I'm glad you revived this thread. Besides the mishaps, it's an important post that I happened to look over. It's true and it reminds me about how I use to hate on people over the internet, and also reminded me why I stopped. Honestly, that shit may be funny for a second, but later, (if you're mature >.>) you'll realize trolling and being a general douche bag over the internet makes you feel like shit and is way overrated.
Another thing is that, you can't tell emotions over the internet, even by the stupid emotes we use all the time (
), so even if you are, just kidding, it still can be easily taken the wrong way because it's just plain text. It also makes you look terrible, because once you troll, you're bound to get either trolled back, or criticized with reason.... to the point where you just feel like an idiot. I'm so glad I've past that stage in my adolescence, and it's definitely benefited me socially, both online, and in real life.