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Player Abuse of Zeal Region

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Legacy Supporter 2
Jun 7, 2011
I will never understand this.
I dont pvp in MC.
But where is the fun in standing on the border of zeal and waiting for someone to break the rules?
What reason did you have to be there other then to pvp?
If you wan to fight go fully outside the border.
If you dont want to fight go far with in the pvp off zone.
Dont just shift between the blocks the line is on then QQ when you die.
Even if he did break some miniscule pvp rule suck it up and fight back in the game.
All of you MC PvP Tryhards need to seriously man up and stop using vague situational server rules as a defense.
Jun 23, 2011
The better question is why are people camping right at the Zeal rings... It's a pretty lame and dishonorable thing to do.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 21, 2011
Is camping on the border of Zeal really an issue? Do people die often because of this? The square border is 1.6 km around. If there's a guy waiting at the edge of the city to kill me, I leave by another way.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 14, 2011
Columbus, OH
alot of new players attempt to kill players like this, they think their aloud to hide behind the border and kill people then talk shiz like their all that good, i've personnaly been killed by players im chasing that turn around right when they get to the border multiple times, this is just the only time ive had fraps running when it happend


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 3, 2011
What are you doing hanging around the border anyway? Dont want to be killed? Dont hang around the border. Dur hur.


Jun 21, 2011
Yeah, I have to agree with most people here. Why the hell are you hanging around the border? You can only mine, pvp and build outside Zeal. So aside from looking for a reason to complain, why wouldn' you be out there enjoying the server for real?

And if people are PvP'ing and you hang around, expect to become a target, duh?


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 21, 2011
While camping the Zeal border isn't cool, and getting killed there is quite avoidable, I don't want to distract from the original issue here. Attacking someone in a PvP area from outside that area is forbidden.

Herocraft Wiki said:
Attacking players in a No-PvP zone from the border of a PvP area is both griefing and bug exploitation.

This was a larger problem on the last map, when entire towns would be no-PvP areas that sometimes had only small gates for entering and exiting, making sneaking in and out a difficult task during sieges. But, yeah. Don't do it.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jun 7, 2011
I agree.
It is a rule and should be enforced.
But as a player on this server you should not be actively looking to create situations that will cause a player to break a rule.
Whats the radius of zeal boarder?
If there is someone camping it take another route.
This will not only avoid the situation but also, over time, make the camper bored and more then likely giveup on the camping strat all together.
This solves the issue without having to consume the time of the staff.

If a player is constantly abusing the same Major rule that Seriously effects other players game play I could see laying down the law on them.
This is clearly just a case of someone looking to cause others to break rules.
Which imo is more of an issue then a minor infraction on the part of the camper.
This easily could have been avoided by either leaving the 10 block line either into the wilderness or back into zeal.
The only reason it happened was because the op created this situation.

If I drive over to the southside of Chicago, stand on a corner near some dealer, and start screaming N*****.
I will more then likely get my ass kicked.
Is it illegal to say that-no.
Is it illegal for them to beat my ass-yes.
But by choosing that area. Provoking the people. I created the situation fully knowing what would happen.
I can assure you the cops will not be so sympathetic to my complaint.

Rules and laws are meant to promote the general good of the community.
They are not meant to be used as an offensive tool.


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
I agree.
This is clearly just a case of someone looking to cause others to break rules.

You don't know how wrong this statment is, and the rest of the assumptions you're making - granted parts of what you said here ARE correct

He was killing people in Airbus's shop, and all around being a major dickhole in local chat (Gay jokes directed towards players in an insulting manor ect.), JW was just recording the situation for video proof - there were pleanty of people telling Venom and Tony to knock it off, they were NOT trying to get him to break rules.

What you said is all good and dandy, and I understand - but don't make assumptions like this, it makes others sound like assholes and makes you sound like a moron.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jun 7, 2011
Player Abuse of Zeal Region

2-videos posted.

Im not "assuming" anything.
Im simply using the information given.
If this is a constant rule breaker give some background on the situation.
Have others post testimonials.
Dont post it in general.
Talk directly with admins.

Again everything I have said is purely pulled from the information given.
You and the op are Assuming the community is actively involved in everything that occurs on the server.
Its the job of the prosecutor to provide the information.
Its not fair to supply minimal information, post it in a public general thread, and then attack a 3rd party opinion for not knowing information not given to them.

If he has in fact camped the border and especially public stores (store campers that take advantage of not rings yet bug me in the worst way) on a regular basis.
I would change my opinion on this particular case in a heartbeat.
My opinion on forcing rule breaking as a whole would stay the same.
But to assume that everyone should know the entire story with out properly laying out the backstory and then attacking them when they dont isnt fair.


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
You did in fact assume - I dont want to start fights, I was just using the information provided in YOUR post
We did speak with admins and action was taken as Aph provided above - JW posted it because he does what he wants

I don't expect the entiire community to know everything going on in the server, and no one asked for your opinion
I still dont see who you dont understand that we were not deliberatly trying to get them to break rules, had we not been videoing he would have attacked anyway, furthermore (as I said before) It's just video proof, not meant to be a discussion - Just a warning.

Again, I dont want to invoke angry words (both of us are in the wrong here)
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