whens the next meeting that normal people can attend ?

andd next normal meeting should be in TS3 too xD
Oh god, I couldn't imagine an open ts3 meeting. It would be absolute mic chaos unless you need perms to talk, which would result in poke spams for perms until temp bans were handed out. Even if it was like T4 donors+ or something, with all the mayors it would still be terrible. The chat would be the same as irc, spammy and terrible.
In the end I don't think an open ts3 meeting is really possible to work out good, unless it was just the normal meeting in chat with the admins getting to yell at everyone with mics to keep us in line, and maybe to give someone with an idea that has enough support voice to explain it better quick.
Plus everyone would need to download it. Lots of people do not want to download ts3, and some even not allowed to i if it is a family computer (I know of a few) while irc is a free and easy web client. Plus we get more people at the meeting than the ts3 could handle. We easily go past the cap, I am pretty sure. Even the new cap we will be getting, since people who do not even play anymore really come back for meetings sometimes.