IGN: Sanogono
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
How often you play: (days and times) During the Summer, I play 2 PM - 3 AM because no-life, and during school its likely 4-8 PM.
Teamspeak: (Yes or no.If no, are you willing to get it?) Indeedles, I have both TS3 and Skype.
Previous Towns: (from previous maps) Mith, Volantis
Class and Profession: Ninja (Lvl 15), Crafter (Lvl 20)
Why do you want to join?(Cliché we know) I like kinship, protection, not being forever alone, and hunting.
Tell us a joke: (Most Important) "Wanna hear a joke?"
(Everyone's sides leave orbit)
Seriously though "Whats the best thing about living in Switzerland? I don't know, but the flag is a big plus."