's Soundproof and Oblivious. In the context of everything else, having abilities like these already present in the game seems rather convenient, don't you think?

6. Sylveon was formally revealed to the world on Valentine's Day (as can be seen in this tweet by the official Pokémon account - https://twitter.com/Pokemon/status/302050247679557633). We would hope there's at least 100 new Pokémon in this generation, yes? So their choice was not announce Sylveon vs. announce nothing. They could have chosen practically any of the new Pokémon. And yet, out of all those Pokémon that they could have chosen to reveal on that specific day, the date of the announcement having been known to them well in advance (seeing as the date of the announcement is fixed by the CoroCoro release date), they picked Sylveon. A Pokémon whose Japanese name is a direct reference to the mythical nymphs (the first 3 characters ニンフ are exactly how they spell Nymph according to every translation dictionary I've consulted, and the official romanization on the stickers clearly says Nymphia), and all the imagery of beauty and sexuality that evokes. A Pokémon whose colour scheme is primarily white and pink, highly appropriate for Valentine's (particularly in the context of Japan, where Valentine's is paired with White Day). It would seem a pretty massive coincidence that they just happened to have a new Pokémon clearly referencing the themes of love that they could announce on Valentine's Day, would it not? Taken alone, it still doesn't mean much, but taken in the context of everything else I've said? It becomes pretty compelling evidence, I think.

So, what do you think of this bit of speculation? I'm not saying that they absolutely must introduce a new type in X & Y, but does the idea seem perhaps a bit more plausible to you now? Are there any other possible types which you think are more likely? Let us know your thoughts. If you want, you can also join us in the speculation thread for this topic on the Bulbagarden Forums.
And referenced pictures!



~ ~ ~ ~

My opinions:
  • If new type(s), Light and Sound - Replace Love with Light, keep basis of what the Love type is for Light
  • Sylveon Typing!
    • If Old Type: Flying or Normal
    • If New Type: Light
  • Entirely new Pokemon for Mewthree could be quite possible, but I still refuse to discount the new form theory
  • Interesting, Norse vs Greco-Roman Myth. My money's still on Norse, but I payed more attention to that over all
EDIT (So not x3 Post): As far as the Flying type thing, is it me or does Sylveon kinda remind you of Skyla? Not overly, but for me there is a resemblance of sorts, kinda. If you get what I mean.
Also something interesting that they may have done with the picture on Pokemon.com/PokemonXY - Conflicting types opposing each other.
Eeveelution Gen VI.JPG
Color Coded! Yay!
Grass beats Water
Fire beats Ice
Dark beats Psychic
Electric beats Flying


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
I noticed the type-opposition thing a while back, that's what made me think Sylvie was Flying to start with. Although I don't think I would mind her being Light type. Light and Sound would make big changes but would be acceptable I think.

And it looks like I'll be getting Y! Newtwo's X-form updo weirds me out. I'm glad they both change his funky toes.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
I noticed the type-opposition thing a while back, that's what made me think Sylvie was Flying to start with. Although I don't think I would mind her being Light type. Light and Sound would make big changes but would be acceptable I think.

And it looks like I'll be getting Y! Newtwo's X-form updo weirds me out. I'm glad they both change his funky toes.
That may or may not be actual artwork - That is the only thing I have seen of it, it's just what the video had linked in the description.

Some CoroCoro stuff was recently leaked, more evidence is pointing towards Mewthree/Newtwo being a Form of Mewtwo. As Marriland put it, found here:


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 23, 2012
Seems pretty neat! I used to love pokemon but my ds started freezing every ten minutes. Not sure if I should spend the money just to play pokemon again.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
News! Been holding off on this, but quite a bit has been released a bit ago, and with the E3 announcements, figured it was time for an overhaul!

  • Region!
    • The Kalos Region
    • Central City: Lumiose City
    • Intriguingly shaped like a star
  • Character
    • Small amount of customization
    • Accessories to gain throughout the game
  • Fairy Type Confirmed
    • Super Effective against Dark and Dragon
    • Resistant against Dragon
    • Type Changes
      • Gardevoir: Psychic/Fairy
      • Marill: Water/Fairy
      • Jigglypuff: Normal/Fairy
  • New Pokemon!
    • Noivern
      • Dragon/Flying
    • Vivillion
      • Bug/Flying
    • Helioptile
      • Electric/Normal
    • Fletchling
      • Normal/Flying
    • Pancham
      • Fighting
    • Gogoat
      • Grass
  • Eeveelutions!
    • Sylveon
      • Fairy
  • "Newtwo"
    • A new Mewtwo form
      • "Awakened" Forme



Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
  • Don't forget the Poke-Amie deal where you can pet your pokemon like nintendogs.
  • To speculate about other fairy types: Chansey line, Clefairy line, Audino, Azumarill?, Ralts/Kirlia? (so would Kirlia have to lose its fairy type upon evolving to Gallade?), Skitty line, Togepi line (would the normal/flying combo go to fairy/flying?), Mawile (let it evolve, nintendo pls)
  • Also - I sort of disagree with Marrill having a secondary fairy type. I've never seen that line as having anything to do with fairies, just sort of water-mouse pokemon.
  • Is Noivern confirmed to be Dragon/Flying? I was feeling like it might be a Sound type..
  • Here's hoping to Nintendo to give some love to the Bug type...


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
  • Don't forget the Poke-Amie deal where you can pet your pokemon like nintendogs.
  • To speculate about other fairy types: Chansey line, Clefairy line, Audino, Azumarill?, Ralts/Kirlia? (so would Kirlia have to lose its fairy type upon evolving to Gallade?), Skitty line, Togepi line (would the normal/flying combo go to fairy/flying?), Mawile (let it evolve, nintendo pls)
  • Also - I sort of disagree with Marrill having a secondary fairy type. I've never seen that line as having anything to do with fairies, just sort of water-mouse pokemon.
  • Is Noivern confirmed to be Dragon/Flying? I was feeling like it might be a Sound type..
  • Here's hoping to Nintendo to give some love to the Bug type...
Yup, Noivern is confirmed to be Dragon/Flying. Unless they're trolling and ends up making it a Sound type. All types, names, etc., are confirmed on the English Pokemon XY Update website.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
More new stuff in Nintendo's E3 thing showing off XY even more.

  • Pokemon
    • Clauncher: ????? (I don't know anyway)
    • Skrelp: ????? (I don't know anyway)
    • Talonflame: Fire/Flying
  • Battling
    • Sky Battle
      • Flying Pokemon and Pokemon with Levitate ability
      • Not all of these can participate in Sky Battles
      • Showed off with Talonflame, Noctowl, and Haunter (Possibly more)

I'll let you know if I missed anything!


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
More new stuff in Nintendo's E3 thing showing off XY even more.

  • Pokemon
    • Clauncher: Water
    • Skrelp: Water/Poison
    • Talonflame: Fire/Flying
  • Battling
    • Sky Battle
      • Flying Pokemon and Pokemon with Levitate ability
      • Not all of these can participate in Sky Battles
      • Showed off with Talonflame, Noctowl, and Haunter (Possibly more)
I'll let you know if I missed anything!
Types updated


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
Sky Battle seems interesting but unnecessary. I also feel like it's limiting because I typically don't take more than one flying type around with me because I like type diversity...


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Also apparently, Horde battling! 5v1 confirmed for it, unsure what numbers will be for that.

Not only Gogoat, but also Rhydon and who knows who else, can be ridden around on.

Talonflame confirmed as an evolution of Fletchling.

Roller blades shall exist, can ride on banister rails with them!

Player Search System allows people to search for other, specific players globally and locally.

You can choose which of 7 languages you want to use - Guess that's how they can do a global release this time around! (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean)

Some Pokemon cries are now more advanced. For example, Pikachu will now say "Pikachu" when appearing in battle!

EV Training will be made easier and more transparent (Yeeeaaaahhhh!)

Several rivals, promoting a sense of friendship rather than rivalry


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
Haven't we had several rivals for awhile now? I can't remember Gen IV, but in V there was Cheren and Blanca and then even in III there was May and Wally.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Haven't we had several rivals for awhile now? I can't remember Gen IV, but in V there was Cheren and Blanca and then even in III there was May and Wally.
Yeah, in fact I wish they moved away from that and went back to a rival instead of a friend. Cough reason I didn't really like B2W2 "rival" Hugh.