- Minecraft In-game name: pawker
- Location & Age: Canada Toronto Age 17
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): I have not been banned by a server as far as i know
- Referral(s): I dont have a referral Sorry
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: I was just Looking up hero servers and Herocraft cought my attention this looks like a great server.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: yes
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes i do
- Reason you should be accepted: I want to join this server because hero servers are the best my old server went down so i started to look for a new one. when i finnally had to choose between 2 servers herocraft and savagepvp your server won me over no server can be compared to Herocraft.
- Special key: HCp6
- Additional Info: I am a boy who loves to play hockey, minecraft and skateboard i make outstanding houses in mincraft and im a very active minecraft player. I would be very grateful if i got accepted to Herocraft thanks for reading my Application.