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Patch 2.4.0


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
We have re-calculated the damage and decided on this as the first pass of the numbers.

Please note, by design...
WAR -> low/med
ROG -> high
HLR -> low
CSTR -> med/high
CFTR -> low


            Wood_Sword: 2
            Stone_Sword: 3
            Iron_Sword: 4
            Diamond_Sword: 5
            Gold_Sword: 6

Paladin -> Sword

            Wood_sword: 3
            Stone_Sword: 3
            Iron_Sword: 4
            Diamond_Sword: 5
            Gold_Sword: 7

Dreadknight -> Axe

            Wood_Axe: 3
            Stone_Axe: 4
            Iron_Axe: 5
            Diamond_Axe: 6
            Gold_Axe: 7

Dragoon -> Lance

            Wood_Spade: 2
            Stone_Spade: 4
            Iron_Spade: 5
            Diamond_Spade: 6
            Gold_Spade: 8

Samurai -> Sword

            Wood_Sword: 4
            Stone_Sword: 7
            Iron_Sword: 10
            Diamond_Sword: 12
            Gold_Sword: 14


            Wood_Sword: 3
            Stone_Sword: 6
            Iron_Sword: 8
            Diamond_Sword: 9
            Gold_Sword: 11

Ranger -> Bow/Axe

            Wood_Axe: 4
            Stone_Axe: 6
            Iron_Axe: 8
            Diamond_Axe: 10
            Gold_Axe: 12

Beastmaster -> Axe

            Wood_Axe: 4
            Stone_Axe: 6
            Iron_Axe: 8
            Diamond_Axe: 10
            Gold_Axe: 12

Thief -> Sword

            Wood_Sword: 4
            Stone_Sword: 7
            Iron_Sword: 10
            Diamond_Sword: 12
            Gold_Sword: 14

Ninja -> Sword

            Wood_Sword: 4
            Stone_Sword: 7
            Iron_Sword: 10
            Diamond_Sword: 12
            Gold_Sword: 14


            Wood_Hoe: 2
            Stone_Hoe: 3
            Iron_Hoe: 4
            Diamond_Hoe: 5
            Gold_Hoe: 6

Cleric -> Scythe

            Wood_Hoe: 2
            Stone_Hoe: 3
            Iron_Hoe: 4
            Diamond_Hoe: 5
            Gold_Hoe: 6

BMG -> Scythe

            Wood_Hoe: 2
            Stone_Hoe: 3
            Iron_Hoe: 4
            Diamond_Hoe: 5
            Gold_Hoe: 6

Druid -> Scythe

            Wood_Hoe: 2
            Stone_Hoe: 3
            Iron_Hoe: 4
            Diamond_Hoe: 5
            Gold_Hoe: 6


            Wood_Hoe: 2
            Stone_Hoe: 3
            Iron_Hoe: 4
            Diamond_Hoe: 5
            Gold_Hoe: 6

Enc -> Scythe

            Wood_Hoe: 2
            Stone_Hoe: 3
            Iron_Hoe: 4
            Diamond_Hoe: 5
            Gold_Hoe: 6

Nec -> Scythe

            Wood_Hoe: 2
            Stone_Hoe: 3
            Iron_Hoe: 4
            Diamond_Hoe: 5
            Gold_Hoe: 6

Wiz -> Scythe

            Wood_Hoe: 2
            Stone_Hoe: 3
            Iron_Hoe: 4
            Diamond_Hoe: 5
            Gold_Hoe: 6

Geo -> Scythe

            Wood_Hoe: 2
            Stone_Hoe: 3
            Iron_Hoe: 4
            Diamond_Hoe: 5
            Gold_Hoe: 6

Crafters -> Pickaxe
            Wood_Pickaxe: 1
            Stone_Pickaxe: 2
            Iron_Pickaxe: 3
            Diamond_Pickaxe: 4
            Gold_Pickaxe: 5

Casters damage spells will be ramped up - we aren't done balancing.


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 14, 2011
Hey Kainzo...any idea when this will be implemented? I'm a caster currently and can only use up to stone hoe


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
Warrior - dmg low/med but samurai have the same attack as ninjas, and a higher hp, and better armor available. That makes the warrior class dmg low/med/high. They should have lower dmg since they have the increase of armor and hp


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
May 1, 2011
South Louisiana
and again the crafter cant even defend his self, lol , oh well life just a box of chocolates, then the lava melts it!


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
Ninja has invisibility, which means we can get 1 or two hits in before they realize since it dissappears after an attack. Ninja doesnt have confuse


Jul 13, 2011
Seeing as paladins and dreadknights both have the ability to selfheal and currently sit at more hp and armor than dragoons, dragoons should have diamond shovel damage hovering around 8 instead of 6. This way it puts the dragoon as a hybrid between tanky and dps while still making them desirable by warriors. As it stands the paladin and dreadknight still outclass the dragoon as tanks while still being able to put out their dps. Tweaking the dragoon dps just slightly towards that hybrid-dps marker would be the best option.

@EDIT: Actually, something to go along with the class style, you could leave damage at 6 for dragoonlance but maybe see if the coders can give dragoons +1 range on their diamond shovel.. That way it's actually behaving like a lance and can hit a slight increased distance :)


Mar 21, 2011
Houston, Tx
My lvl 48 Smith hands do around twice the damage to mobs as my old Doomer does.

-5 hits to fist a pig/cow to death
-10 hits to chop them down
-3 hits to pick them out of their minds

Are my hands magically ignoring health points and going straight for the heart or did someone move the decimal on the axe?


Jun 27, 2011
Awesome. So crafters take 3 gold bars for our best weapon, but do the least damage of all.


Jun 29, 2011
crafters = crafters

if you chose crafting as your path, don't expect to be doing high dmg. reroll a different path if you feel that's not what you want to be.
Jul 3, 2011

Can classes use all the weapons that are listed in the damage modifiers?

ie Before Warriors could only use up to stone swords (if I can remember correctly), but now they can use iron, gold and diamond swords?

Warrior: Wood_Sword: 2 Stone_Sword: 3 Iron_Sword: 4 Diamond_Sword: 5 Gold_Sword: 6


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
May 1, 2011
South Louisiana
ok all crafters roll to a different spec then who will make your tools/weapons, that you constantly kill because they cant defend themselfs against double the health killers, with weapons that do half the damage.
Who will mine for the items that are needed,
if crafters are the lowest on the totem how about making it were only crafters can make tools and weapons, so that crafters craft and so that fighters have to fight!!
that would be a good boost to the iconomy, and crafters, then people might think were there next weapon comes from, or gate to the city, or lift to the 3rd floor of a house, etc.

lol just open the box of chocolates and keep cool!! :)
May 30, 2011
ok all crafters roll to a different spec then who will make your tools/weapons, that you constantly kill because they cant defend themselfs against double the health killers, with weapons that do half the damage.
Who will mine for the items that are needed,
if crafters are the lowest on the totem how about making it were only crafters can make tools and weapons, so that crafters craft and so that fighters have to fight!!
that would be a good boost to the iconomy, and crafters, then people might think were there next weapon comes from, or gate to the city, or lift to the 3rd floor of a house, etc.

lol just open the box of chocolates and keep cool!! :)

Agreed, allow the "crafting" only to be done by "crafters" if "pvp" is only meant to be done by "pvp classes". Otherwise, Crafters need some defensive loving. We're not asking for OP skills or damage; Just, something to survive with.