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No support for game glitches?

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Jul 24, 2011
Today while mining I fell into some lava, it was primarily due to the strange server lag, but I will take full responsibility for the death and loss of my items, this is not my concern. What did bother me was when I died, the server thought I died 5-6 times, reseting me back to my level ( i think it was about 1500-2000 xp, i'm sure mods can check the logs for exact numbers).

The response I got from my /pe was that they don't give back xp and items for deaths, which seems like a good enough standard policy. However, when a game glitches up, its easily proven via logs, and was at no fault of the player, why is there no action taken. The response of "it's a beta, these things happen" (close enough to what was said I don't remember what the exact phrase was) is total BS. Mods are created to help run the server weather its to fix mistakes or punish wrong doers especially when its blatantly obvious what happened.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 29, 2011
British Columbia, Canada
I see why you'd be frustrated. However, being that it's probably something coded into minecraft itself(possibly Bukkit) and has nothing to do with anything being run on the herocraft server specifically, you'd want to take this problem up with Notch himself or the Bukkit team, because I've had the multiple death thing happen in my private hosted SMP before.

However, I don't know much about any plugins being run or our server configuration. Best bet is to be uber super duper careful during lag.


Jun 29, 2011
I logged into the game and I was in a tunnel when I logged out but something happened I guess and I found myself two blocks under where I should have been, I then noticed I was dieing.... woah. I don't worry too much because I know all I'll loose is 100 exp because I have nothing on me at all except I find my chat is spammed with my death and I die like 10 times and loose near to 1k exp.
I pe it thinking it was a bug and asking for my exp back immediately it gets closed saying they wont do shit to help me. Then I get a message from xanipher saying kainzo is at a funeral and a bunch of other bullshit that does't relate to the situation at all. She starts bitching at me saying you wont get anything back (not actual words but that's the meaning of them)
I get muted by her then kicked with a message that's meant to insult me. mods are here for helping, not being corrupt. thanks, now I know you guys don't give a shit about those of us who loose thousands of exp from lag or maybe that's just one mod overreacting? I can't be sure.


Tea & Bacon
Retired Staff
Jan 13, 2011
I wasn't bitching at you, I was explaining that Kain is busy with personal stuff and we are all trying very hard to find the source of the lag. You assumed lag was the reason you died. And in fact, you were bitching at me. I was telling you to be patient and I was telling you the rules.

The rule for the server, as set down by the founders: We do not reimburse items or experience for any reason. I told you these rules.

I didn't tell you maliciously. I told you straight up what the deal was. I'm sorry if it isn't to your liking. These are not my rules. You were muted for not listening to what I was saying.

YOUR particular problem is a glitch in minecraft coding, we do not, and cannot control that. We don't reimburse for glitches in a beta game. If you don't agree with these policies, then this isn't the server for you.

In parting, I wasn't the one that kicked you, but in the future do not treat staff like slaves or your personal servants.


Sir GrowlMeow
Legacy Supporter 2
Jan 13, 2011
Exp will not be granted. Ginzuishou explained perfectly that it's a minecraft thing. I can personally make up 1-2k exp in around 30-60min. We are sorry that you lost your exp, but it's not our fault.

Demonxman-I kicked you. Disrespecting staff is unwanted and unneeded. She was trying to help. We get around 100 or more pe's a day and we answer all of them. I don't know what more do you want from us. So please don't take out your frustration on us.

I hope both of you regain your exp fast and with ease. Sorry that this occurred, but Herocraft is not responsible.


The Crayon
Feb 25, 2011

This is true, as Xani pointed out this is a known issue, it appears to be a MC issue which is currently in beta so we have to wait on Notch to fix it. Also as Xani pointed out Herocraft founders have set rules in place that make reimbursing not possible.

As a result of her explaining this, it is your job to listen and understand, if you continue to talk and ignore the facts she gives you and attempt to give her a hard time / talk back she has the right to mute you. In perspective you should always listen to staff and if you have any complaints, suggestions, or general ideas/ways to go about issues as multi-death situations, you should make them in the suggestion forum or try and provide a fix for it because that is the best place for it. kainzo is a very busy man, especially right now, so to get changes done this is the best way to go about it.

But with rules as they are currently Xanipher is correct you will not be reimbursed and any issues such as lag will be if not already looked into. Kainzo is very busy so it may take time bear with us on this. thank you
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