- Minecraft IGN:
- Position applying for: Mod
- Age|Timezone:
- How long have you been on Herocraft?:
- Why do you think you would make a good mod?:
- Additional info you would like to tell us?:
1. DrHeretic
2. Mod
3. 25/ Arizona
4. 5 years & 5 months
5. To start, I have been a very active staff member for the last few months, I handle issues with thought and understanding before acting on them. I am known to a good amount of members on the server. I keep up with a-lot of the updates, to provide that information to the small yet random community of players that came. I am very caring about this server, want to raise it back to the golden days of "Bastian" such as the old years
- I am very good with commands.
- I work the night shift so normally, I play at long periods of the night. 4pm-5am Arizona time.
- Working well with others of the community and building the community is the goal of my next town for AUS/EU