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Neo's Nightmare Promenade


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 12, 2011
Welcome to the scary section of the forums
This thread is dedicated to sharing your scariest stories, whether they actually happened to you or otherwise. If you include a scary picture, please put it in a spoiler box, for the consideration of others and to build the suspense ;) The format to share your scary stoof is as follows:
Name of your terrifying story
By: Whatsyourface
This one time I went to sleep wearing two socks and I woke up with one on. The end.
Just be sure to underline the title so it can easily be identified as a story and not a thread comment. If it's based on reality and was told to you by a close friend or relative, mention that like I've done below in the title. Finally, if you think a story is creepy, mark it as such! I'll be ranking them in the index below, and if you make up a REALLY good story, I may just reward you. Thanks and have fun, and try not to fall asleep ;)
(And yes, the picture above is me lol)
Real Life Event - The Shadow Man
By Neotetro
Real Life Event - Backward Facing Dolls
By Neotetro
Real Life Event - Cold Space
By Neotetro
Real Life Event - Spider Stalkers
By MsGigi
Real Life Event - Dimensional Distortion
By Aanokint
Real Life Event - Builder's Chill
By lhatchy1


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 12, 2011
Real Life Event - The Shadow Man
By Neotetro

My aunt told us this story a few years back in a small youth group we used to hold. My aunt and her kids never had that much money, and they'd stay wherever they could afford. They found themselves staying in a house with one bedroom, a larger room which they divided off with curtains. Now my aunt mentioned, she didn't like the fact that they were there. She said something didn't seem right. She recalled frequently hearing a noise at night, almost like someone bouncing a basketball on pavement. Now that in itself isn't that strange, but what unnerved her was that she heard it coming from within the walls. When she looked around the house, there was no one playing basketball. Her kids remembered hearing it as well.
They stayed in the house despite the bouncing. One thing however, made her leave the house with her kids and never come back. My aunt recalled lying in bed and trying to sleep. Then she... had this feeling of dread wash over her. She opened her eyes and looked up, and at the foot of her bed was a shadow. She described it as being "all black, almost as tall as the ceiling shaped like a human being but.... different." She immediately shielded her eyes and began to pray. She said when she looked up after praying it had disappeared. While this could have been a trick of the eyes or perhaps a nightmare, what I didn't tell you was that her kids were sleeping in the bed with her, and they saw it too.

Could this have been an instance of a slenderman sighting?


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 12, 2011
Real Life Event - Backward Facing Dolls
By Neotetro

I remember one time when I was younger, my great grandmother passed away. My grandmother was very close with her and had kept dolls from her childhood. They were very detailed and sat in chairs around the room. Perfectly positioned. No one lived in the house except my grandmother and grandfather. One day my grandma walked into the room and... all the dolls were facing backwards in their chairs. All facing towards the walls. No one knew how it happened and my grandfather isn't one to play tricks, not that he even could. To this day we don't know how it happened. But it did.



Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 12, 2011
Real Life Event - Cold Space
By Neotetro

My dad is a contractor. He goes into houses and remodels them and sells them. He told me this story a while back. He had just gotten a call for a house that went up on the market and he and his brother went there to check it out. It was a scorching hot day, and when they got there, the house was empty. My father made his way inside and he said that he felt something off in the air. He went up the stairs and he said he experienced an extreme chill in the air, almost as if the air around him had just become air conditioned. A cold spot. The rest of the house was just as scorching hot as it was outside. He shrugged it off and went on exploring the house. After he met up with his brother and to my dad's surprise, his brother said, "Did you feel something strange while you were in there?"

Link to paranormal studies about "coldspace"


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 24, 2012
Haines Shitty
Real Life Event - Spider StalkersBy MsGigi
Since I can remember, I've had issues with the same thing each and every week; Spiders seem to hunt me down. I know most people think I'm paranoid, but it's ridiculous when nearly every night you hear "patterpattertap" on the walls, turn on the light, and there's a spider as big as your hand either right above your head, on your pillow, or on the floor. This has happened multiple times for me, some with more than one large spider, and one incident involved one dropping from the ceiling onto my face in the middle of the night. Nobody else in any other room (including all 3 previous houses I've lived in) would have the same issue as me.
The spiders that usually go after me don't just stop at "running into my room". Often, they chase me (literally chase me) and they jump out at me too, as if they truly wish to attack me (this is without trying to kill or go after them usually.) One more thing I forgot to mention, if anyone else is around, the spider doesn't care about them. They only seem to care about attacking me, despite how many I kill.

A picture of this spider (taken by me though this one's a smaller one compared to the others I've recently found):



Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
"I slept with two socks on and waked up with only one on"

I pissed myself D:


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 28, 2011
So this happened a few days before the tourney, might explain my team's loss ;_;.

Notice the number of emails I have waiting, as well as the percent of battery left. :O
Couldn't find a better thread to post it in. :D


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 12, 2011
I'll be sharing many stories over the next few days :D

Real Life Event - Builders' Chill - By lhatchy1 (True Story!)

Location: New Building Site, Sittingbourne, Kent, England (I don't live here anymore, get me bitches)

When: Summer of 2007, one of the hottest the UK ever had may I mention.

What Happened?: It was ending lunch shift and a builder re-entered the house within a newly constructed housing development. He, as mentioned earlier in the thread, felt a chill but carried on. His spanner was missing, he heard the stairs clanging and walls being hit, he sprinted down the stairs 'guys stop, it's not funny'. There was no-one there, and on the floor lay his spanner, he touched it, it was ice cold.


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 12, 2011
Real Life Event - Personal Experience - By lhatchy1 (True Story!)

Location: My House, Sittingbourne, Kent, England (I don't live here anymore, get me bitches)

When: Can't really remember, I was still quite young.

What Happened?: I could not sleep, it was roughly midnight to 1am. I heard pots clang downstairs and the steps creak. I was really scared, seeing as I was like 10-11, I lifted my covers to look into the corridor, I saw it. It was like orbs of light, they formed a man, the figure stopped, and looked at me, I looked at him. He then continued down the corridor. I did not sleep that night, as you can imagine.


Aug 9, 2011
Missouri, USA
Thanks to @Neotetro, I just immersed myself in these hell-of-awesome stories. Each makes up an entirety of six long segments, so be willing to commit the time to read them all. It starts here.
Jesus Christ. I just finished the fifth of the series. Quite a read. I recommend for those used to dealing with reality.

Alright so about a week ago I was sick. I have a really slow immune system since my blood infection and I catch everything. This time it was the chills and a stomach bug. I was downstairs gaming and came upstairs to retrieve something from my mom. I come up the stairs, and turn left to go down the long hallway. The first doorway on my right is my personal bathroom, generally the coldest place in the house. I was feeling absolutely miserable. As I passed my bathroom in the corner of my eye I just saw this fuzzy grayness filling the doorway that seemed to have a faint glow to it. It bulged out of the frame as well. As I brushed through it, I felt...good. I wasn't cold, my head was clear and the only thing I can compare it to is the ecstasy of intercourse. The bathroom seemed to pull me in and I remember this, because I felt my ankles were both leaning far to the right. I just kept walking.


Aug 31, 2012
My Slenderman Expierience(True Story)
Loacation: Ontario
When: October 31st,2008
It was halloween and me and my friend jonas were the last people outside,other than some others out there but they were mostly heading inside.

we wanted to keep going to houses again and see if we could rip off more candy from people,when jonas pointed out a man to me.

He was pretty far away so we couldn't see his face,he was very tall and wearing a black suit.we couldn't take our eyes off him.

His arms seemed to stretch out but we figured this to be a trick of the light.we turned away from the man and walked away.Jonas had been taking a video of us whilst we were trick'or'treating and even though his camera's battery was full,the screen was covered in static and it was a brand new camera.

we turned around again but the man wasn't there so we thought nothing of it.

Until we saw him again.

He was standing under a tree next to a feild by my house.he was too close for comfort and we couldn't stop staring
Then,his arms turned into long,black hideous tentacles and jonas turned and ran leaving me there.

Soon enough I turned and ran with him,sparing one glance behind me and seeing him standing.

Right There.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 12, 2011
My Slenderman Expierience(True Story)
Loacation: Ontario
When: October 31st,2008
It was halloween and me and my friend jonas were the last people outside,other than some others out there but they were mostly heading inside.

we wanted to keep going to houses again and see if we could rip off more candy from people,when jonas pointed out a man to me.

He was pretty far away so we couldn't see his face,he was very tall and wearing a black suit.we couldn't take our eyes off him.

His arms seemed to stretch out but we figured this to be a trick of the light.we turned away from the man and walked away.Jonas had been taking a video of us whilst we were trick'or'treating and even though his camera's battery was full,the screen was covered in static and it was a brand new camera.

we turned around again but the man wasn't there so we thought nothing of it.

Until we saw him again.

He was standing under a tree next to a feild by my house.he was too close for comfort and we couldn't stop staring
Then,his arms turned into long,black hideous tentacles and jonas turned and ran leaving me there.

Soon enough I turned and ran with him,sparing one glance behind me and seeing him standing.

Right There.

Cool stuff :D Slenderman maybe? hahaha[DOUBLEPOST=1351695058,1347766140][/DOUBLEPOST]Happy Halloween, gather them stories!