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Mystic is Recruiting!

Mar 9, 2014
IGN: iucian

Timezone: pacific

How often you play: sunday-saturday, any time of day


Previous Towns: Bastion-Skyforge, Haven-Drakenvale

Class and Profession: 20 Lost Soul, 20 Crafter

Why do you want to join?
To join a community and meet some new people.

Tell us a joke:
How did the hipster burn his tongue? He drank his coffee before it was cool.

I can't tag you for some reason?But accepted, message me or bluekitty17 in game.


Jul 8, 2014

Timezone: MDT

How often you play: (days and times) All day Monday Wednesday and Friday and differing times on the other days

Teamspeak: (Yes or no.If no, are you willing to get it?) Yes I am in it right now.

Previous Towns: (from previous maps) None

Class and Profession: Lost soul 6 and Crafter 10, plan on going disciple and miner or enchanter.

Why do you want to join?(Cliché we know) Because I need a group of people to play with or I will get too bored too quickly of this server :(

Tell us a joke: (Most Important) I save these for when much alcohol has been consumed ;)


Glowing Redstone
Nov 25, 2012
IGN: arisenwolf79

Timezone: PST/PDT

How often you play: Weekends for sure and i should be on everyday. When school starts, however, I will have a much tighter schedul.

Teamspeak: Of course.

Previous Towns: I've been with this server for a little over a year, but I cannot remember most of the town names. I believe I was in Silvermede.

Class and Profession: I just rejoined the server after being away for a while, so I am only level 3 Crafter and LS. I plan to go with Smith or Alchemist and Pyromancer.

Why do you want to join?: I would really like a town to join and become a member of, and someone suggested me this town in the chat! I am looking forward to having my application reviewed amd I hope to be accepted!

Tell us a joke: A book just fell on my head, I only have myshelf to blame...
Dec 26, 2012

Timezone: um i think gmt i live in the uk

How often you play: (days and times) most'ly 4:00pm onwards up to about 3am

Teamspeak: (Yes or no.If no, are you willing to get it?)i'm willing to get if i can get the money for it

Previous Towns: (from previous maps) i was in a old town i think Camelot but i was 3 years ago

Class and Profession: paladin farmer

Why do you want to join?(Cliché we know)
Well you can only play so long solo before you get to easy mobs but the next stage is alittle to tough for you so you need team mates, also protection is always nice :)

Joke: Harry says to Hermione "you know how i got a 12 inch penis?"

Hermione replies " use a magical spell?"
Harry laughs and goes "no...i cut it in half"


Jul 12, 2014
IGN: Benton582

Timezone: Normally PST, but until I get back from Miami, EST.

How often you play: 6-8, depending if stay on Herocraft is worth my time. If it is, 6-8 hours.

Teamspeak: (Yes or no.If no, are you willing to get it?) Yes.

Previous Towns: (from previous maps) NOPE.

Class and Profession: Lost Soul L6, Crafter L4, hoping to level crafter to Alchemist.
w) I want to PVP with hopefully friendly (PVP! DEATH! YESSSS) And having fun and being active.

Tell us a joke: (Most Important) http://imgur.com/7nSHNp3
Mar 9, 2014
@Benton582 Hey sorry my manager didn't get back to you!If you haven't joined another town yet we'd love to have you in Mystic!Accepted, message me in game.


Mar 23, 2013
  • IGN:adammplay

    Timezone:Eastern Timezone CA

    How often you play: (days and times)i play mostly every day have played about 82 times

    Teamspeak: (Yes or no.If no, are you willing to get it?)Already have it

    Previous Towns: (from previous maps)Ive only been in solis thats all

    Class and Profession:Im hopping to go for warrior/Miner right now i suck

    Why do you want to join?(Cliché we know)I wanna help the town defend it become a strong guy to raid other towns

    Tell us a joke: (Most Important)THE ULTIMAT JOKE EVER Knock knockk whos there banana who banana knock knock whos there banana banana who knock knock whos there banana banana who knock knock apple apple who glad i didint say banana?



Mar 23, 2013
Woops forgot to add something lvl 6 Crafter lvl 4 Lost Soul (Been working on crafter dont blame me)

Apr 4, 2013
IGN: TheEpicShad0w

Timezone: Pacific

How often you play: (days and times) I play for almost the whole day every weekday

Teamspeak: (Yes or no.If no, are you willing to get it?) yes

Previous Towns: (from previous maps) Dmilk

Class and Profession: Necromancer 58; Smith 60

Why do you want to join?(Cliché we know) Well I am mostly interested in joining this town because my friend sneakyhalo117 is in it and I would like to have more allies on the server. This town seems like a really cool one with really cool people.

Tell us a joke: (Most Important) 1. How do you confuse a blonde? Paint yourself green and throw forks at her!
2. What do a duck and a bicycle have in common? They both have handlebars....except for the duck


Jun 1, 2013
IGN: cameron1219
Timezone: EST
How often you play: It really depends, but normally 2-4 hours a day
Teamspeak: Yes
Previous Towns: I think it was called wintervale or something, it was 2 maps ago I believe
Class and Profession: Lostsoul lvl 5 currently, but Im planning on going wizard again
Why do you want to join? My friend ice burner is in the town and he recommended it to me. I'm excited to hopfully join your town and meet you all!
