- Joined
- Dec 10, 2014
Age: 14
Username: SuperWeegeeGamer
TimeZone : Eastern
How long have ypu played on herocraft: 1 year
Class/Profession and level: Cleric 6 and Crafter 9
Pvp skills : 6 since im a support class and i am mostly ment for helping others
Building Skills : 7 I made giant structures before and i made a base for a friend of mine with stone bricks , smooth slabs , glow stone and mossy cobble stone
Why do i want to join Misthalin : i want to help others in the town and this would be the 1st town i join if im accepted
Do you have teamspeak : No
Do you have skype : Yes im manglethebroken if you want to add me
Can you follow the rules of the town and server : yes
How long do you play a day: 1-2 hours then another 1-3 hours when im board or nothing to do
PS: Sry for the mixups i had to do a quick one also i got HolyAura
and i wont need supplys
Username: SuperWeegeeGamer
TimeZone : Eastern
How long have ypu played on herocraft: 1 year
Class/Profession and level: Cleric 6 and Crafter 9
Pvp skills : 6 since im a support class and i am mostly ment for helping others
Building Skills : 7 I made giant structures before and i made a base for a friend of mine with stone bricks , smooth slabs , glow stone and mossy cobble stone
Why do i want to join Misthalin : i want to help others in the town and this would be the 1st town i join if im accepted
Do you have teamspeak : No
Do you have skype : Yes im manglethebroken if you want to add me
Can you follow the rules of the town and server : yes
How long do you play a day: 1-2 hours then another 1-3 hours when im board or nothing to do
PS: Sry for the mixups i had to do a quick one also i got HolyAura