Legacy Supporter 4
- Joined
- Jun 19, 2012
=== Mod Application ===
Job Description:
This task is to moderate and ensure that there are no rulebreaks occurring, the Moderators report directly to the Admins. Moderators are meant to answer most PE's. If it is something a Moderator cannot delegate, the PE is to be assigned to Admins.
(Please copy and paste the text below into a new post HERE with the title: Mod App: <yournamehere>)

Job Description:
This task is to moderate and ensure that there are no rulebreaks occurring, the Moderators report directly to the Admins. Moderators are meant to answer most PE's. If it is something a Moderator cannot delegate, the PE is to be assigned to Admins.
(Please copy and paste the text below into a new post HERE with the title: Mod App: <yournamehere>)
- Minecraft IGN: ZeroStormAI
- Position applying for: Mod
- Age|Timezone: 26 CDT
- How long have you been on Herocraft?: 5 - 6 years
- Why do you think you would make a good mod?: Im mature, not quick to throw out punishments i tend to give warnings before i do anything serious based on the seriousness of the crime. Wanting to see HC succeed is a goal of mine. It was the first and only minecraft server i fell in love with. i have been part of the community here and there over the years. but after hearing that the server resets are gone i know imma stay around for the long run. I understand the feeling of wanting to see the fruits of your labor and hard work whether that come about through building, pvp, pve, ect. I want to help our community thrive. I have missed alot but i will be learning whats going on and whats coming i wanna show the world what HC IS.
- Any prior experience moderating servers/projects?: No
- Additional info you would like to tell us?: I game during my free time when im not talking with my girl in canada. ive been off and on of HC for quite some time after seeing that the server isnt doing resets anymore i decided to come back imma be looking to bring friends over so i can have even more fun. Once i start work ill be on when i can for a hours or more here and there. Outside of HC i play on my xbox. I play fortnite, rocket league, and sea of thieves. on pc i play league of legends, and Herocraft of course. Im a quite guy, but i can handle my own in a situation.

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