Name: Po Ping (Skaduush)
Gender: Male
Eyes: Jade
Hair: Black & White, short fuzzy hair that covers the entire body.
Equipment/Clothing: Depending on the day I wear patchwork shorts and sandals, maybe an ankle wrap. I like to travel lite, too many clothes restricts my awesome kung fu skills.
Body Build: I'm big, huge, gigantic even... Some say I'm fat but I say I'm panda padded for combat. My job as the dragon warrior keeps me in top shape, no need to work out.
Class: Dragon Warrior (Samurai)
Personality: Laid back, easy going, hungry, lots of naps and snacks then more naps then more snacks...mmm snacks... Oh, uh.. Unless there is Dragon Warrior business I need to attend to. Then watch out for my mad kung fu skillz...
Abilities: I know kung fu and I'm the dragon warrior... I can also make the best noodles ever.
Attributes: Soft & cuddly, but will ferociously defend to the death my last dumpling. Never cross a panda and his snacks...
EDIT: I got Creepy'd ...
