- Joined
- Jan 25, 2012
- In-game name:mrcvndrn
- Location & Age:hilversum, the netherlands, 15
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers):i have not been banned from any server
- Referral(s):a friend of mine told me this was a fun server his mc name is : pumpapa
- Reason you should be accepted: because i'm an pretty good builder if i say so myself, also i am somewhat good with red stone. i have played in many servers and from that experience i've learned to behave myself in game, also i've read the rules and server info and know the rules
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: a friend of mine has told me about the server, and i thought it was a realy cool server and i wanted to play on it.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: yes i have
- Additional Info:i am quite good with redstone i can create some advanced stuff. as for other videogames i've played alot of diablo II and i also like rts games, i'm not so much a fan of fps games. i am relaxed and do not get mad often, the only thing that makes my go insane is when people are not try to understand someting and the only thing they shout is i don't understand, but other then that i am a realy nice and social guy. the sports i like are football (soccer) and snooker.