Pending. Please answer your IGN and know that teamspeak is a requirement. @tyball321Age:21
How long have you played HeroCraft:1 day
Class/profession and level:Necromancer lvl 2 & Crafter lvl 7
Why do you want to join Misthalin: I hear they have great healthcare.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability:7
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills:6
Do you have Teamspeak:no
Do you have Skype:yes
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server:yes
How active are you on Average per day:3-4 hours
Age: Not discloseing
IGN: shepdog2
Timezone: EST
How long have you played HeroCraft: around 3 years
Class/profession and level: Shadowblade 32, Enchanter 33
Why do you want to join Misthalin: A few friends are in here and its nice to be a part of something big like this.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 6
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 9
Do you have Teamspeak: Nope
Do you have Skype: Mhm
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Of course
How active are you on Average per day: It depends on what there is for me to do on here. As long as i don't have work probably 6 hours a day.
Age: 14
IGN: Mc_blockhead
Timezone: Eastern Time(US and Canada)
How long have you played HeroCraft: a little in 2014 but i stopped then picked it up in early 2015 and now playing it on a basis now
Class/profession and level: Bard level 52, Enchanter level 11
Why do you want to join Misthalin: for better protection and more people to go dungeon grinding with
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 5
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills:6
Do you have Teamspeak: yes
Do you have Skype: yes
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: yes
How active are you on Average per day: about 1-3 usually, sometimes a little more and rarely i'll just skip a day of playing
IGN: Spanishmaraca98
Timezone: GMT uk
How long have you played HeroCraft: 2 weeks
Class/profession and level: Dreadknight level 21
Why do you want to join Misthalin: I would like to serve as a guard within Misthalin walls. Also to meet new people on the server.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: I would say 8-10.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: I would say 10-10 due to being apart of fyre uk build team.I came first and second on this video.
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have Skype: Yes
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server:Of course i can.
How active are you on Average per day: Yes, i will play on most days and days where im needed. So 3-4Hours
Timezone: EST
How long have you played HeroCraft: a few months, ever since the reset i'm freshly new..
Class/profession and level: I'd like for the town leader to decide my class, and my profession, suited for the town
Why do you want to join Misthalin: As i love magicks and all sorts of things like this, i've always thought that a town with the lore of magicks is just amazing, how right i was, Since all of the books i've ever read are mostly about magicks, i've decided i haven't learned enough, and i kinda want to study this lore, in ways of i can see the town.. and certain areas in it..
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability:8
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills:5
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have Skype: Sadly no
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Yes, i encourage you to kick me if i don't.
How active are you on Average per day: I have school, so on the weekends i have the full day, normal days, i may have around 6-8 hours
Accepted. Welcome to Misthalin @KmoneyAge: 15
IGN: WhiteLightning
How long have you played HeroCraft:Since the beginning of last map
Class/profession and level: level 7 pyro and level 1 crafter
Why do you want to join Misthalin: Because Magic? It sounds awesome
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 6
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: Sup par
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have Skype: Yes
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Yes
How active are you on Average per day: 1-3
Age: 25
IGN: gross_boy
Timezone: Western
How long have you played HeroCraft: Not long. Few days.
Class/profession and level: Beguiler lvl 1/Crafter lvl 5
Why do you want to join Misthalin: I want to become a prominent member of the server, and also to be trained in the ways of the server, and magic. I am interested in heavy RP.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 5-7
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 5-8
Do you have Teamspeak: no
Do you have Skype: yes
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: absolutely
How active are you on Average per day: 3-5
Age: 18
IGN: Nit3fir3
Timezone: EST
How long have you played HeroCraft: Since the reset
Class/profession and level: Wizard/Crafter 9/12
Why do you want to join Misthalin: As I am new to the server i dont really know how it works so im looking for a town that will help me learn how the server works and increase my own power.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 4-5
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 3
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have Skype: Yes
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Yes
How active are you on Average per day: 4-6 hours a day
Accepted. Welcome to Misthalin. @Dragon1240Age:14
IGN: Dragon1240
Timezone: Eastern Standard
How long have you played HeroCraft: I thought I joined a few weeks ago but when I went to go sign up on the website it said that I had been registered since Nov 4 2014 so about 11 Months.
Class/profession and level: Wizard 31/ Enchanter 10
Why do you want to join Misthalin: My old town was getting attacked everyday by Niggynog or Savagenignog and they keep raiding us which I'm tired of. Its also the Magic Capital of the world so Ill be able to communicate with other wizards in my previous town I was thenonly wizard.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 7
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills:5
Do you have Teamspeak: Downloading now
Do you have Skype: I do infact have skype but I find it to be incompatible with group chats because its all ways laggy so I perfer teamspeak.
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Of Course
How active are you on Average per day: 2-5 Hours on weekdays maybe more on weekends
Age:17 IGN:Berry3D TimeZone:Eastern TimePlayed:Around a Year But I reset my character Ranger Lvl4 Want to join:I just want to get my levels up and have some people to be there for me and shelter PVP:8 Building:5 TeamSpeak:No Skype:Yes Rules:Yes Active:7 hours![]()
Note, if you don't have teamspeak:
How long have you played HeroCraft:
Class/profession and level:
Why do you want to join Misthalin:
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability:
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills:
Do you have Teamspeak:
Do you have Skype:
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server:
How active are you on Average per day:
Note: You MUST already be a member of Misthalin to apply for Council!
How long have you been in Misthalin:
Class/Profession and level:
Why do you think you'd be a good Council Member:
Have you ever been in trouble on herocraft(banned, muted, etc):
What do you think your responsibilities will be as a Council Member:
How active are you on Average per day:
No Griefing
No Stealing
Do not disrespect other town members.
If you start an argument, do it in private chat, not in our town chat.
Abide by the Server Rules.
Do not taunt or harass other town members.
Respect Members of the town who are Higher Ranking than you, regardless of if you agree with them or not.
Build with the Town Theme.
These rules are subject to change at any time without warning
Names are listed in Order of Power
Note, Not all positions will be filled.
Owner/Mayor: @Lepita
Co-Owner: @iThaumaturge
High Council: @Brosephonie
Council: @holyrollerss
War Lord:
Raid Leader: @Bomby12
Raid Leader:
Member: @racerninja135
Member: @akumaslayer66
Member: @kianceelie
Member: @holyrollerss
Member: @will1am2000
Member: @jakeM56
Member: @tappkids
Member: @99thslayer
Member: @Superpondy
Member: @GHCawesome03
Member: @Smilytyly
Member: @Gcrafter
Member: @farmerboy528
Member: @juicyduky
Member: @farmerboy528
Member: @IceColdSnow
Member: @_Katt_
Member: @Ultanian
Member: @Bob_de_Blastoise
Member: @Azuroo
Member: @HolaDavesta
Member: @ChosenOneRex
Member: @nicole1551
Member: @Pinkossis
Member: @Jaminath
Member: @Mc_blockhead
Member: @spanishmaraca98
Member: @evancat77