• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

ALERT New Server: Faction Heroes! 03/31/16 @ 6PM CST


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Herocraft Network is proud to present the newest addition to our network on 03/31/16 @6pm CST: Faction Heroes!
@Admins | @Heralds | @Moderators | @Balance Team


The simplistic RPG system that combines classes and skills with fluid PvP!
  • Vanilla medium map (2000x2000) for focused PvP content!
  • Simplified item system for less complex gear and more fun in PvP!
  • Increased leveling rate! Get mastery faster!
  • Factions for land, group and PvP management!
  • Five classes at release with over 20 total playable classes!
  • Full Loot on death, no death chests.
  • Randomized vanilla spawning with random elite custom mobs!
  • Potions and Enchantment restrictions for balance.
  • GlobalMarket and ChestShops will be available in the spawn.
  • Graveyards will be scattered around the map.
  • Map Expansion by 100R happen every 30 days.
  • Complete map data and level wipes will happen every 4 months.
  • Access the server through the Factions Portal in the lobby!


Basic Faction Commands:
  • /f create [faction tag] Creates a new faction, you will be that faction admin.
  • /f join [faction name] Joins a faction with the given name.
  • /f map *[on|off] Displays an ascii map inside your chat window. If you specify on it will automatically update periodically.
  • /f power Shows your own power.
  • /f leave Leaves the current faction to which you belong.
  • /f show,who *[faction tag] Displays a factions detailed information.
  • /f chat,c Toggles factions only chat.
  • /f home Teleports you back to your factions home.
  • /f list,ls *[page] Shows a list of factions
  • /f claim Claims the current chunk of land where you are standing. 1 chunk of land requires 1 power (/f power).
  • /f claim [faction=your] [radius=1] Claims a radius of land around you.
  • /f autoclaim Claims land while your player walks around.
  • /f unclaim Unclaims the chunk you are standing on for your faction. Only a faction admin or moderator can do this.
  • /f owner *[player name] Sets or removes ownership of land connected to a player within your faction.
  • /f ownerlist Displays the owners of land where you are standing.
  • /f kick [Player Name] Kicks a player from your faction.
  • /f mod [Player Name] Gives a player mod abilities in your faction.
  • /f admin [Player name] Hands over your admin rights to another player.
  • /f title [Player name] *[Title] Sets a chat prefix title for the player in your faction.
  • /f ally [Faction Name] Sets another faction as your ally.
  • /f enemy [Faction Name] Sets another factions as your enemy.
  • /f neutral [Faciton Name] Sets another faction as a neutral.
  • /f money [Faction Name] Shows your factions bank balance.
  • /f money [Amount] [Faction Name] Deposits some of your money into your factions bank.
  • /f withdraw [Amount] [Faction Name] Withdraws money from your factions bank.
  • /f money ff [Amount] [Faction1] [Faction2] Transfers money from faction1 to faction2.
  • /f money fp [Amount] [Faction] [Player] Transfers money from faction to player.
  • /f money pf [Amount] [Player] [Faction] Transfers money from player to faction.
  • /f tag [Faction-Tag] Changes your factions tag.
  • /f open Switches whether or not your faction is open to public.
  • /f desc [description] Changes your factions description.
  • /f invite [Player] Invites a player to your faction
  • /f deinvite [Player] Removes invitation to player.
  • /f sethome Sets your factions home location.
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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Extending this release time to April 1st - there may be a soft-release for supporters.

More testing is needed and we're moving the server to better hardware to ensure a smooth release.
Jul 6, 2013
I apologize for my paranoia, but the release date really makes me think this has all just been an elaborate April Fools joke...

But going with the more likely scenario, I can't wait!


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Basic Faction Commands: (caution some of these need to be tested)
  • /f create [faction tag] Creates a new faction, you will be that faction admin.
  • /f join [faction name] Joins a faction with the given name.
  • /f map *[on|off] Displays an ascii map inside your chat window. If you specify on it will automatically update periodically.
  • /f power Shows your own power.
  • /f leave Leaves the current faction to which you belong.
  • /f show,who *[faction tag] Displays a factions detailed information.
  • /f chat,c Toggles factions only chat.
  • /f home Teleports you back to your factions home.
  • /f list,ls *[page] Shows a list of factions
  • /f claim Claims the current chunk of land where you are standing. 1 chunk of land requires 1 power (/f power).
  • /f claim [faction=your] [radius=1] Claims a radius of land around you.
  • /f autoclaim Claims land while your player walks around.
  • /f unclaim Unclaims the chunk you are standing on for your faction. Only a faction admin or moderator can do this.
  • /f owner *[player name] Sets or removes ownership of land connected to a player within your faction.
  • /f ownerlist Displays the owners of land where you are standing.
  • /f kick [Player Name] Kicks a player from your faction.
  • /f mod [Player Name] Gives a player mod abilities in your faction.
  • /f admin [Player name] Hands over your admin rights to another player.
  • /f title [Player name] *[Title] Sets a chat prefix title for the player in your faction.
  • /f ally [Faction Name] Sets another faction as your ally.
  • /f enemy [Faction Name] Sets another factions as your enemy.
  • /f neutral [Faciton Name] Sets another faction as a neutral.
  • /f money [Faction Name] Shows your factions bank balance.
  • /f money [Amount] [Faction Name] Deposits some of your money into your factions bank.
  • /f withdraw [Amount] [Faction Name] Withdraws money from your factions bank.
  • /f money ff [Amount] [Faction1] [Faction2] Transfers money from faction1 to faction2.
  • /f money fp [Amount] [Faction] [Player] Transfers money from faction to player.
  • /f money pf [Amount] [Player] [Faction] Transfers money from player to faction.
  • /f tag [Faction-Tag] Changes your factions tag.
  • /f open Switches whether or not your faction is open to public.
  • /f desc [description] Changes your factions description.
  • /f invite [Player] Invites a player to your faction
  • /f deinvite [Player] Removes invitation to player.
  • /f sethome Sets your factions home location.
Last edited:


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
Basic Faction Commands:
  • /f create [faction tag] Creates a new faction, you will be that faction admin.
  • /f join [faction name] Joins a faction with the given name.
  • /f map *[on|off] Displays an ascii map inside your chat window. If you specify on it will automatically update periodically.
  • /f power Shows your own power.
  • /f leave Leaves the current faction to which you belong.
  • /f show,who *[faction tag] Displays a factions detailed information.
  • /f chat,c Toggles factions only chat.
  • /f home Teleports you back to your factions home.
  • /f list,ls *[page] Shows a list of factions
  • /f claim Claims the current chunk of land where you are standing. 1 chunk of land requires 1 power (/f power).
  • /f claim [faction=your] [radius=1] Claims a radius of land around you.
  • /f autoclaim Claims land while your player walks around.
  • /f unclaim Unclaims the chunk you are standing on for your faction. Only a faction admin or moderator can do this.
  • /f owner *[player name] Sets or removes ownership of land connected to a player within your faction.
  • /f ownerlist Displays the owners of land where you are standing.
  • /f kick [Player Name] Kicks a player from your faction.
  • /f mod [Player Name] Gives a player mod abilities in your faction.
  • /f admin [Player name] Hands over your admin rights to another player.
  • /f title [Player name] *[Title] Sets a chat prefix title for the player in your faction.
  • /f ally [Faction Name] Sets another faction as your ally.
  • /f enemy [Faction Name] Sets another factions as your enemy.
  • /f neutral [Faciton Name] Sets another faction as a neutral.
  • /f money [Faction Name] Shows your factions bank balance.
  • /f money [Amount] [Faction Name] Deposits some of your money into your factions bank.
  • /f withdraw [Amount] [Faction Name] Withdraws money from your factions bank.
  • /f money ff [Amount] [Faction1] [Faction2] Transfers money from faction1 to faction2.
  • /f money fp [Amount] [Faction] [Player] Transfers money from faction to player.
  • /f money pf [Amount] [Player] [Faction] Transfers money from player to faction.
  • /f tag [Faction-Tag] Changes your factions tag.
  • /f open Switches whether or not your faction is open to public.
  • /f desc [description] Changes your factions description.
  • /f invite [Player] Invites a player to your faction
  • /f deinvite [Player] Removes invitation to player.
  • /f sethome Sets your factions home location.
Did herochat end up working with factions? Or will we be using faction chat exclusively. Are we disabling /f home or doing a situation similar to /town home from survival?


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Did herochat end up working with factions? Or will we be using faction chat exclusively. Are we disabling /f home or doing a situation similar to /town home from survival?
Herochat worked fine.

We'll probably end up disabling or making it a skill. We had a soft testing release that hammered out a lot of bugs but im sure there will be more concerns raised and more issues resolved within the first few days/weeks.

Everything is basically setup at the moment, but I need some hardcore testing to make sure the plugins dont lag, its always kind of scary adding in a bunch of new plugins to an untested playerbase.
Jun 8, 2013
Herocraft Network is proud to present the newest addition to our network on 03/31/16 @6pm CST: Faction Heroes!
@Admins | @Heralds | @Moderators | @Balance Team


The simplistic RPG system that combines classes and skills with fluid PvP!
  • Vanilla medium map (2000x2000) for focused PvP content!
  • Simplified item system for less complex gear and more fun in PvP!
  • Increased leveling rate! Get mastery faster!
  • Factions for land, group and PvP management!
  • Five classes at release with over 20 total playable classes!
  • Full Loot on death, no death chests.
  • Randomized vanilla spawning with random elite custom mobs!
  • Potions and Enchantment restrictions for balance.
  • GlobalMarket and ChestShops will be available in the spawn.
  • Graveyards will be scattered around the map.
  • Map Expansion by 100R happen every 30 days.
  • Complete map data and level wipes will happen every 4 months.
  • Access the server through the Factions Portal in the lobby!


Basic Faction Commands:
  • /f create [faction tag] Creates a new faction, you will be that faction admin.
  • /f join [faction name] Joins a faction with the given name.
  • /f map *[on|off] Displays an ascii map inside your chat window. If you specify on it will automatically update periodically.
  • /f power Shows your own power.
  • /f leave Leaves the current faction to which you belong.
  • /f show,who *[faction tag] Displays a factions detailed information.
  • /f chat,c Toggles factions only chat.
  • /f home Teleports you back to your factions home.
  • /f list,ls *[page] Shows a list of factions
  • /f claim Claims the current chunk of land where you are standing. 1 chunk of land requires 1 power (/f power).
  • /f claim [faction=your] [radius=1] Claims a radius of land around you.
  • /f autoclaim Claims land while your player walks around.
  • /f unclaim Unclaims the chunk you are standing on for your faction. Only a faction admin or moderator can do this.
  • /f owner *[player name] Sets or removes ownership of land connected to a player within your faction.
  • /f ownerlist Displays the owners of land where you are standing.
  • /f kick [Player Name] Kicks a player from your faction.
  • /f mod [Player Name] Gives a player mod abilities in your faction.
  • /f admin [Player name] Hands over your admin rights to another player.
  • /f title [Player name] *[Title] Sets a chat prefix title for the player in your faction.
  • /f ally [Faction Name] Sets another faction as your ally.
  • /f enemy [Faction Name] Sets another factions as your enemy.
  • /f neutral [Faciton Name] Sets another faction as a neutral.
  • /f money [Faction Name] Shows your factions bank balance.
  • /f money [Amount] [Faction Name] Deposits some of your money into your factions bank.
  • /f withdraw [Amount] [Faction Name] Withdraws money from your factions bank.
  • /f money ff [Amount] [Faction1] [Faction2] Transfers money from faction1 to faction2.
  • /f money fp [Amount] [Faction] [Player] Transfers money from faction to player.
  • /f money pf [Amount] [Player] [Faction] Transfers money from player to faction.
  • /f tag [Faction-Tag] Changes your factions tag.
  • /f open Switches whether or not your faction is open to public.
  • /f desc [description] Changes your factions description.
  • /f invite [Player] Invites a player to your faction
  • /f deinvite [Player] Removes invitation to player.
  • /f sethome Sets your factions home location.
Looks well built with a lot of time put into it gg.
Dec 2, 2012
It actually makes me angry the amount of love i had for heroes 3 years ago, I was on so many heroes servers and built 3 :( I just wished it was as popular as before agh..


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
It actually makes me angry the amount of love i had for heroes 3 years ago, I was on so many heroes servers and built 3 :( I just wished it was as popular as before agh..
We're re-releasing Heroes as a premium resource with a lot of changes and updates.

Servers may pick it back up as a focus point :)


Feb 18, 2012
Really hoping the youtuber bumps the population. Having 9 other people besides our grp on the entire server at the launch is a bit low haha.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Really hoping the youtuber bumps the population. Having 9 other people besides our grp on the entire server at the launch is a bit low haha.
Its a new community. Just gotta focus on building it now. Tully will be making videos soon! We sent out 3 email blasts, attempting to hit 80k people each time.

Tell your friends!