IGN: joshtsai
Age and location: ASL much? 16 Male Ca and ready to mingle
Class (and level (proffesion INCLUDED) : Disciple 33 Alchy 33
Town: Braavos
Why you want to join: I love mushrooms both irl and ingame. Mooshoorms take the cake.
Why should we accept you: Pretty damn sexy if you ask me, also good for some random humor. Also many guild members are in the town/kingdom (LO)
Do you like mooshrooms?: hmmmmm, yea.
Do you have TS:Yea, lags my game but i can use it. No talking atm, mic is broken and I don't have the funds to replace it.
Additional Info: Dunno, i like to eat, pretty good at school etc etc etc. I play HC and Mc also, i know the classes and what not pretty well. I like to watch anime, read, play music, game.