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Suggestion New Class: Blade Waltzer

What do you think?

  • Good Job

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • You can do better

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Terrible, Just Terrible

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Jul 20, 2014
Pallet Town, Kanto
So I had been thinking that we add another class in Herocraft. It's been awhile since we've had a new one and I think its time that one came along. This should go down the rogue path, and it might not be balanced but we have a balance team for a reason. So this is my idea.

Playstyle: Mobile fighter
Armor: Iron Hat and Chestplate, Leather everything
Main Alloctions: Strength Dexterity Endurance
Weapons: Sword, Maybe shears (I think that Shears should be Ninja exclusive but it makes sense with this class)

Base Health Points 780
Increase per level 3
Health Points @ 60 957
Regen by Foods
Base Mana Points 625*
Increase per level 0.5
Mana Points @ 60 654*
Regen amt per 5 sec 20*
Base Stamina Points 1000
Increase per level doesnt
Stamina Points @ 60 1000
Regen amt per 1 sec 30*
Tier 2 class Unknown (Still need a name, suggestions??)
Max Levels 60 60
Weapon of choice Sword
Blade Waltzer: Base Attribute Allocations+
Strength 24 Constitution 16 Endurance 17 Dexterity 14 Intellect 5 Wisdom 5 Charisma 6
Unknown: Base Attribute Allocations++
Strength 5 Constitution 2 Endurance 4 Dexterity 3 Intellect 2 Wisdom 2 Charisma 1
+Tier I classes have the base attribute allocations from start to mastery.
++Tier II classes gain 8 attribute allocation points per level to assign as they wish to their attributes.

Blade Waltzer: Skills
Level Mana cost Stamina cost Cool down Reagents Effect
Tier 1 Tier 2

Tumble 1 1 passive You are able to fall (1+0.1 per dexterity point) additional blocks without taking damage.

Kick 1 1 300 7 sec You deal (40 + 1.25 per strength point) damage to your target (within 4 blocks), interruping their casting and silencing them for 2.5 seconds.

Slice 5 1 90 6 sec You slash at your target doing (50 + 1 per strength point) Damage to your target

Roped Dagger 10 1 19 sec You throw a dagger with a rope tied to it in target direction. If it connects to an entity, it pulls them 3 blocks closer to you and deals (60 + 1.5 per dexterity point) damage. (Fairly fast projectile)

Thrust 15 1 35 9 sec Thrust your Sword forward, dealing (45 + 1.5 per strength point) in a 6 block line in front of you.

Dash 20 5 6 sec Move in target direction (3 + .2 per dexterity point) in a quick movement. (Essentially a flash)

Side Step 25 5 0 300 10 sec The next basic attack or skill shot that would hit you, misses/ continues on and you jump 1 block to the left. (Absorbs Rune Blade sword runes)

Death Lotus 30 10 11 sec Summon blades that spin in a circle around you, dealing (70 + .25 per strength point) damage to those within 4 blocks of you. (Similar to beugiler's pulse)

Mortal Wound 35 10 30 sec You deliver a mortal wound to your target with whom you are grappling (within 2 blocks). The wound bleeds only a little (1 damage every 3 seconds), but their healing is reduced by 50% for 12 seconds.

Decisive Strike 40 15 15 sec You attack your target dealing(70 + 1.5 per strength point) damage and silencing them for 3 seconds but doesn't interrupt spells already being cast.

Kunai 45 15 15 sec You throw a dagger, dealing (60 + .5 per dexterity point) damage. (Acts just like the ninja shuriken, only there's 1 and high cool down)

Parry Magic 50 20 40 sec Active for 5 seconds

Blade Weaving 55 20 9 sec Your next 2 attacks with a Sword slow and then deal an additional (40 + .25 per strength point) additional damage. (The first hit after activating slows for an amount, then the next hit it deals more damage)

Hungering Blade 60 25 25 sec For the next 5 seconds any damage you deal heals you for (10 + .1 per wisdom point) health upon hit.

Death's Dance - 50 400 1 min For this I think that it could be a speed II buff for 10 or 20 seconds and the cooldown of dash is reduced to either 2 or 4 seconds respectively. And the Dash deals ([40 + 3.5 intellect] or [30 + 3.5 strength]) damage in a 2 block radius. The only problem I see is that none of the classes have a move that reduces cool downs like this. So I don't know if you guys know how to code something like this or not.

Well thank you for reading and please don't be mad in the comments and call it OP or UP cause this is an idea. I can make changes or if you have better move ideas to replace parry magic or mortal wound cause I just took it from samurai cause I was running out of ideas, please do. And any coders that see this, please tell me if you can code something like Death's Dance or does it need to be changed?
Last edited:


Apr 27, 2014
This might be nice to add in, though we will need someone on the balance team to say whether or not this class would work. Also, even if the idea becomes popular and they will add it in, there is too much stuff going on with server changes for a new class to be implemented. Perhaps after adventure is done?
Jul 20, 2014
Pallet Town, Kanto
I like the concept!

Minstrel is already tier 2 Bard though, name would need a change.
Oh sorry about that. XD I used the bard wiki page as a template. It is a T1 I haven't came up with a T2 name. All though I don't see where you saw that it was bard

Edit: Nevermind found it. Thanks for pointing it out.


Legacy Supporter 3
May 29, 2015
Yea I know, but I just want to see a new class for souls, new and old, to play. This is somewhere along my play still.
I love the idea of a graceful blade master such as this. Possible name could be Blademaster, too, given the theme around the classes concept.


Jun 20, 2013
It's a bit long for a name, but Dashing Swordsman would be good, similar to the DnD class.
Jul 6, 2013
Fencer t1 Blademaster t2

Main weapon, a diamond sword called a foil.
Fencers in the hooouse! Whatwhat! (Fencing season starts Monday).

So I had been thinking that we add another class in Herocraft. It's been awhile since we've had a new one and I think its time that one came along. This should go down the rogue path, and it might not be balanced but we have a balance team for a reason. So this is my idea.

Playstyle: Mobile fighter
Armor: Iron Hat and Chestplate, Leather everything
Main Alloctions: Strength Dexterity Endurance
Weapons: Sword, Maybe shears (I think that Shears should be Ninja exclusive but it makes sense with this class)

Base Health Points 780
Increase per level 3
Health Points @ 60 957
Regen by Foods
Base Mana Points 625*
Increase per level 0.5
Mana Points @ 60 654*
Regen amt per 5 sec 20*
Base Stamina Points 1000
Increase per level doesnt
Stamina Points @ 60 1000
Regen amt per 1 sec 30*
Tier 2 class Unknown (Still need a name, suggestions??)
Max Levels 60 60
Weapon of choice Sword
Blade Waltzer: Base Attribute Allocations+
Strength 24 Constitution 16 Endurance 17 Dexterity 14 Intellect 5 Wisdom 5 Charisma 6
Unknown: Base Attribute Allocations++
Strength 5 Constitution 2 Endurance 4 Dexterity 3 Intellect 2 Wisdom 2 Charisma 1
+Tier I classes have the base attribute allocations from start to mastery.
++Tier II classes gain 8 attribute allocation points per level to assign as they wish to their attributes.

Blade Waltzer: Skills
Level Mana cost Stamina cost Cool down Reagents Effect
Tier 1 Tier 2

Tumble 1 1 passive You are able to fall (1+0.1 per dexterity point) additional blocks without taking damage.

Kick 1 1 300 7 sec You deal (40 + 1.25 per strength point) damage to your target (within 4 blocks), interruping their casting and silencing them for 2.5 seconds.

Slice 5 1 90 6 sec You slash at your target doing (50 + 1 per strength point) Damage to your target

Roped Dagger 10 1 19 sec You throw a dagger with a rope tied to it in target direction. If it connects to an entity, it pulls them 3 blocks closer to you and deals (60 + 1.5 per dexterity point) damage. (Fairly fast projectile)

Thrust 15 1 35 9 sec Thrust your Sword forward, dealing (45 + 1.5 per strength point) in a 6 block line in front of you.

Dash 20 5 6 sec Move in target direction (3 + .2 per dexterity point) in a quick movement. (Essentially a flash)

Side Step 25 5 0 300 10 sec The next basic attack or skill shot that would hit you, misses/ continues on and you jump 1 block to the left. (Absorbs Rune Blade sword runes)

Death Lotus 30 10 11 sec Summon blades that spin in a circle around you, dealing (70 + .25 per strength point) damage to those within 4 blocks of you. (Similar to beugiler's pulse)

Mortal Wound 35 10 30 sec You deliver a mortal wound to your target with whom you are grappling (within 2 blocks). The wound bleeds only a little (1 damage every 3 seconds), but their healing is reduced by 50% for 12 seconds.

Decisive Strike 40 15 15 sec You attack your target dealing(70 + 1.5 per strength point) damage and silencing them for 3 seconds but doesn't interrupt spells already being cast.

Kunai 45 15 15 sec You throw a dagger, dealing (60 + .5 per dexterity point) damage. (Acts just like the ninja shuriken, only there's 1 and high cool down)

Parry Magic 50 20 40 sec Active for 5 seconds

Blade Weaving 55 20 9 sec Your next 2 attacks with a Sword slow and then deal an additional (40 + .25 per strength point) additional damage. (The first hit after activating slows for an amount, then the next hit it deals more damage)

Hungering Blade 60 25 25 sec For the next 5 seconds any damage you deal heals you for (10 + .1 per wisdom point) health upon hit.

Death's Dance - 50 400 1 min For this I think that it could be a speed II buff for 10 or 20 seconds and the cooldown of dash is reduced to either 2 or 4 seconds respectively. And the Dash deals ([40 + 3.5 intellect] or [30 + 3.5 strength]) damage in a 2 block radius. The only problem I see is that none of the classes have a move that reduces cool downs like this. So I don't know if you guys know how to code something like this or not.

Well thank you for reading and please don't be mad in the comments and call it OP or UP cause this is an idea. I can make changes or if you have better move ideas to replace parry magic or mortal wound cause I just took it from samurai cause I was running out of ideas, please do. And any coders that see this, please tell me if you can code something like Death's Dance or does it need to be changed?
I'll admit you did a decent job putting this together. Always nice to see someone put this thing we old folk called "Effort" back in our day into their suggestions.

My only qualm is that it doesn't really fill a hole in the basic PvP/PvE classes. We already have Dragoon as a mobile, close-quarters fighter. If this was a suggestion more geared towards a type of re-vamp of Dragoon (even though I do not believe it is needed at this time) I think I would be a bit more supportive of it.
Jul 20, 2014
Pallet Town, Kanto
I'll admit you did a decent job putting this together. Always nice to see someone put this thing we old folk called "Effort" back in our day into their suggestions.

My only qualm is that it doesn't really fill a hole in the basic PvP/PvE classes. We already have Dragoon as a mobile, close-quarters fighter. If this was a suggestion more geared towards a type of re-vamp of Dragoon (even though I do not believe it is needed at this time) I think I would be a bit more supportive of it.
I have mixed feelings about the fact you think this a type of re-vamp for Dragoon. It's a little upsetting cause I thought I had made this class to format the "rogue style" of get in, and kill them, or get in, and some what kite them for a little more damage then finish them. And Dragoon's trade mark is the leap ability they posses and I don't think people would be willing to see that go.

But thanks for the "Effort" complement.
Jul 6, 2013
I have mixed feelings about the fact you think this a type of re-vamp for Dragoon. It's a little upsetting cause I thought I had made this class to format the "rogue style" of get in, and kill them, or get in, and some what kite them for a little more damage then finish them. And Dragoon's trade mark is the leap ability they posses and I don't think people would be willing to see that go.

But thanks for the "Effort" complement.
I'm not saying that it is or isn't roguish. I am saying that

A. Both are highly mobile
B. Both are close combat
C. Both are high dps
D. Dragoon has higher defense

Those are really the main questions for the basis of classes. Sure there are other things, but these are the main questions for DPS classes. Since they appear similar I judge them to be similar.


Jun 26, 2012
All of these sound like league related skills, gg

edit: surprise surprise...there's a league account called Pokemasta24..hmm...


Jun 26, 2012
XD Ok I............ Fudge I got lazy like I said about fiora. And how would you know. Do you really pay attention to the skills names that much.
I mean, I'm plat. Apart of being good at the game is game knowledge, so obviously i know what the champions do. Maybe you'll get out of silver one day and realise that. :D
Jul 20, 2014
Pallet Town, Kanto
I mean, I'm plat. Apart of being good at the game is game knowledge, so obviously i know what the champions do. Maybe you'll get out of silver one day and realise that. :D
My game broke during OFA week and rito just sent me to a blog they made that I had already tried doing. D: I won't be out of silver for awhile.