- Joined
- Jan 7, 2011
- Location
- The 7th Circle of Heaven
Forum Changes:

- Added a News Slider found on the main page here if you missed it
- Added Top Contributor area found here
- Added ability to "tag" threads, similar to youtube for enhanced search functions.
- Revive now takes 10s to cast (down from 20s).
- Manacost of Revive decreased to 20m (Cleric) & 33m (Paladin).
- Reuse cost of Revive now down to 40s.
- Removed stam cost of Invuln from Paladin.
- Arrowstorm now costs 10 stam (down from 12 stam).
- Lowered amount of max arrows & rate of fire by Arrowstorm.
- IronGrade ChestShop access moved to level 53 for Smiths.
- Creeper damage increased.
- Blink range increased to 10 (up from 7)
- Firewave now requires 2 gunpowder to use.
- Firewave now has a 1.5s cast time
- Creepers now drop coins 95% of the time and can drop from 1.00 to 2.75c
- Fixed the issue of crafting tools with "blank" enchantments.
- Lottery tickets increased to 8c
- Lottery will now have 500c auto-deposited by the DHX from paid taxes.
- Lottery will now last 40 hrs (can be drawn early by admins)
- Updated Multiverse to latest version.
Re-enabled xAuth while some hotfixes are applied to Minecraft sessions (for your protection!)MOJANG FIXED.